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Review data for a subject rights request

After data has been collected for a subject rights request, the next stage is to review the content items, decide what items to include or exclude as part of the request, and redact information if necessary.

Tasks for completing the data review

The Review data stage is when collaborators examine the content items on the Data collected tab. A Teams channel will automatically be set up to facilitate content review by all stakeholders. See Collaboration for data review below for more details. The essential tasks for the data review step are listed below:


Delete requests involve an additional approval substage at the review data step. See details at Create and manage a delete request.

Import files

When fulfilling an Access or Export request, you may want to bring other content items into the request to consolidate your review and output for the data subject. For example, files stored outside your organization's Microsoft 365 environment, or other items you think are relevant but weren't scoped in the search. You can import files into the Data collected tab of an individual request to be reviewed and worked on, along with the other items. Imported files are added to the same Azure Blob Storage container with the other content items retrieved from your search.

Follow the steps below to import files:

  1. In the Data collected tab of the subject rights request, select the List actions command (the paper and pencil icon) in the command bar above the list of items. The List actions flyout pane appears.

  2. Under Import files, select Choose files.

  3. An Import files box appears on the screen. Select Choose files, and from your file explorer view, choose one or more files to import.

  4. You are taken back to the Import files box, which lists the files you chose. You can select Choose files again to add more items to the list. To remove any of the files, select Clear, which removes all files, and choose files again.

  5. When all desired files are listed in the Import files box, select Import. To exit without uploading, select Cancel import.

When the import begins, you are taken back to the request's Data collected tab. A message above the tab indicates your upload is in progress. If there's a problem with the upload, the message tells you and provide an option to retry.

You'll see a confirmation message above the Data collected tab when the import is complete.

More details about importing files:

  • The maximum file size for importing is 500 MB. You'll see a warning message on the Import files box if a file exceeds the limit.

  • It may take up to 20 minutes before the imported files are available in the Data collected tab.

  • If an import is already in progress for one user, the same user won't be able to upload more files until the previous upload process finishes. Multiple users can upload files to the same request simultaneously. However, the more uploads that are in progress, the longer they'll take to complete. Status messages on the request will inform when an upload has finished and files are ready to review.

Start with priority items

The Priority items to review tile on the requests's overview page shows the number of content items flagged for potential conflicts. We recommend starting your data review by looking at these priority items first. Learn details about priority items and how to find them in your list of items.

An example of a conflict is an item that you decide should be deleted as part of a delete request, yet that item has a retention label, which prevents it from being deleted. In this scenario, if you mark the item as Include, you'll see the conflict listed on the Include item flyout pane with a warning message about the conflict.

Filter the item list

There are two filter options for reviewing your data: the default Basic filter and the Advanced filter (preview), which is turned on by switching the toggle switch next to the Basic filter label underneath the Data collected tab.

Basic filter

Above the list of items on the Data collected tab are a set of static filter options, such as Keywords, Review status, and Tags. To apply any of these filters, select the down arrow next to the filter name and enter the requested filter criteria.


Filtering by Keywords can be very helpful in identifying a specific subset of items associated to the data subject. You can input multiple keywords separated by a semicolon. The keyword text field is wildcard supported; you can add the wildcard character (*) before or at the end of a word to find variations of that word.

Find more basic filters by selecting the Add filter command above the list of items. An Add filter menu appears with a list of available filters. Check the box next to the filter set you want to apply to your list of items. The Site/path filter, like the Keyword filter, is wildcard supported. After choosing filters, select Add. Your list of items is now filtered according to your choices.

If you apply filters and then navigate away from the Data collected tab, the filter criteria resets. When you come back to the Data collected tab, you'll have to reapply any desired filters.


To use the Duplicate items filter, you'll first need to run a process to identify duplicates. See Working with duplicates for details.

Advanced filter (preview)

Switch the toggle next to the Basic filter label to turn on Advanced filter. With advanced filter, you can build queries with specific conditions to more finely filter your search. You can then save that filter set in order to reapply it if you reset the filtering.

