ViewTechnology Enumerazione
Alcune informazioni sono relative alla release non definitiva del prodotto, che potrebbe subire modifiche significative prima della release definitiva. Microsoft non riconosce alcuna garanzia, espressa o implicita, in merito alle informazioni qui fornite.
Definisce gli identificatori per un insieme di tecnologie supportate dagli host di progettazione.
public enum class ViewTechnology
public enum ViewTechnology
public enum ViewTechnology
type ViewTechnology =
type ViewTechnology =
Public Enum ViewTechnology
- Ereditarietà
- Attributi
Nome | Valore | Descrizione |
Default | 2 | Specifica il supporto di tecnologia di visualizzazione predefinito. La finestra di progettazione radice può restituire qualsiasi tipo di oggetto, ma l'oggetto deve essere compatibile con un adapter per la tecnologia dell'host. Gli ambienti di hosting, ad esempio Visual Studio, consentono di inserire nuovi adapter di tecnologia di visualizzazione. L'oggetto di visualizzazione predefinito per la finestra di progettazione Windows Form è un'istanza Control. |
Passthrough | 0 | Rappresenta una modalità in cui l'oggetto visualizzazione viene passato direttamente all'ambiente di sviluppo. L'oggetto visualizzazione deve implementare le interfacce richieste dall'ambiente di sviluppo. L'ambiente di sviluppo di Visual Studio supporta gli oggetti di visualizzazione che sono un controllo ActiveX, un documento attivo o un oggetto che implementa l'interfaccia |
WindowsForms | 1 | Rappresenta una modalità in cui un oggetto controllo Windows Form fornisce la visualizzazione per la finestra di progettazione di primo livello. L'host di progettazione completa la finestra del documento dell'ambiente di sviluppo con il controllo Windows Form. |
Nell'esempio seguente viene illustrato come usare ViewTechnology.Default
in una finestra di progettazione. Questo esempio fa parte di un esempio più grande fornito per l'interfaccia GetView .
#using <System.Windows.Forms.dll>
#using <System.Drawing.dll>
#using <System.Design.dll>
#using <System.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::ComponentModel::Design;
using namespace System::Diagnostics;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms::Design;
namespace SampleRootDesigner
ref class SampleRootDesigner;
// This sample demonstrates how to provide the root designer view, or
// design mode background view, by overriding IRootDesigner.GetView().
// The following attribute associates the SampleRootDesigner designer
// with the SampleComponent component.
public ref class RootDesignedComponent: public Component
public ref class SampleRootDesigner: public ComponentDesigner, public IRootDesigner
ref class RootDesignerView;
// Member field of custom type RootDesignerView, a control that
// will be shown in the Forms designer view. This member is
// cached to reduce processing needed to recreate the
// view control on each call to GetView().
RootDesignerView^ m_view;
// This method returns an instance of the view for this root
// designer. The "view" is the user interface that is presented
// in a document window for the user to manipulate.
virtual Object^ GetView( ViewTechnology technology ) sealed = IRootDesigner::GetView
if ( technology != ViewTechnology::WindowsForms )
throw gcnew ArgumentException( "Not a supported view technology","technology" );
if ( m_view == nullptr )
// Some type of displayable Form or control is required
// for a root designer that overrides GetView(). In this
// example, a Control of type RootDesignerView is used.
// Any class that inherits from Control will work.
m_view = gcnew RootDesignerView( this );
return m_view;
// IRootDesigner.SupportedTechnologies is a required override for an
// IRootDesigner. WindowsForms is the view technology used by this designer.
property array<ViewTechnology>^ SupportedTechnologies
virtual array<ViewTechnology>^ get()
return gcnew array<ViewTechnology> {ViewTechnology::Default};
// RootDesignerView is a simple control that will be displayed
// in the designer window.
ref class RootDesignerView: public Control
SampleRootDesigner^ m_designer;
RootDesignerView( SampleRootDesigner^ designer )
m_designer = designer;
BackColor = Color::Blue;
Font = gcnew System::Drawing::Font( Font->FontFamily->Name,24.0f );
virtual void OnPaint( PaintEventArgs^ pe ) override
Control::OnPaint( pe );
// Draws the name of the component in large letters.
pe->Graphics->DrawString( m_designer->Component->Site->Name, Font, Brushes::Yellow, ClientRectangle );
// This sample component inherits from RootDesignedComponent which
// uses the SampleRootDesigner.
public ref class RootViewSampleComponent: public RootDesignedComponent
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.Design;
namespace SampleRootDesigner
// This sample demonstrates how to provide the root designer view, or
// design mode background view, by overriding IRootDesigner.GetView().
