SQL Server Big Data Clusters CU13 release notes
Applies to:
SQL Server 2019 (15.x)
The following release notes apply to SQL Server 2019 Big Data Clusters cumulative update 13 (CU13).
CU13 changes and new capabilities
SQL Server Big Data Clusters CU13 includes important changes and capabilities:
Apache Spark 3.1.2 and the SQL Server Big Data Clusters runtime for Apache Spark
Before upgrading make sure to review the Spark 3 upgrade guide.
Delta Lake 1.0.0 available out-of-the-box. Additional libraries don't need to be installed and loaded. Read more at Delta Lake on SQL Server Big Data Clusters
Custom time zone configuration for all services. Read more at How to configure big data clusters settings post deployment
Password rotation for big data cluster autogenerated Active Directory service accounts
For detailed SQL Server engine changes, check the official SQL Server CU13 knowledge base article.
Due to the runtime for Apache Spark, starting with SQL Server Big Data Clusters CU13, some container image sizes increased considerably (two fold for the mssql-hadoop container, for example). Average cluster upgrade time might be impacted by this.
Tested configurations for CU13
SQL Server Big Data Clusters CU13 was tested on the following environment combinations:
Container OS | Kubernetes API | Runtime | Data Storage | Log Storage |
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS | 1.20 | containerd 1.4.6 CRI-O 1.20.0 |
Block only | Block only |
Reference Architecture White Papers for SQL Server Big Data Clusters can be found on the following pages:
System environment
- Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
- SQL Server: 15.0.4178.15
- Java: Azul Zulu JRE
- Python: 3.7.2 (miniconda 4.5.12)
- R: Microsoft R 3.5.2
- Microsoft Spark Runtime 2021.1
- Spark: 3.1.2
- Delta Lake: 1.0.0
- Java: Azul Zulu JRE 1.8.0_275
- Scala: 2.12
- Python: 3.8 (miniforge 4.9)
- R: Microsoft R 3.5.2
- Spark SQL Connector: 1.2.0
Embedded OSS component versions
Component | Version |
collectd | 5.12.0 |
InfluxDB | 1.8.3 |
Elasticsearch | 7.9.1 |
opendistro-elasticsearch-security | |
Fluent Bit | 1.6.3 |
Grafana | 7.3.6 |
Hadoop HDFS DataNode HDFS NameNode |
3.1 |
Hive (Metastore) | 2.3 |
Kibana | 7.9.1 |
Knox | 1.4.0 |
Livy | 0.7 |
Openresty (Nginx) | 1.17.8-2 |
Spark | 3.1.2 |
Telegraf | 1.16.1 |
ZooKeeper | 3.5.8 |
Runtime for Apache Spark release 2021.1 (BDC.3.2021.1) - Installed Python libraries
Library | Version | Library | Version | Library | Version |
_libgcc_mutex | 0.1 | keras-applications | 1.0.8 | python | 3.8.10 |
_openmp_mutex | 4.5 | keras-preprocessing | 1.1.2 | pytorch | 1.8.1 |
_py-xgboost-mutex | 2 | keras2onnx | 1.6.5 | pyqt | 5.12.3 |
abseil-cpp | 20210324 | kiwisolver | 1.3.1 | pyqt-impl | 5.12.3 |
absl-py | 0.13.0 | koalas | 1.8.0 | pyqt5-sip | 4.19.18 |
adal | 1.2.7 | krb5 | 1.19.1 | pyqtchart | 5.12 |
adlfs | 0.7.7 | lcms2 | 2.12 | pyqtwebengine | 5.12.1 |
aiohttp | 3.7.4.post0 | ld_impl_linux-64 | 2.36.1 | pysocks | 1.7.1 |
alsa-lib | 1.2.3 | lerc | 2.2.1 | python-dateutil | 2.8.1 |
appdirs | 1.4.4 | liac-arff | 2.5.0 | python-flatbuffers | 1.12 |
arrow-cpp | 3.0.0 | libaec | 1.0.5 | python_abi | 3.8 |
astor | 0.8.1 | libblas | 3.9.0 | pytz | 2021.1 |
astunparse | 1.6.3 | libbrotlicommon | 1.0.9 | pyu2f | 0.1.5 |
async-timeout | 3.0.1 | libbrotlidec | 1.0.9 | pywavelets | 1.1.1 |
attrs | 21.2.0 | libbrotlienc | 1.0.9 | pyyaml | 5.4.1 |
aws-c-cal | 0.5.11 | libcblas | 3.9.0 | pyzmq | 22.1.0 |
aws-c-common | 0.6.2 | libclang | 11.1.0 | qt | 5.12.9 |
aws-c-event-stream | 0.2.7 | libcurl | 7.77.0 | re2 | 2021.04.01 |
aws-c-io | 0.10.5 | libdeflate | 1.7 | readline | 8.1 |
aws-checksums | 0.1.11 | libedit | 3.1.20210216 | regex | 2021.7.6 |
aws-sdk-cpp | 1.8.186 | libev | 4.33 | requests | 2.25.1 |
azure-datalake-store | 0.0.51 | libevent | 2.1.10 | requests-oauthlib | 1.3.0 |
azure-identity | 2021.03.15b1 | libffi | 3.3 | retrying | 1.3.3 |
azure-storage-blob | 12.8.1 | libgcc-ng | 9.3.0 | rsa | 4.7.2 |
backcall | 0.2.0 | libgfortran-ng | 9.3.0 | ruamel_yaml | 0.15.100 |
backports | 1 | libgfortran5 | 9.3.0 | s2n | 1.0.10 |
backports.functools_lru_cache | 1.6.4 | libglib | 2.68.3 | salib | 1.3.11 |
beautifulsoup4 | 4.9.3 | libiconv | 1.16 | scikit-image | 0.18.1 |
blas | 2.109 | liblapack | 3.9.0 | scikit-learn | 0.23.2 |
blas-devel | 3.9.0 | liblapacke | 3.9.0 | scipy | 1.5.3 |
blinker | 1.4 | libllvm10 | 10.0.1 | seaborn | 0.11.1 |
blosc | 1.21.0 | libllvm11 | 11.1.0 | seaborn-base | 0.11.1 |
bokeh | 2.3.2 | libnghttp2 | 1.43.0 | setuptools | 49.6.0 |
brotli | 1.0.9 | libogg | 1.3.5 | shap | 0.39.0 |
brotli-bin | 1.0.9 | libopus | 1.3.1 | six | 1.16.0 |
brotli-python | 1.0.9 | libpng | 1.6.37 | skl2onnx | |
brotlipy | 0.7.0 | libpq | 13.3 | sklearn-pandas | 2.2.0 |
brunsli | 0.1 | libprotobuf | 3.15.8 | slicer | 0.0.7 |
bzip2 | 1.0.8 | libsodium | 1.0.18 | smart_open | 5.1.0 |
c-ares | 1.17.1 | libssh2 | 1.9.0 | smmap | 3.0.5 |
ca-certificates | 2021.7.5 | libstdcxx-ng | 9.3.0 | snappy | 1.1.8 |
cachetools | 4.2.2 | libthrift | 0.14.1 | soupsieve | 2.2.1 |
cairo | 1.16.0 | libtiff | 4.2.0 | sqlite | 3.36.0 |
certifi | 2021.5.30 | libutf8proc | 2.6.1 | statsmodels | 0.12.2 |
cffi | 1.14.5 | libuuid | 2.32.1 | tabulate | 0.8.9 |
chardet | 4.0.0 | libuv | 1.41.1 | tenacity | 7.0.0 |
charls | 2.2.0 | libvorbis | 1.3.7 | tensorboard | 2.4.1 |
click | 8.0.1 | libwebp-base | 1.2.0 | tensorboard-plugin-wit | 1.8.0 |
cloudpickle | 1.6.0 | libxcb | 1.14 | tensorflow | 2.4.1 |
conda | 4.9.2 | libxgboost | 1.4.0 | tensorflow-base | 2.4.1 |
conda-package-handling | 1.7.3 | libxkbcommon | 1.0.3 | tensorflow-estimator | 2.4.0 |
configparser | 5.0.2 | libxml2 | 2.9.12 | termcolor | 1.1.0 |
cryptography | 3.4.7 | libzopfli | 1.0.3 | textblob | 0.15.3 |
cudatoolkit | 11.1.1 | lightgbm | 3.2.1 | threadpoolctl | 2.1.0 |
cycler | 0.10.0 | lime | | tifffile | 2021.4.8 |
cython | 0.29.23 | llvm-openmp | 11.1.0 | tk | 8.6.10 |
cytoolz | 0.11.0 | llvmlite | 0.36.0 | toolz | 0.11.1 |
dash | 1.20.0 | locket | 0.2.1 | tornado | 6.1 |
dash-core-components | 1.16.0 | lz4-c | 1.9.3 | tqdm | 4.61.2 |
dash-html-components | 1.1.3 | markdown | 3.3.4 | traitlets | 5.0.5 |
dash-renderer | 1.9.1 | markupsafe | 2.0.1 | typing-extensions | |
dash-table | 4.11.3 | matplotlib | 3.4.2 | typing_extensions | |
dash_cytoscape | 0.2.0 | matplotlib-base | 3.4.2 | unixodbc | 2.3.9 |
dask-core | 2021.6.2 | matplotlib-inline | 0.1.2 | urllib3 | 1.26.4 |
databricks-cli | 0.12.1 | mkl | 2021.2.0 | wcwidth | 0.2.5 |
dataclasses | 0.8 | mkl-devel | 2021.2.0 | webencodings | 0.5.1 |
dbus | 1.13.18 | mkl-include | 2021.2.0 | werkzeug | 2.0.1 |
debugpy | 1.3.0 | mleap | 0.17.0 | wheel | 0.36.2 |
decorator | 4.4.2 | mlflow-skinny | 1.18.0 | wrapt | 1.12.1 |
dill | 0.3.4 | msal | 2021.06.08 | xgboost | 1.4.0 |
entrypoints | 0.3 | msal-extensions | 2021.06.08 | xorg-kbproto | 1.0.7 |
et_xmlfile | 1.1.0 | msrest | 2021.06.01 | xorg-libice | 1.0.10 |
expat | 2.4.1 | multidict | 5.1.0 | xorg-libsm | 1.2.3 |
fire | 0.4.0 | mysql-common | 8.0.25 | xorg-libx11 | 1.7.2 |
flask | 2.0.1 | mysql-libs | 8.0.25 | xorg-libxext | 1.3.4 |
flask-compress | 1.10.1 | ncurses | 6.2 | xorg-libxrender | 0.9.10 |
fontconfig | 2.13.1 | networkx | 2.5.1 | xorg-renderproto | 0.11.1 |
freetype | 2.10.4 | ninja | 1.10.2 | xorg-xextproto | 7.3.0 |
fsspec | 2021.6.1 | nltk | 3.6.2 | xorg-xproto | 7.0.31 |
future | 0.18.2 | nspr | 4.3 | xz | 5.2.5 |
gast | 0.3.3 | nss | 3.67 | yaml | 0.2.5 |
gensim | 3.8.3 | numba | 0.53.1 | yarl | 1.6.3 |
geographiclib | 1.52 | numpy | 1.19.4 | zeromq | 4.3.4 |
geopy | 2.1.0 | oauthlib | 3.1.1 | zfp | 0.5.5 |
gettext | 0.21.0 | olefile | 0.46 | zipp | 3.5.0 |
gevent | 21.1.2 | onnx | 1.9.0 | zlib | 1.2.11 |