Follow these steps to set up an advanced filter:

  1. When you select Advanced filter, a filters selection box appears.
  2. Select the blue Select a filter label, which brings up a list of available filters. Select your desired filter (you can only select one at a time).
  3. At Select an operator, choose your preferred option. The options change depending on what filter you selected.
  4. At Any, select the parameters provided for that filter. Select Apply to finish creating the filter.
  5. If you want to add additional filters to this filter set, select Add filter and repeat the steps above.

The list of items will now populate based on the advanced filter criteria you chose. If you want to add additional filters to this filter set, select Add filter and repeat the steps above.

Selecting the Add subgroup command creates an either/or condition within the filter. When you select Add subgroup, an OR filter selector appears. Choose another filter from the list, then make your selections for Select an operator and Any.


If you toggle the advanced filter to the off position, your view resets to the basic filter. You can get back to your advanced filter view by saving it and selecting it from Saved filter queries (see innstructions below).

Saving advanced filter sets

To save a filter set, select the Save command near the advanced filter toggle switch. A window pops up prompting you to provide a name for your filter query. Enter a name in the text box, then select Save. The saved filter set will appear when you select the Saved filter queries dropdown menu. You can edit the name of a filter set or delete it by selecting the filter set from Saved filter queries, then select the arrow next to the name, where you can select Edit name or Delete.

If you change a filter set's name to a name that already exists, you'll be asked to choose a different name or delete the existing query.

Mark items as Include or Exclude

Review the items listed on the request's Data collected tab to determine whether they contain the data subject's personal data. To review the content in each item, select the item's name on the list of items. The content will appear in the content review area to the right of the table. If the content doesn't display, you can download the item to review it using these instructions.


The Plain text tab of the content review area highlights text that matches the data subject identifiers you provided when you created the request (see step 4 of the guided process for creating a request). Identifiers are highlighted when they appear in the body of an email, a document, or other content item. Identifiers aren't highlighted when they appear in email or document headers.

If you decide that the item should be included as part of the final report back to the data subject, select Include on the command bar across the top of the list of items. You can also select the blue Include button in the content review area to the right of the list of items. When you select Include, a flyout pane appears with an option to add notes. When you're done, select Submit to save the item's review status as Include.

If the item doesn't belong as part of the request, you can select Exclude on the command bar or the Exclude button in the content review area. Marking an item explicitly as Exclude is often required for internal records.

By default, only items you mark as Include will be included in the final reports that are generated for the data subject.


If you mark an item as Exclude, you're required to add a note as justification for why it doesn't pertain to the subject rights request. Notes are for internal purposes and aren't included in final reports.

If the content appears to be a false positive for your search query, select Not a match and on the flyout pane, select Confirm. This action will flag the item as something that shouldn't have been detected in the search.

Working with duplicates (preview)

If your list of items in the Data collected tab is large, chances are good that the list contains duplicate items. The Duplicate items filter, located above the item list on the Data collected tab, gives you the option to show or hide duplicates in the list item view. When you select the filter, it presents a toggle switch for hiding duplicates. Viewing your item list with duplicates hidden allows you to streamline your data review process by only reviewing content items once, even though they may appear in multiple locations in your environment.


Before you can hide duplicates, you must first initiate the process of identifying duplicates (preview). The first time you come to the Data collected tab, when you select Duplicate items filter, the toggle switch to hide duplicates is inactive until you run the process to identify duplicates. See the instructions below.

What's considered a duplicate?

We define a duplicate item as an item with the same content. One of the items will be chosen as the representative item, and items that contain the same content as the representative item are considered duplicates. Here are a few examples illustrating what gets detected as a duplicate:

  1. Let's say a Word document is created and saved to a SharePoint site. This Word document is copied to other SharePoint sites and to various OneDrive for Business locations within the organization. Some of the copies may be renamed, but all of them retain the exact same content. If these documents are collected for a subject rights request, during the process to identify duplicates one of the Word documents will be selected as the representative and the remaining Word document copies (whether or not they were renamed) will be considered a duplicate item.

  2. Let's say an Excel file is saved to a SharePoint site. A user attaches that Excel file to an email and sends it to another user. If these items are collected as part of a request, the process to identify duplicates will select one of the Excel files as the representative, and the other copy, which has the same content, will be considered a duplicate item.

  3. Let's say a user has Word document saved to SharePoint. They add this same Word document to a .zip archive file. If both of these items (the uncompressed Word document in SharePoint, and the .zip archive containing the copy) are collected as part of a request, the process to identify duplicates will select one Word document as the representative, and the other Word document with the same content will be considered a duplicate item.


Items might have differences that are difficult to detect visually. For example, if you copy an item, then edit the copy to add an extra space or an empty line into the content body, these two items now have different content. They aren't considered duplicates, and you'll see both in your item list when you hide duplicates from your view.

Run the process to identify duplicates

Follow the instructions below to identify duplicates (preview) so that you can enable the filter to hide duplicates. After you start the process of identifying duplicates, it can take from a few minutes up to 24 hours for the process to finish, depending on the volume of items. However, you can still review items and mark them as Include or Exclude, or apply tags while the duplication identification process is running.


You may want to identify and hide duplicates before you begin your review and take action on data collected. This is because if you take action such as Include or Exclude or redact an item which is later marked as a duplicate, and then hide duplicates from your view, you won't see the item you took action on in the item list. This may result in additional or conflicting actions, if hidden files were already reviewed. When you identify and work with representative items, you'll have the opportunity to apply the same actions to all duplicates and can easily interact with duplicates from one common view.

  1. In the Data collected tab of the request, select the List actions command (the paper and pencil icon), which appears above the list of items. The List actions flyout pane appears.

  2. Under Item duplicates (preview), select Identify duplicates.

  3. An In progress status message indicates the process is underway. It can take from a few minutes up to 24 hours to finish identifying duplicates, depending on the volume of items gathered in the request.

When the duplicate identification process is complete, you'll see a checkmark with the word Completed underneath Item duplicates (preview) on the List actions flyout pane. On the Data collected tab, a green message bar above the list of items also indicates that the process is complete.

Duplicates column in item list view

After duplicates are identified, the item list view now features a Duplicates column. If an item has a number in this column, it means that this item is the representative item, and the number represents the number of duplicates found for this representative item. This number is hyperlinked. Select the number to view a panel listing the duplicate items, their review status, data review tags, and content owner. Select the item to review and interact with the content as you would with items listed on the Data collected tab.

An item which has the word Duplicate in the Duplicates column is a duplicate of a representative item. Such items will appear in the content list when your Duplicate items filter is set to Show.

Unique items, which don't have duplicates or aren't themselves duplicates, won't have any value represented in the Duplicates column.

Hide duplicates from item list view

From the row of filters above the item list, select Duplicate items. The filter defaults to show duplicate items. To hide duplicates, toggle the switch to Hide, then select Apply. Your item list now shows all unique items and the representative items for which duplicates have been detected, but not the duplicates of those representative items. To put the duplicates back into your item list view, select the filter and toggle back to Show, then select Apply.

Applying actions to all duplicates

When you take action on a representative item that has duplicates, such as selecting Include, Exclude, or Not a match, you're presented with the option to apply the same action to all of the item's duplicates.

For example, let's say your item list is filtered to hide duplicates, and you select a representative item which shows 10 duplicates in the Duplicates column and mark the item as Include. When the Include item flyout pane appears, a message underneath the Notes box indicates that duplicates were detected. The duplicate items are listed below the message, and you have the option to check a box to apply the same action (in this case, Include) to the duplicates. You can also check a box to apply a data review tag to the duplicates by selecting the tag from a dropdown menu.

Download files

If an item's content won't display in the content review area, you can download the item to your local computer to review and make any necessary redactions. To download an item, select its name from the item list, then select the Download command to the left of the search box above the item list. If you need to make redactions to the item, save the changes to the item on your local computer, then reimport the item following the import instructions.

Apply tags

Data review tags can be used to help you identify and mark items that may need further attention. For example, applying a tag can be useful to ask collaborators to review a specific set of files. Data review tags don't perform or initiate any action on a content item.

There are 23 total data review tags. Two are default tags named Follow-up and Update, for which you can set a description. The other 21 are custom tags that you can name and describe.

Learn how to manage your tags in Priva Settings. Tag settings apply to all of your subject rights requests.

To add or remove tags for a single item:

  • Select the item from the list on the Data collected tab of the request.
  • In the item preview area to the right of the list, select the Apply tags button on the bottom row. You can also select the three dots to the right of the item name and select the Apply tags option, or select the tags icon in the command bar above the item listing.
  • A flyout pane appears with the list of tags. Check the box next to any of the tags you want to apply to the item. Unchecking a checked box will remove the tag.
  • When you're done select Save, which saves your tag selections and closes the flyout pane.

To add or remove tags for multiple items:

  • Select the first item from the list on the Data collected tab of the request.
  • Select the check box next to other items in the list to perform the same tag change.
  • In the area directly above the item listing, select the Apply tags command.
  • In the drop-down that appears, select Add or Remove.
  • A flyout pane appears with the list of tags. Check the box next to any of the tags that you want to add or remove.
  • Add notes if desired to each selected file. Notes are for internal reference only and not visible to data subjects.
  • Select Save to save your selections and close the flyout pane.

To add custom tags or update tag descriptions:

  • From the Subject Rights Requests page, select Settings in the upper right corner of your screen to get to your Priva settings.
  • Go to the Data review tags page, and select the tag to input a description and, for the custom tags, a name. Learn more about tag settings.

To export a list of tagged items:

  • Go to the Data collected page in a subject rights request.
  • Above the list of items, select the Export command.
  • An Excel file will download which shows the properties for all the items collected by the search for the request. Find the Tags column to identify and sort the items by tag.

Redact content

When you include an item for the request, it's important to ensure that other individuals' personal data doesn't appear in content that gets provided back to the data subject. There could also be sensitive information related to your organization or other irrelevant information that you want to block out. You can redact content by going to the Redact tab in an item's content review area.

How to apply redactions

There are different ways you can look for and apply redactions:

  • Take advantage of assisted redaction (preview) capabilities, which highlight recommended redactions and allow you to quickly apply redactions if you wish.
  • Use search and redact (preview) to enter a value that, if found, will be highlighted; you can then quickly apply redactions if you wish.
  • Manually apply redactions as you review each content item by using the annotation commands located above the content preview area.


Review a list of current redaction limitations.

What happens to an item when you apply redactions

When you apply redactions to an item, a PDF version of the item will be created so that the redactions are visually represented in the PDF. The original file remains unaltered and stored in its original location. The redacted item is the version that's included in the data package for you to provide back to the data subject for Access or Export requests.


Helpful explanation of terms used in this section:

  • Personal data types: Categories of personal data that follow a pattern, also refered to as sensitive info types. Examples: full name, address, credit card number, or passport number.
  • Value: A unique value within a personal data type. Examples: Jane Doe, 111 Main Street, etc.
  • Instance: Each occurrence of a value. For example, an item might have 10 instances of of personal data, with the value of "Jane Doe" appearing five times and the value of "111 Main Street" appearing five times.

Assisted redaction (preview) with recommendations


Assisted redaction with recommendations is in preview. In order to use this feature, customers need an active trial or a paid available license for Priva Subject Rights Requests. Learn more about Priva subscriptions and licensing.

Preview features allow Microsoft and customers the opportunity to evaluate and understand the new feature before it goes to general availability (GA). This preview is voluntary, and use is subject to terms applicable to "Previews" as detailed in the Universal License Terms for Online Services section of the Microsoft Product Terms and the Microsoft Products and Services Data Protection Addendum("DPA"). During preview, we'll continue to refine the feature. Once preview is completed, it will become generally available with formal support.


Preview features aren't available for US Government Community (GCC) Moderate, GCC High, and Department of Defense (DoD) customers.

