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Applies to: SQL Server


Attribute Value
Product Name SQL Server
Event ID 19419
Component SQLEngine
Message Text Windows Server Failover Cluster did not receive a process event signal from SQL Server hosting availability group '%.*ls' within the lease timeout period.


Error 19419 is raised in the SQL Server error log when the lease worker on the SQL Server side didn't get scheduled in time to process event signal from the cluster. Specifically, SQL Server calls WaitForMultipleObjects() waiting for the Lease timeout event to be set in a signaled state. If the function returns WAIT_OBJECT_0, which indicates success, but by this time the lease has expired, then error 19419 is raised.

A lease is a time-based communication mechanism that takes place between the SQL Server and the Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) process, specifically the RHS.EXE process. The two processes communicate with each other periodically to ensure the other process is running and responding. This communication takes place using Windows Event objects and ensures that a failover of the AG resource doesn't occur without the knowledge of the WSFC. If one of the processes doesn't respond to the lease communication based on a predefined lease period, a lease timeout occurs. For detailed information, see Lease Mechanism. Also see How It Works: SQL Server AlwaysOn Lease Timeout

This error is related to other lease timeout errors and provides more specific detail for error MSSQLSERVER_19407


Since Windows Events are light-weight synchronization objects, there's relatively small number of external factors that affect them negatively. Typical issues that can lead to lease timeout involve system-wide problems. Here's a list of possibilities that can cause lease expiration and cause a restart or failover:

  • High CPU usage on the system (close to 100%)
  • Out-of-memory conditions - low virtual memory and/or one of the processes is being paged out
  • SQL Server process not responding while generating a large memory dump
  • WSFC going offline (e.g due to quorum loss)

The most common reason for error 19419 is high CPU, which causes a delay in scheduling the lease worker thread.

User action

Check the CPU utilization on the server as SQL Server lease worker seems to be starved for CPU resources. The following PowerShell script will allow you to quickly diagnose CPU usage on the system.

 Get-Counter -Counter "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" -SampleInterval 5 -MaxSamples 30 |
   Select-Object -ExpandProperty CounterSamples | Select-Object TimeStamp, Path, CookedValue

For detailed troubleshooting, see User action in MSSQLSERVER_19407

  • Troubleshoot high CPU issues
  • Troubleshoot low memory issues
  • Reduce or avoid large memory dumps of the SQL Server or cluster process
  • Check virtual machine (VM) configuration for overprovisioning
  • Check for virtual machine (VM) migration or backup causing issues