gflags | 2.2.2 | onnxconverter-common | 1.7.0 | zope.event | 4.5.0 |
giflib | 5.2.1 | onnxmltools | 1.7.0 | zope.interface | 5.4.0 |
gitdb | 4.0.7 | onnxruntime | 1.7.2 | zstd | 1.4.9 |
gitpython | 3.1.18 | openjpeg | 2.4.0 | azure-common | 1.1.27 |
glib | 2.68.3 | openpyxl | 3.0.7 | azure-core | 1.16.0 |
glib-tools | 2.68.3 | openssl | 1.1.1k | azure-graphrbac | 0.61.1 |
glog | 0.5.0 | opt_einsum | 3.3.0 | azure-mgmt-authorization | 0.61.0 |
gobject-introspection | 1.68.0 | orc | 1.6.7 | azure-mgmt-containerregistry | 8.0.0 |
google-auth | 1.32.1 | packaging | 21 | azure-mgmt-core | 1.3.0 |
google-auth-oauthlib | 0.4.1 | pandas | 1.2.3 | azure-mgmt-keyvault | 2.2.0 |
google-pasta | 0.2.0 | parquet-cpp | 1.5.1 | azure-mgmt-resource | 13.0.0 |
greenlet | 1.1.0 | parso | 0.8.2 | azure-mgmt-storage | 11.2.0 |
grpc-cpp | 1.37.1 | partd | 1.2.0 | azureml-core | 1.29.0.post1 |
grpcio | 1.37.1 | patsy | 0.5.1 | azureml-mlflow | 1.29.0 |
gst-plugins-base | 1.18.4 | pcre | 8.45 | backports-tempfile | 1 |
gstreamer | 1.18.4 | pexpect | 4.8.0 | backports-weakref | 1.0.post1 |
h5py | 2.10.0 | pickleshare | 0.7.5 | contextlib2 | 0.6.0.post1 |
hdf5 | 1.10.6 | pillow | 8.2.0 | docker | 4.4.4 |
html5lib | 1.1 | pip | 21.1.1 | jeepney | 0.6.0 |
hummingbird-ml | 0.4.0 | pixman | 0.40.0 | jmespath | 0.10.0 |
icu | 68.1 | plotly | 4.14.3 | jsonpickle | 2.0.0 |
idna | 2.1 | pmdarima | 1.8.2 | msrestazure | 0.6.4 |
imagecodecs | 2021.3.31 | pooch | 1.4.0 | mypy | 0.78 |
imageio | 2.9.0 | portalocker | 1.7.1 | mypy-extensions | 0.4.3 |
importlib-metadata | 4.6.1 | prompt-toolkit | 3.0.19 | ndg-httpsclient | 0.5.1 |
intel-openmp | 2021.2.0 | protobuf | 3.15.8 | pandasql | 0.7.3 |
interpret | 0.2.4 | psutil | 5.8.0 | pathspec | 0.8.1 |
interpret-core | 0.2.4 | ptyprocess | 0.7.0 | ruamel-yaml | 0.17.4 |
ipykernel | 6.0.1 | py-xgboost | 1.4.0 | ruamel-yaml-clib | 0.2.6 |
ipython | 7.23.1 | py4j | 0.10.9 | secretstorage | 3.3.1 |
ipython_genutils | 0.2.0 | pyarrow | 3.0.0 | sqlalchemy | 1.4.20 |
isodate | 0.6.0 | pyasn1 | 0.4.8 | typed-ast | 1.4.3 |
itsdangerous | 2.0.1 | pyasn1-modules | 0.2.8 | torchvision | 0.9.1 |
jdcal | 1.4.1 | pycairo | 1.20.1 | websocket-client | 1.1.0 |
jedi | 0.18.0 | pycosat | 0.6.3 | ||
jinja2 | 3.0.1 | pycparser | 2.2 | ||
joblib | 1.0.1 | pygments | 2.9.0 | ||
jpeg | 9d | pygobject | 3.40.1 | ||
jupyter_client | 6.1.12 | pyjwt | 2.1.0 | ||
jupyter_core | 4.7.1 | pyodbc | 4.0.30 | ||
jxrlib | 1.1 | pyopenssl | 20.0.1 | ||
pyspark | 3.1.2 | pyparsing | 2.4.7 |
Runtime for Apache Spark release 2021.1 (BDC.3.2021.1) - Installed R libraries
Library | Version | Library | Version | Library | Version |
CompatibilityAPI | 1.1.0 | crayon | 1.3.4 | plogr | 0.2.0 |
MicrosoftML | 9.4.7 | curl | 3.3 | plyr | 1.8.4 |
RevoPemaR | 10.0.0 | datasets | 3.5.2 | png | 0.1-7 |
RevoScaleR | 9.4.7 | dbplyr | 1.2.2 | promises | 1.0.1 |
RevoTreeView | 10.0.0 | deployrRserve | 9.0.0 | psych | 1.8.10 |
doRSR | 10.0.0 | digest | 0.6.18 | purrr | 0.2.5 |
mrsdeploy | 1.1.3 | doParallel | 1.0.14 | r2d3 | 0.2.3 |
sqlrutils | 1.0.0 | dplyr | 0.7.8 | rappdirs | 0.3.1 |
BH | 1.69.0-1 | fansi | 0.4.0 | readr | 1.3.1 |
DBI | 1.0.0 | foreach | 1.5.1 | reshape2 | 1.4.3 |
KernSmooth | 2.23-15 | foreign | 0.8-71 | rlang | 0.3.1 |
MASS | 7.3-51.1 | forge | 0.1.0 | rpart | 4.1-13 |
Matrix | 1.2-15 | generics | 0.0.2 | rprojroot | 1.3-2 |
MicrosoftR | 3.5.2 | glue | 1.3.0 | rstudioapi | 0.9.0 |
R6 | 2.3.0 | grDevices | 3.5.2 | shiny | 1.2.0 |
RUnit | 0.4.26 | graphics | 3.5.2 | sourcetools | 0.1.7 |
Rcpp | 1.0.0 | grid | 3.5.2 | sparklyr | 0.9.4 |
RevoIOQ | 10.0.1 | hms | 0.4.2 | spatial | 7.3-11 |
RevoMods | 11.0.1 | htmltools | 0.3.6 | splines | 3.5.2 |
RevoUtils | 11.0.2 | htmlwidgets | 1.3 | stats | 3.5.2 |
RevoUtilsMath | 11.0.0 | httpuv | | stats4 | 3.5.2 |
askpass | 1.1 | httr | 1.4.0 | stringi | 1.2.4 |
assertthat | 0.2.0 | iterators | 1.0.11 | stringr | 1.3.1 |
backports | 1.1.3 | jsonlite | 1.5 | survival | 2.43-3 |
base | 3.5.2 | later | 0.7.5 | sys | 2.1 |
base64enc | 0.1-3 | lattice | 0.20-38 | tcltk | 3.5.2 |
bindr | 0.1.1 | lazyeval | 0.2.1 | tibble | 2.0.1 |
bindrcpp | 0.2.2 | magrittr | 1.5 | tidyr | 0.8.2 |
boot | 1.3-20 | methods | 3.5.2 | tidyselect | 0.2.5 |
broom | 0.5.1 | mgcv | 1.8-26 | tools | 3.5.2 |
checkpoint | 0.4.4 | mime | 0.6 | utf8 | 1.1.4 |
class | 7.3-14 | mnormt | 1.5-5 | utils | 3.5.2 |
cli | 1.0.1 | nlme | 3.1-137 | withr | 2.1.2 |
clipr | 0.5.0 | nnet | 7.3-12 | xml2 | 1.2.0 |
cluster | 2.0.7-1 | openssl | 1.2.1 | xtable | 1.8-3 |
codetools | 0.2-15 | parallel | 3.5.2 | yaml | 2.2.0 |
compiler | 3.5.2 | pillar | 1.3.1 | ||
config | 0.3 | pkgconfig | 2.0.2 |
SQL Server Machine Learning Services - Installed Python libraries
Library | Version | Library | Version | Library | Version |
revoscalepy | 9.4.7 | pycurl | | jupyter-client | 5.2.4 |
microsoftml | 9.4.7 | pycrypto | 2.6.1 | jsonschema | 2.6.0 |
zipp | 0.5.2 | pycparser | 2.19 | Jinja2 | 2.10.1 |
zict | 1.0.0 | pycosat | 0.6.3 | jedi | 0.15.1 |
xlwt | 1.3.0 | py | 1.8.0 | jdcal | 1.4 |
XlsxWriter | 1.1.2 | ptyprocess | 0.6.0 | itsdangerous | 1.1.0 |
xlrd | 1.2.0 | psutil | 5.4.8 | ipywidgets | 7.4.2 |