On the Redact tab in the content review area, data that doesn't appear to belong to the data subject is highlighted in yellow. These highlighted values are recommended redactions. The recommendations are personal data types we've detected that don't match the data subject identifiers you provided for the request.


Redaction recommendations rely on Microsoft Purview Information Protection capabilities. A content item must have some sort of classification applied so that sensitive information can be detected. If an item with classification contains personal data that doesn't match the values you provided for the data subject, it highlights those values as recommended redactions. Learn how Microsoft data classification works.

The Recommended redactions counter reflects the total instances of personal data that don't match the data subject. If there are no recommended redactions, nothing will be highlighted and the Recommended redactions counter will read zero. However you can still enter a search value to find content that might need redacting, and you can manually redact content within the content review area.

You can switch between two different views using the Show dropdown menu above the item's preview area:

  1. Recommendations and search results shows highlighted values for recommended redactions and any search and redact matches.
  2. File export preview shows how the item will look with applied redactions when you export it as part of the final data package.


When you first come to the Redact tab, you might see an Updating... status message for a few seconds before the recommended redactions appear.

Review recommendations and apply redactions

Follow the steps below to review all the recommended redactions in detail and apply or remove redactions. Applying redactions this way will block out all instances of the value you choose to redact. You can go back and remove all or individual instances of redactions before you complete the data review stage.

  1. On the request's Data collected tab, select a content item from the list. At the content review area to the right of the item list, go to the Redact tab. Any recommended redactions will be highlighted.

  2. Under the Recommended redactions counter, select View recommendations. The View recommendations flyout pane opens. It lists each personal data type in a collapsible group. Expand the group to see each value detected in the item. For example, expanding All Full Names will display each name found that doesn't match the data subject's name you provided as a data subject identifier for the request.

  3. To apply a redaction, check the circle to the left of each value you want to redact. Checking the circle next to the personal data type selects all values within that type. Select the Redact command at the top of the list. All instances of the value will be redacted, and the Redaction status for the value changes from Not redacted to Redacted.

  4. Select Close on the View recommendations flyout pane, which takes you back to the Redact tab. You now see blocked out "Redacted" boxes in the content preview area, and the Total redactions counter reflects the number of redactions you applied. Any of the recommendations you didn't redact will still show in yellow highlight unless your Show setting is set to File export preview.


You can apply a transparency view to see through the redaction without removing the redaction. On the annotation command bar, select the tool on the far right, which reads on hover Toggle annotation transparency.

Remove redactions
  • To remove redactions on all instances of a value: Select View recommendations. Check the circle next to the value whose redactions you want to clear, select Remove redaction, then select Close. The blocked out text is now removed from all instances of the value.

  • To remove individual redactions one at a time: In the content preview area, select the redaction box that you want to clear, then select the x in the box's upper right corner.


If there are multiple instances of a value and you don't redact all instances, the Redaction status for that value reads Partial. Hover over the Partial status to see how many instances are redacted out of the total number.

Add annotation to a redaction

The Annotate command on the View recommendations flyout pane allows you to add a brief note or descriptor to redacted instances. The text you enter will appear on the blocked out area of the redaction (the default text reads "Redacted").

To add annotation, select View recommendations to open the flyout pane. Select a value that's already redacted and select the Annotate command. Enter your text in the Annotation dialog box, then select Apply. The Annotation column on the flyout pane shows the text entered for the annotation. Select Close on the flyout pane.

If you remove a redaction, any annotation associated with it is also removed.

Search and redact (preview)


The search and redact feature is in preview. In order to use this feature, customers need an active trial or a paid available license for Priva Subject Rights Requests. Learn more about Priva subscriptions and licensing.

Preview features allow Microsoft and customers the opportunity to evaluate and understand the new feature before it goes to general availability (GA). This preview is voluntary, and use is subject to terms applicable to "Previews" as detailed in the Universal License Terms for Online Services section of the Microsoft Product Terms and the Microsoft Products and Services Data Protection Addendum("DPA"). During preview, we'll continue to refine the feature. Once preview is completed, it will become generally available with formal support.