// This sample component inherits from RootDesignedComponent which
// uses the SampleRootDesigner.
public class RootViewSampleComponent : RootDesignedComponent
public RootViewSampleComponent()
// The following attribute associates the SampleRootDesigner designer
// with the SampleComponent component.
[Designer(typeof(SampleRootDesigner), typeof(IRootDesigner))]
public class RootDesignedComponent : Component
public RootDesignedComponent()
public class SampleRootDesigner : ComponentDesigner, IRootDesigner
// Member field of custom type RootDesignerView, a control that
// will be shown in the Forms designer view. This member is
// cached to reduce processing needed to recreate the
// view control on each call to GetView().
private RootDesignerView m_view;
// This method returns an instance of the view for this root
// designer. The "view" is the user interface that is presented
// in a document window for the user to manipulate.
object IRootDesigner.GetView(ViewTechnology technology)
if (technology != ViewTechnology.Default)
throw new ArgumentException("Not a supported view technology", "technology");
if (m_view == null)
// Some type of displayable Form or control is required
// for a root designer that overrides GetView(). In this
// example, a Control of type RootDesignerView is used.
// Any class that inherits from Control will work.
m_view = new RootDesignerView(this);
return m_view;
// IRootDesigner.SupportedTechnologies is a required override for an
// IRootDesigner. Default is the view technology used by this designer.
ViewTechnology[] IRootDesigner.SupportedTechnologies
return new ViewTechnology[] {ViewTechnology.Default};
// RootDesignerView is a simple control that will be displayed
// in the designer window.
private class RootDesignerView : Control
private SampleRootDesigner m_designer;
public RootDesignerView(SampleRootDesigner designer)
m_designer = designer;
BackColor = Color.Blue;
Font = new Font(Font.FontFamily.Name, 24.0f);
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe)
// Draws the name of the component in large letters.
pe.Graphics.DrawString(m_designer.Component.Site.Name, Font, Brushes.Yellow, ClientRectangle);
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.ComponentModel.Design
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Windows.Forms.Design
Namespace SampleRootDesigner
' This sample demonstrates how to provide the root designer view, or
' design mode background view, by overriding IRootDesigner.GetView().
' This sample component inherits from RootDesignedComponent which
' uses the SampleRootDesigner.
Public Class RootViewSampleComponent
Inherits RootDesignedComponent
Public Sub New()
End Sub
End Class
' The following attribute associates the SampleRootDesigner designer
' with the SampleComponent component.
<Designer(GetType(SampleRootDesigner), GetType(IRootDesigner))> _
Public Class RootDesignedComponent
Inherits Component
Public Sub New()
End Sub
End Class
Public Class SampleRootDesigner
Inherits ComponentDesigner
Implements IRootDesigner
' Member field of custom type RootDesignerView, a control that
' will be shown in the Forms designer view. This member is
' cached to reduce processing needed to recreate the
' view control on each call to GetView().
Private m_view As RootDesignerView
' This method returns an instance of the view for this root
' designer. The "view" is the user interface that is presented
' in a document window for the user to manipulate.
Function GetView(ByVal technology As ViewTechnology) As Object Implements IRootDesigner.GetView
If Not technology = ViewTechnology.Default Then
Throw New ArgumentException("Not a supported view technology", "technology")
End If
If m_view Is Nothing Then
' Some type of displayable Form or control is required for a root designer that overrides
' GetView(). In this example, a Control of type RootDesignerView is used.
' Any class that inherits from Control will work.
m_view = New RootDesignerView(Me)
End If
Return m_view
End Function
' IRootDesigner.SupportedTechnologies is a required override for an
' IRootDesigner. Default is the view technology used by this designer.