wrapt | 1.11.2 | prompt-toolkit | 2.0.7 | ipython | 7.2.0 |
widgetsnbextension | 3.4.2 | prometheus-client | 0.7.1 | ipython-genutils | 0.2.0 |
wheel | 0.33.4 | pluggy | 0.12.0 | ipykernel | 4.9.0 |
Werkzeug | 0.15.5 | plotly | 4.0.0 | importlib-metadata | 0.19 |
webencodings | 0.5.1 | pkginfo | | imagesize | 1.1.0 |
wcwidth | 0.1.7 | pip | 18.1 | imageio | 2.5.0 |
urllib3 | 1.24.2 | Pillow | 6.1.0 | idna | 2.8 |
unicodecsv | 0.14.1 | pickleshare | 0.7.5 | heapdict | 1.0.0 |
traitlets | 4.3.2 | pexpect | 4.7.0 | hdijupyterutils | 0.12.9 |
tornado | 6.0.3 | patsy | 0.5.1 | h5py | 2.9.0 |
toolz | 0.9.0 | pathlib2 | 2.3.3 | gmpy2 | 2.0.8 |
testpath | 0.4.2 | path.py | 11.5.0 | Flask | 1.1.1 |
terminado | 0.8.2 | partd | 0.3.9 | Flask-Cors | 3.0.8 |
tblib | 1.4.0 | parso | 0.5.1 | fastcache | 1.1.0 |
tables | 3.5.2 | pandocfilters | 1.4.2 | et-xmlfile | 1.0.1 |
sympy | 1.3 | pandasql | 0.7.3 | entrypoints | 0.3 |
statsmodels | 0.9.0 | pandas | 0.23.4 | docutils | 0.15.2 |
sqlparse | 0.2.4 | pandas-datareader | 0.7.0 | distributed | 1.28.1 |
SQLAlchemy | 1.2.15 | packaging | 19.1 | dill | |
sphinxcontrib-websupport | 1.1.2 | openpyxl | 2.5.12 | defusedxml | 0.6.0 |
Sphinx | 1.8.2 | olefile | 0.46 | decorator | 4.4.0 |
sparkmagic | 0.12.6 | odo | 0.5.1 | datashape | 0.5.4 |
sortedcontainers | 2.1.0 | numpydoc | 0.8.0 | dask | 1.2.2 |
snowballstemmer | 1.9.0 | numpy | 1.15.4 | cytoolz | |
six | 1.12.0 | numexpr | 2.6.9 | Cython | 0.29.2 |
setuptools | 41.0.1 | numba | 0.42.0 | cycler | 0.10.0 |
Send2Trash | 1.5.0 | notebook | 5.7.8 | cryptography | 2.5 |
seaborn | 0.9.0 | nltk | 3.4 | configobj | 5.0.6 |
scipy | 1.1.0 | networkx | 2.2 | conda | 4.5.12 |
scikit-learn | 0.20.2 | nbformat | 4.4.0 | cloudpickle | 0.6.1 |
scikit-image | 0.14.1 | nbconvert | 5.5.0 | Click | 7.0 |
ruamel-yaml | 0.15.46 | multipledispatch | 0.6.0 | chest | 0.2.3 |
retrying | 1.3.3 | msgpack | 0.6.1 | chardet | 3.0.4 |
requests | 2.21.0 | mpmath | 1.1.0 | cffi | 1.12.3 |
requests-kerberos | 0.12.0 | more-itertools | 7.2.0 | certifi | 2019.6.16 |
qtconsole | 4.5.3 | mock | 3.0.5 | Bottleneck | 1.2.1 |
pyzmq | 18.1.0 | mkl-random | 1.0.2 | bokeh | 1.0.3 |
PyYAML | 5.1.2 | mkl-fft | 1.0.10 | bleach | 3.1.0 |
PyWavelets | 1.0.3 | mistune | 0.8.4 | blaze | 0.11.3 |
pytz | 2019.2 | matplotlib | 3.0.2 | backports.os | 0.1.1 |
python-dateutil | 2.8.0 | MarkupSafe | 1.1.0 | backcall | 0.1.0 |
pytest | 4.0.2 | lxml | 4.3.0 | Babel | 2.7.0 |
PySocks | 1.7.0 | locket | 0.2.0 | azureml-model-management-sdk | 1.0.1b10 |