Preview features aren't available for US Government Community (GCC) Moderate, GCC High, and Department of Defense (DoD) customers.

When you select an item that supports redaction on the Data collected tab, there will be a Redact tab in the content review area next to the list of items. On the Redact tab, use the Search and redact command underneath the Searched instances counter to search for a custom value of your choosing within an item. If any matches are found, you can mark them for redaction. The Searched instances counter on the Redact tab reflects the total number of matches found for your searched values.

To search for a custom value and apply redactions:

  1. On the Redact tab, select Search and redact.

  2. On the Search and redact flyout pane, enter a value in the search box, then select Add. You can enter one or more words to represent an individual value to search for. To search for additional values, repeat the process for each value. Searches aren't case-sensitive.

  3. If a match is found, it will be listed under the Value column and its number of instances in the item will be reflected in the Searched instances counter.

  4. Check the circle next to the value in the list and select the Redact command underneath the search box. This action will redact all instances of the value within the item. The value's Status column changes from Not redacted to Redacted. The Redactions counter on the pane now reflects total number of instances redacted.

  5. Select Close on the flyout pane, which takes you back to the Redact tab. You'll see the redactions applied in the item's content review area and the Total redactions counter increases by the amount of redactions you applied.


It can take several seconds to complete actions on the Search and redact flyout pane, depending on the number of instances found. A dynamic loading bar indicates that actions are in progress and the Close button is disabled. When actions are complete, you can select Close."

To remove redactions on all instances of a value:

  1. On the Redact tab, select Search and redact.

  2. On the Search and redact flyout pane, check the circle next to the value and select the Remove redaction command. The Redactions counter will decrease by the number of instances that were unredacted.

  3. Select Close.

To remove a value from the list, which will also remove redactions on all instances of that value:

  1. On the Redact tab, select Search and redact.

  2. On the Search and redact flyout pane, check the circle next to the value and select the Delete command. The Searched instances count will decrease by the number of instances for that value. If redactions were performed, the Redactions counter will also decrease by the number of instances that were unredacted.

  3. Select Close.


If there are multiple instances of a value and you don't redact all instances, the Redaction status for that value reads Partial. Hover over the Partial status to see how many instances are redacted out of the total number.

You can also remove individual redactions. In the content review area, select the redaction box, then select the x in box's upper right corner.

Editing the text on a redaction box

By default, the word "Redacted" appears on top of a redaction box. The data subject will see this text on items provided to them in the final data package. You can edit the text that appears on a redaction box by following the steps below.

To change the text on a redaction box for a custom value you redacted:

  1. On the Redact tab, select Search and redact.

  2. On the Search and redact flyout pane, for any value where the Status is set to Partial or Redacted, check the circle next to the value you're updating.

  3. Select the Annotate command and choose Update annotation.

  4. In the pop-up window, enter a value. We recommend using a short value to better fit on smaller redaction boxes.

  5. Select Apply. The Annotation column updates with your selection.

  6. Select Close on the flyout pane, which takes you back to the Redact tab. You'll see the redactions for that value now have the typed text on the box, if it fits.

To reset the value back to the default on redacted instances, follow steps 1 and 2 above, and at step 3, choose Remove annotation.


You can apply a transparency view to see through the redaction without removing the redaction. On the annotation command bar, select the tool on the far right, which reads on hover Toggle annotation transparency.

Manually redact

You can manually create inline mark-ups and redact content using the annotation commands located just above the content review area on the Redact tab.


Use the Search command (the magnifying glass icon) near the bottom of the content review area to quickly find the text you want to redact. Type the text you're looking for in the search text box, then select the Next and Previous arrows to the right of the search box to navigate to the next instances.

  • To redact an area of text: Go to the Drawing tool in the command bar (the third from the left) and from its dropdown menu, select Area redaction. Then use your cursor to draw a text box that covers the area of text you want to block out. When you're done drawing the box, you'll see the text area blocked out.

