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System-Versioned Temporal Tables with Memory-Optimized Tables

Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance

System-versioned temporal tables for Memory-Optimized Tables are designed to provide cost-effective solution for scenarios where data audit and point in time analysis are required on top of data collected with In-Memory OLTP workloads. They provide high transactional throughput, lock-free concurrency and at the same time, ability to store large amount of history data that can be easily queried.


System-versioned temporal tables automatically keep a full history of data changes and expose convenient Transact-SQL extensions for point in time analysis. In a typical scenario, data history is retained for a very long period of time (multiple months, even years), even though it is not regularly queried.

Data audit and time-based analysis can be demanded in different environments, especially in OLTP systems that process extremely large numbers of requests and where In-Memory OLTP technology is used. However, using memory-optimized tables in temporal scenarios is challenging because a huge amount of generated historical data commonly exceeds the limit of available RAM memory. At the same time using RAM to store read-only historical data that is accessed less frequently as it becomes older is not an optimal solution.

System-versioned temporal tables for memory-optimized tables provide high transactional throughput, lock-free concurrency and at the same time, ability to store large amount of history data by using in-memory tables for storing current data (the temporal table) and disk-based tables for historical data. The impact on DML operations is minimalized through the use of an internal, auto-generated memory-optimized staging table that stores recent history and enables DMLs to be executed from natively compiled code.

The following diagram illustrates this architecture.Temporal In-Memory Architecture

Implementation Details

The following facts about system-versioned temporal tables with memory optimized tables are considerations of which you need to be aware when creating a system-versioned memory-optimized table. For syntax options and for an example, see CREATE TABLE (Transact-SQL).

  • Only durable memory-optimized tables can be system-versioned (DURABILITY = SCHEMA_AND_DATA).
  • History table for memory-optimized system-versioned table must be disk-based, regardless if it was created by the end user or the system.
  • Queries that affect only the current table (in-memory) can be used in natively compiled T-SQL modules. Temporal queries using the FOR SYSTEM TIME clause are not supported in natively compiled modules. Use of the FOR SYSTEM TIME clause with memory-optimized tables in ad hoc queries and non-native modules is supported.
  • When SYSTEM_VERSIONING = ON, an internal memory-optimized staging table is automatically created to accept the most recent system-versioned changes that are results of update and delete operations on memory-optimized current table.
  • Data from the internal memory-optimized staging table is regularly moved to the disk-based history table by the asynchronous data flush task. This data flush mechanism has a goal to keep the internal memory buffers at less than 10% of the memory consumption of their parent objects. You can track the total memory consumption of memory-optimized system-versioned temporal table by querying sys.dm_db_xtp_memory_consumers (Transact-SQL) and summarizing the data for the internal memory-optimized staging table and the current temporal table.
  • You can enforce a data flush by invoking sp_xtp_flush_temporal_history.
  • When SYSTEM_VERSIONING = OFF or when schema of system-versioned table is modified by adding, dropping or altering columns, the entire contents of the internal staging buffer is moved into the disk-based history table.
  • Querying of historical data is effectively under SNAPSHOT isolation level and always returns a union between in-memory staging buffer and disk-based table without duplicates.
  • ALTER TABLE operations that change the table schema internally must perform a data flush, which may prolong the duration of the operation.

The Internal Memory-Optimized Staging Table

The internal memory-optimized staging table is an internal object that is created by the system to optimize DML operations.

  • The table name is generated in the following format: Memory_Optimized_History_Table_<object_id> where <object_id> is identifier of the current temporal table.
  • The table replicates the schema of current temporal table plus one BIGINT column. This additional column guarantees the uniqueness of the rows moved to internal history buffer.
  • The additional column has the following name format: Change_ID[_< suffix>], where _<suffix> is optionally added in the case where the table already has a Change_ID column.
  • The maximum row size for a system-versioned memory-optimized table is reduced by 8 bytes because of the additional BIGINT column in staging table. The new maximum is now 8052 bytes.
  • The internal memory-optimized staging table is not represented in Object Explorer of SQL Server Management Studio.
  • Metadata about this table as well as its connection with current temporal table can be found in sys.internal_tables (Transact-SQL).

The Data Flush Task

The data flush is a regularly activated task that checks whether any memory-optimized table meets a memory size-based condition for data movement. Data movement starts when memory consumption of internal staging table reaches 8% of memory consumption of current temporal table.

The data flush task is activated regularly with a schedule that varies based on the existing workload. With a heavy workload, as frequent as every 5 seconds, and with a light workload, as infrequent as every 1 minute. One thread is spawned for each internal memory-optimized staging table that needs cleanup.

Data flush deletes all records from in-memory internal buffer that are older than the oldest currently running transaction to move these records to the disk-based history table.

You can enforce a data flush by invoking sp_xtp_flush_temporal_history and specifying the schema and table name: sys.sp_xtp_flush_temporal_history @schema_name, @object_name. With this user-executed command, the same data movement process is invoked as when data flush task is invoked by the system on internal schedule.

See Also