pyparsing | 2.4.2 | llvmlite | 0.27.0 | autovizwidget | 0.12.9 |
pyOpenSSL | 19.0.0 | liac-arff | 2.4.0 | attrs | 19.1.0 |
pyodbc | 4.0.25 | kiwisolver | 1.1.0 | atomicwrites | 1.3.0 |
pykerberos | 1.2.1 | jupyter | 1.0.0 | asn1crypto | 0.24.0 |
PyJWT | 1.7.1 | jupyter-core | 4.5.0 | alabaster | 0.7.12 |
Pygments | 2.4.2 | jupyter-console | 6.0.0 | adal | 1.2.2 |
SQL Server Machine Learning Services - Installed R libraries
Library | Version | Library | Version | Library | Version |
CompatibilityAPI | 1.1.0 | crayon | 1.3.4 | plogr | 0.2.0 |
MicrosoftML | 9.4.7 | curl | 3.3 | plyr | 1.8.4 |
RevoPemaR | 10.0.0 | datasets | 3.5.2 | png | 0.1-7 |
RevoScaleR | 9.4.7 | dbplyr | 1.2.2 | promises | 1.0.1 |
RevoTreeView | 10.0.0 | deployrRserve | 9.0.0 | psych | 1.8.10 |
doRSR | 10.0.0 | digest | 0.6.18 | purrr | 0.2.5 |
mrsdeploy | 1.1.3 | doParallel | 1.0.14 | r2d3 | 0.2.3 |
sqlrutils | 1.0.0 | dplyr | 0.7.8 | rappdirs | 0.3.1 |
BH | 1.69.0-1 | fansi | 0.4.0 | readr | 1.3.1 |
DBI | 1.0.0 | foreach | 1.5.1 | reshape2 | 1.4.3 |
KernSmooth | 2.23-15 | foreign | 0.8-71 | rlang | 0.3.1 |
MASS | 7.3-51.1 | forge | 0.1.0 | rpart | 4.1-13 |
Matrix | 1.2-15 | generics | 0.0.2 | rprojroot | 1.3-2 |
MicrosoftR | 3.5.2 | glue | 1.3.0 | rstudioapi | 0.9.0 |
R6 | 2.3.0 | grDevices | 3.5.2 | shiny | 1.2.0 |
RUnit | 0.4.26 | graphics | 3.5.2 | sourcetools | 0.1.7 |
Rcpp | 1.0.0 | grid | 3.5.2 | sparklyr | 0.9.4 |
RevoIOQ | 10.0.1 | hms | 0.4.2 | spatial | 7.3-11 |
RevoMods | 11.0.1 | htmltools | 0.3.6 | splines | 3.5.2 |
RevoUtils | 11.0.2 | htmlwidgets | 1.3 | stats | 3.5.2 |
RevoUtilsMath | 11.0.0 | httpuv | | stats4 | 3.5.2 |
askpass | 1.1 | httr | 1.4.0 | stringi | 1.2.4 |
assertthat | 0.2.0 | iterators | 1.0.11 | stringr | 1.3.1 |
backports | 1.1.3 | jsonlite | 1.5 | survival | 2.43-3 |
base | 3.5.2 | later | 0.7.5 | sys | 2.1 |
base64enc | 0.1-3 | lattice | 0.20-38 | tcltk | 3.5.2 |
bindr | 0.1.1 | lazyeval | 0.2.1 | tibble | 2.0.1 |
bindrcpp | 0.2.2 | magrittr | 1.5 | tidyr | 0.8.2 |
boot | 1.3-20 | methods | 3.5.2 | tidyselect | 0.2.5 |
broom | 0.5.1 | mgcv | 1.8-26 | tools | 3.5.2 |
checkpoint | 0.4.4 | mime | 0.6 | utf8 | 1.1.4 |
class | 7.3-14 | mnormt | 1.5-5 | utils | 3.5.2 |
cli | 1.0.1 | nlme | 3.1-137 | withr | 2.1.2 |
clipr | 0.5.0 | nnet | 7.3-12 | xml2 | 1.2.0 |
cluster | 2.0.7-1 | openssl | 1.2.1 | xtable | 1.8-3 |
codetools | 0.2-15 | parallel | 3.5.2 | yaml | 2.2.0 |
compiler | 3.5.2 | pillar | 1.3.1 | ||
config | 0.3 | pkgconfig | 2.0.2 |
Next steps
For more information about SQL Server Big Data Clusters, see Introducing SQL Server Big Data Clusters