ReadOnly Property SupportedTechnologies() As ViewTechnology() Implements IRootDesigner.SupportedTechnologies
Return New ViewTechnology() {ViewTechnology.Default}
End Get
End Property
' RootDesignerView is a simple control that will be displayed
' in the designer window.
Private Class RootDesignerView
Inherits Control
Private m_designer As SampleRootDesigner
Public Sub New(ByVal designer As SampleRootDesigner)
m_designer = designer
BackColor = Color.Blue
Font = New Font(Font.FontFamily.Name, 24.0F)
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal pe As PaintEventArgs)
' Draws the name of the component in large letters.
Dim rf As New RectangleF(ClientRectangle.X, ClientRectangle.Y, ClientRectangle.Width, ClientRectangle.Height)
pe.Graphics.DrawString(m_designer.Component.Site.Name, Font, Brushes.Yellow, rf)
End Sub
End Class
End Class
End Namespace
Nell'esempio seguente viene illustrato come usare l'enumerazione 'ViewTechnology> in una finestra di progettazione. Questo esempio fa parte di un esempio più grande fornito per la LocalizationExtenderProvider classe.
#using <system.dll>
#using <>
#using <>
#using <system.drawing.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::ComponentModel::Design;
using namespace System::Diagnostics;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms::Design;
// This example demonstrates adding localization support to a component hierarchy from a
// custom IRootDesigner using the LocalizationExtenderProvider class.
namespace LocalizationExtenderProviderExample
// Example IRootDesigner implementation demonstrates LocalizationExtenderProvider support.
private ref class SampleRootDesigner: public IRootDesigner
// RootDesignerView is a simple control that will be displayed in the designer window.
ref class RootDesignerView: public Control
SampleRootDesigner^ m_designer;
IComponent^ comp;
RootDesignerView( SampleRootDesigner^ designer, IComponent^ component )
m_designer = designer;
this->comp = component;
BackColor = Color::Blue;
Font = gcnew System::Drawing::Font( FontFamily::GenericMonospace,12 );
// Displays the name of the component and the name of the assembly of the component
// that this root designer is providing support for.
virtual void OnPaint( PaintEventArgs^ pe ) override
Control::OnPaint( pe );
if ( m_designer != 0 && comp != 0 )
// Draws the name of the component in large letters.
pe->Graphics->DrawString( "Root Designer View", Font, Brushes::Yellow, 8, 4 );
pe->Graphics->DrawString( String::Concat( "Design Name : ", comp->Site->Name ), gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Arial",10 ), Brushes::Yellow, 8, 28 );
pe->Graphics->DrawString( String::Concat( "Assembly : ", comp->GetType()->AssemblyQualifiedName ), gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Arial",10 ), Brushes::Yellow, System::Drawing::RectangleF( System::Drawing::Point( 8, 44 ), System::Drawing::Size( ClientRectangle.Width - 8, ClientRectangle.Height - 44 ) ) );
// Uses the site of the component to acquire an ISelectionService and sets the property grid focus to the component.
ISelectionService^ selectionService = dynamic_cast<ISelectionService^>(comp->Site->GetService( typeid<ISelectionService^> ));
if ( selectionService != nullptr )
array<IComponent^>^myArray = {m_designer->component};
selectionService->SetSelectedComponents( static_cast<Array^>(myArray) );
// RootDesignerView Control provides a full region designer view for this root designer's associated component.
RootDesignerView^ m_view;
// Stores reference to the LocalizationExtenderProvider this designer adds, in order to remove it on Dispose.
LocalizationExtenderProvider^ extender;
// Internally stores the IDesigner's component reference
IComponent^ component;
// Provides a RootDesignerView object that supports ViewTechnology.WindowsForms.
Object^ GetView( ViewTechnology technology )
if ( technology != ViewTechnology::WindowsForms )
throw gcnew ArgumentException( "Not a supported view technology", "technology" );
if ( m_view == nullptr )
// Create the view control. In this example, a Control of type RootDesignerView is used.
