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sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Managed Instance

Returns current status information for subscriptions belonging to one or more publications at the Publisher and returns one row for each returned subscription. This stored procedure, which is used to monitor replication, is executed at the Distributor on the distribution database.

Transact-SQL syntax conventions


    [ [ @publisher = ] N'publisher' ]
    [ , [ @publisher_db = ] N'publisher_db' ]
    [ , [ @publication = ] N'publication' ]
    [ , [ @publication_type = ] publication_type ]
    [ , [ @mode = ] mode ]
    [ , [ @topnum = ] topnum ]
    [ , [ @exclude_anonymous = ] exclude_anonymous ]
    [ , [ @refreshpolicy = ] refreshpolicy ]
[ ; ]


[ @publisher = ] N'publisher'

The name of the Publisher the status of which is being monitored. @publisher is sysname, with a default of NULL. If null, information is returned for all Publishers that use the Distributor.

[ @publisher_db = ] N'publisher_db'

The name of the published database. @publisher_db is sysname, with a default of NULL. If NULL, then information is returned for all published databases at the Publisher.

[ @publication = ] N'publication'

The name of the publication being monitored. @publication is sysname, with a default of NULL.

[ @publication_type = ] publication_type

If the type of publication. @publication_type is int, and can be one of these values.

Value Description
0 Transactional publication.
1 Snapshot publication.
2 Merge publication.
NULL (default) Replication tries to determine the publication type.

[ @mode = ] mode

The filtering mode to use when returning subscription monitoring information. @mode is int, and can be one of these values.

Value Description
0 (default) Returns all subscriptions.
1 Returns only subscriptions with errors.
2 Returns only subscriptions that generate threshold metric warnings.
3 Returns only subscriptions that either have errors, or generate threshold metric warnings.
4 Returns the top 25 worst performing subscriptions.
5 Returns the top 50 worst performing subscriptions.
6 Returns only subscriptions that are currently being synchronized.
7 Returns only subscriptions that aren't currently being synchronized.

[ @topnum = ] topnum

Restricts the result set to only the specified number of subscriptions at the top of the returned data. @topnum is int, with a default of NULL.

[ @exclude_anonymous = ] exclude_anonymous

If anonymous pull subscriptions are excluded from the result set. @exclude_anonymous is bit, with a default of 0.

  • A value of 1 means that anonymous subscriptions are excluded.
  • A value of 0 means that they're included.

[ @refreshpolicy = ] refreshpolicy

Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed.

Result set

Column name Data type Description
status int Examines the status of all the replication agents associated with the publication, and returns the highest status found in the following order:

6 = Failed
5 = Retrying
2 = Stopped
4 = Idle
3 = In progress
1 = Started
warning int Maximum threshold warning generated by a subscription belonging to the publication, which can be the logical OR result of one or more of these values.

1 = expiration - a subscription to a transactional publication hasn't synchronized within the retention period threshold.
2 = latency - the time taken to replicate data from a transactional Publisher to the Subscriber exceeds the threshold, in seconds.
4 = mergeexpiration - a subscription to a merge publication hasn't synchronized within the retention period threshold.
8 = mergefastrunduration - the time taken to complete synchronization of a merge subscription exceeds the threshold, in seconds, over a fast network connection.
16 = mergeslowrunduration - the time taken to complete synchronization of a merge subscription exceeds the threshold, in seconds, over a slow network connection.
32 = mergefastrunspeed - the delivery rate for rows during synchronization of a merge subscription failed to maintain the threshold rate, in rows per second, over a fast network connection.
64 = mergeslowrunspeed - the delivery rate for rows during synchronization of a merge subscription failed to maintain the threshold rate, in rows per second, over a slow network connection.
subscriber sysname The name of the Subscriber.
subscriber_db sysname The name of the database used for the subscription.
publisher_db sysname The name of the publication database.
publication sysname The name of a publication.
publication_type int The type of publication, which can be one of these values:

0 = Transactional publication
1 = Snapshot publication
2 = Merge publication
subtype int The subscription type, which can be one of the following values:

0 = Push
1 = Pull
2 = Anonymous
latency int The highest latency, in seconds, for data changes propagated by the Log Reader or Distribution Agents for a transactional publication.
latencythreshold int The maximum latency for the transactional publication, above which a warning is raised.
agentnotrunning int The length of time, in hours, during which the agent hasn't run.
agentnotrunningthreshold int The length of time, in hours, that the agent hasn't run before a warning is raised.
timetoexpiration int The length of time, in hours, before the subscription expires if not synchronized.
expirationthreshold int The time, in hours, before the subscription expires that a warning is raised.
last_distsync datetime The datetime that the Distribution Agent last ran.
distribution_agentname sysname The name of the Distribution Agent job for the subscription to a transactional publication.
mergeagentname sysname The name of the Merge Agent job for the subscription to a merge publication.
mergesubscriptionfriendlyname sysname The friendly name given to the subscription.
mergeagentlocation sysname The name of the server on which the Merge Agent runs.
mergeconnectiontype int Connection used when synchronizing a subscription to a merge publication, which can be one of the following values:

1 = local area network (LAN)
2 = dial-up network connection
3 = Web synchronization.
mergePerformance int Performance of the last synchronization compared to all synchronizations for the subscription, which is based on the delivery rate of the last synchronization divided by the average of all previous delivery rates.
mergerunspeed float The delivery rate of the last synchronization for the subscription.
mergerunduration int The length of time to complete the last synchronization of the subscription.
monitorranking int The ranking value used to order the subscriptions in the result set, and can be one of these values:

For a transactional publication:

60 = Error
56 = Warning: performance critical
52 = Warning: expiring soon or expired
50 = Warning: subscription uninitialized
40 = Retrying failed command
30 = Not running (success)
20 = Running (starting, running, or idle)

For a merge publication:

60 = Error
56 = Warning: performance critical
54 = Warning: long-running merge
52 = Warning: expiring soon
50 = Warning: subscription uninitialized
40 = Retrying failed command
30 = Running (starting, running, or idle)
20 = Not running (success)
distributionagentjobid binary(16) ID of the Distribution Agent job for subscriptions to a transactional publication.
mergeagentjobid binary(16) ID of the Merge Agent job for subscriptions to a merge publication.
distributionagentid int ID of the Distribution Agent job for the subscription.
distributionagentprofileid int ID of the agent profile used by the Distribution Agent.
mergeagentid int ID of the Merge Agent job for the subscription.
mergeagentprofileid int ID of the agent profile used by the Merge Agent.

Return code values

0 (success) or 1 (failure).


sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription is used with all types of replication.

sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription orders the result set based on the severity of the status of the subscription, which is determined by the value of monitorranking. For example, rows for all subscriptions in an error state are ordered above rows for subscriptions in a warning state.


Only members of the db_owner or replmonitor fixed database role on the distribution database can execute sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription.