Heimsmeistaramót Power BI DataViz
Feb 14, 4 PM - Mar 31, 4 PM
Með 4 tækifæri til að taka þátt gætirðu unnið ráðstefnupakka og komist í LIVE Grand Finale í Las Vegas
Nánari upplýsingarÞessi vafri er ekki lengur studdur.
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In this topic, you'll create your first canvas app in Power Apps using data from an Excel table. You'll select an Excel file, create an app, and then run the app that you create. Every created app includes screens to browse records, show record details, and create or update records. By generating an app, you can quickly get a working app using Excel data, and then you can customize the app to better suit your needs.
If you don't have a license for Power Apps, you can sign up for free.
When you upload an Excel file it generates a Dataverse table. With Dataverse's standard and custom tables, you can securely store your data in the cloud. These tables enable you to define your organization's data in a way that is tailored to your business needs, making it easier to use within your apps. More information: Why use Dataverse?
Copilot in Power Apps feature can help you create tables by suggesting table names, descriptions, column data types, and headers, even if this information is missing from the uploaded file. When Copilot AI is used for table creation, the Copilot card is displayed to indicate that the table was generated by Copilot AI.
To follow this topic exactly, download the Flooring Estimates file in Excel, and save it on your device.
To create an app by connecting to Excel, see Connect to Excel from Power Apps.
Select the play icon near the upper-right corner to Preview the app.
Filter the list by typing one or more characters in the search box.
For example, type or paste Honey to show the only record for which that string appears in the product's name, category, or overview.
Add a record:
Select New record.
Add whatever data you want, and then select the checkmark button to save your changes.
Edit a record:
Select the record that you want to edit.
Select the pencil icon.
Update one or more fields, and then select the checkmark icon to save your changes.
As an alternative, select the cancel icon to discard your changes.
Delete a record:
Select the record that you want to delete.
Select the trash icon.
Customize the default browse screen to better suit your needs. For example, you can sort and filter the list by product name only, not category or overview.
Heimsmeistaramót Power BI DataViz
Feb 14, 4 PM - Mar 31, 4 PM
Með 4 tækifæri til að taka þátt gætirðu unnið ráðstefnupakka og komist í LIVE Grand Finale í Las Vegas
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