// A WindowsForms ViewTechnology view provider requires a class that inherits from Control.
m_view = gcnew RootDesignerView( this,this->Component );
return m_view;
property array<ViewTechnology>^ SupportedTechnologies
// This designer supports the WindowsForms view technology.
array<ViewTechnology>^ IRootDesigner::get()
ViewTechnology myArray[] = {ViewTechnology::WindowsForms};
return myArray;
// Adds a LocalizationExtenderProvider for the component this designer is initialized to support.
void Initialize( IComponent^ component )
this->component = component;
// If no extender from this designer is active...
if ( extender == nullptr )
// Adds a LocalizationExtenderProvider that provides localization support properties to the specified component.
extender = gcnew LocalizationExtenderProvider( this->component->Site,this->component );
property DesignerVerbCollection^ Verbs
// Empty IDesigner interface property and method implementations
DesignerVerbCollection^ get()
return nullptr;
property IComponent^ Component
IComponent^ get()
return this->component;
void DoDefaultAction(){}
void Dispose(){}
// If a LocalizationExtenderProvider has been added, removes the extender provider.
void Dispose( bool disposing )
// If an extender has been added, remove it
if ( extender != nullptr )
// Disposes of the extender provider. The extender
// provider removes itself from the extender provider
// service when it is disposed.
extender = nullptr;
// The following attribute associates the RootDesignedComponent with the RootDesignedComponent component.
public ref class RootDesignedComponent: public Component
// RootViewDesignerComponent is a component associated with the SampleRootDesigner
// IRootDesigner that provides LocalizationExtenderProvider localization support.
// This derived class is included at the top of this example to enable
// easy launching of designer view without having to put the class in its own file.
public ref class RootViewDesignerComponent: public RootDesignedComponent
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.Design;
// This example demonstrates adding localization support to a component hierarchy from a
// custom IRootDesigner using the LocalizationExtenderProvider class.
namespace LocalizationExtenderProviderExample
// RootViewDesignerComponent is a component associated with the SampleRootDesigner
// IRootDesigner that provides LocalizationExtenderProvider localization support.
// This derived class is included at the top of this example to enable
// easy launching of designer view without having to put the class in its own file.
public class RootViewDesignerComponent : RootDesignedComponent
public RootViewDesignerComponent()
// The following attribute associates the RootDesignedComponent with the RootDesignedComponent component.
[Designer(typeof(SampleRootDesigner), typeof(IRootDesigner))]
public class RootDesignedComponent : Component
public RootDesignedComponent()
// Example IRootDesigner implementation demonstrates LocalizationExtenderProvider support.
internal class SampleRootDesigner : IRootDesigner
// RootDesignerView Control provides a full region designer view for this root designer's associated component.
private RootDesignerView m_view;
// Stores reference to the LocalizationExtenderProvider this designer adds, in order to remove it on Dispose.
private LocalizationExtenderProvider extender;
// Internally stores the IDesigner's component reference
private IComponent component;
// Adds a LocalizationExtenderProvider for the component this designer is initialized to support.
public void Initialize(System.ComponentModel.IComponent component)
this.component = component;
// If no extender from this designer is active...
if( extender == null )
// Adds a LocalizationExtenderProvider that provides localization support properties to the specified component.
extender = new LocalizationExtenderProvider(this.component.Site, this.component);
// Provides a RootDesignerView object that supports ViewTechnology.WindowsForms.
object IRootDesigner.GetView(ViewTechnology technology)
if (technology != ViewTechnology.WindowsForms)
throw new ArgumentException("Not a supported view technology", "technology");
if (m_view == null )
// Create the view control. In this example, a Control of type RootDesignerView is used.
// A WindowsForms ViewTechnology view provider requires a class that inherits from Control.
m_view = new RootDesignerView(this, this.Component);
return m_view;
// This designer supports the WindowsForms view technology.