  • To remove all redactions on a page or within the entire item: From the Drawing tool, select Remove drawings on current page to remove all redactions on the current page within the item, or select Remove all drawings in document to remove all redactions within the item.

  • To remove an individual redaction: Using the Select annotations tool (the pointer icon on the far left) on the command bar, select the redaction box that you want to remove, then select the x in the box's upper right corner. The redaction will be removed.


You can apply a transparency view to see through the redaction without removing the redaction. On the annotation command bar, select the tool on the far right, which reads on hover Toggle annotation transparency.

Redaction limits

Limits on how redactions are retrieved or displayed are explained below.

Searches are detected on a per-page basis: This means that if a value crosses over from one page to the next (for example, your search value is a person's first and last name, and the first name appears at the end of one page and the last name appears at the beginning of the next page), the value won't be detected in this instance.

Longer search time for items over 50 pages: For any content items that are over 50 pages in length, it may take longer to search for a redaction value.

Limit of 500 annotations per item: Annotations include any Search and redact instances that are found (highlighted but not yet redacted), any applied redactions, and any manually applied drawings. A notification indicates that you've exceeded the annotation limit, and you won't be able to add any more annotations. We recommend removing any Search and redact highlights that you don't intend to redact.

Limit of 500 unique values for a personal data type (for assisted redaction): Within a content item, only the first 500 unique values for a certain personal data type will be highlighted as a recommendation. For example, if you search for a credit card number, we'll highlight only the first 500 unique values for a credit card number. Any additional unique values won't be highlighted even if they are detected in the item.

Text extraction limit of 2MB (for assisted redaction): The amount of text per item that can be searched in order to recommend redactions is 2MB (this size limit only applies to text, not to images).

Enter notes about a file

To add or review notes on an item, select the item from its row and go to the File Notes tab in the content review area to the right. You can also use the Add file note option to create a new comment. To review or add notes at an overall case level, go to the main Notes tab above and use Add case note. These notes will be visible to users working on the request, but won't be included in the final report or otherwise shared with the data subject.

Collaboration for data review

Subject Rights Request Administrators can view all requests. You can add other users as collaborators for the request. When a user is added as a collaborator, that user is automatically granted a Privacy Management Contributors role, which provides them access to view that request and work with the data collected within it to help move the request to completion (learn more about Priva roles).

The Collaborators tab on the request details page shows all the collaborators who can view and contribute to the request and to any associated Teams channel. To add collaborators to a request:

  1. On a request's details page, go the Collaborators tab.
  2. Select the Add collaborator command under the tab.
  3. In the Add collaborator window, begin typing the user's name, select the name once it appears, then select Add.


After adding a collaborator, you'll need to send them a direct link in order to access the reqeust's details page. Get the link by selecting Share in the upper-right corner of the request details page, then select Copy link.

When you create a request, a dedicated Teams channel is automatically created for collaborators to discuss the request and safely share input. To start a Teams chat, any collaborator can select Chat with collaborators in the upper right of the request's details page. This action opens Teams and places you in the General channel for your subject rights request's Team site.

To remove a collaborator, select their name from the list of collaborators and select the Remove collaborator command. Removing a collaborator removes the user from the list of Collaborators and from the request's Teams channel. The user who created the request can't be removed as a collaborator.

You can change the default behavior of creating Teams channels for subject rights requests by going to Priva Settings in the top right corner of Subject Rights Request. Select Teams collaboration, then uncheck the box on the page to turn off Teams capabilities for all subject rights requests.

Complete the review

When all items have been reviewed and you've set their status as Include, Exclude, or Not a match, it's time to close out the review step. Any of the collaborators on a request can complete the review.

Select the Complete review button in the upper right corner of the request. A flyout pane will show a summary of the data and add any related notes. These notes are for internal record keeping and aren’t shared with the data subject.

Select Complete review on the flyout pane to finish the review step. This action prepares the request for the final stages of the process: generating reports and closing the request. Summaries of your decisions will be provided later under the Reports tab.

Next steps

Learn how to generate the final report and work toward completion of the request at Generate reports and close a request.

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