ViewTechnology[] IRootDesigner.SupportedTechnologies
return new ViewTechnology[] {ViewTechnology.WindowsForms};
// If a LocalizationExtenderProvider has been added, removes the extender provider.
protected void Dispose(bool disposing)
// If an extender has been added, remove it
if( extender != null )
// Disposes of the extender provider. The extender
// provider removes itself from the extender provider
// service when it is disposed.
extender = null;
// Empty IDesigner interface property and method implementations
public System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerbCollection Verbs
return null;
public System.ComponentModel.IComponent Component
return this.component;
public void DoDefaultAction()
public void Dispose()
// RootDesignerView is a simple control that will be displayed in the designer window.
private class RootDesignerView : Control
private SampleRootDesigner m_designer;
private IComponent comp;
public RootDesignerView(SampleRootDesigner designer, IComponent component)
m_designer = designer;
this.comp = component;
BackColor = Color.Blue;
Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 12);
// Displays the name of the component and the name of the assembly of the component
// that this root designer is providing support for.
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe)
if( m_designer != null && comp != null )
// Draws the name of the component in large letters.
pe.Graphics.DrawString("Root Designer View", Font, Brushes.Yellow, 8, 4);
pe.Graphics.DrawString("Design Name : "+comp.Site.Name, new Font("Arial", 10), Brushes.Yellow, 8, 28);
pe.Graphics.DrawString("Assembly : "+comp.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName, new Font("Arial", 10), Brushes.Yellow, new Rectangle(new Point(8, 44), new Size(ClientRectangle.Width-8, ClientRectangle.Height-44)));
// Uses the site of the component to acquire an ISelectionService and sets the property grid focus to the component.
ISelectionService selectionService = (ISelectionService)comp.Site.GetService(typeof(ISelectionService));
if( selectionService != null )
selectionService.SetSelectedComponents( new IComponent[] { m_designer.component } );
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.ComponentModel.Design
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Windows.Forms.Design
' This example demonstrates adding localization support to a component hierarchy from a
' custom IRootDesigner using the LocalizationExtenderProvider class.
' RootViewDesignerComponent is a component associated with the SampleRootDesigner
' IRootDesigner that provides LocalizationExtenderProvider localization support.
' This derived class is included at the top of this example to enable
' easy launching of designer view without having to put the class in its own file.
Public Class RootViewDesignerComponent
Inherits RootDesignedComponent
Public Sub New()
End Sub
End Class
' The following attribute associates the RootDesignedComponent with the RootDesignedComponent component.
<Designer(GetType(SampleRootDesigner), GetType(IRootDesigner))> _
Public Class RootDesignedComponent
Inherits Component
Public Sub New()
End Sub
End Class
' Example IRootDesigner implementation demonstrates LocalizationExtenderProvider support.
Friend Class SampleRootDesigner
Implements IRootDesigner
' RootDesignerView Control provides a full region designer view for this root designer's associated component.
Private m_view As RootDesignerView
' Stores reference to the LocalizationExtenderProvider this designer adds, in order to remove it on Dispose.
Private extender As LocalizationExtenderProvider
' Internally stores the IDesigner's component reference
Private component_ As IComponent
' Adds a LocalizationExtenderProvider for the component this designer is initialized to support.
Public Sub Initialize(ByVal component As System.ComponentModel.IComponent) Implements IRootDesigner.Initialize
Me.component_ = component
' If no extender from this designer is active...
If extender Is Nothing Then
' Adds a LocalizationExtenderProvider that provides localization support properties to the specified component.
extender = New LocalizationExtenderProvider(Me.component_.Site, Me.component_)
End If
End Sub
' Provides a RootDesignerView object that supports ViewTechnology.WindowsForms.
Function GetView(ByVal technology As ViewTechnology) As Object Implements IRootDesigner.GetView
If technology <> ViewTechnology.WindowsForms Then
Throw New ArgumentException("Not a supported view technology", "technology")
End If
If m_view Is Nothing Then
' Create the view control. In this example, a Control of type RootDesignerView is used.
' A WindowsForms ViewTechnology view provider requires a class that inherits from Control.
m_view = New RootDesignerView(Me, Me.Component)
End If
Return m_view
End Function
' This designer supports the WindowsForms view technology.
ReadOnly Property SupportedTechnologies() As ViewTechnology() Implements IRootDesigner.SupportedTechnologies
Return New ViewTechnology() {ViewTechnology.WindowsForms}
End Get
End Property
' If a LocalizationExtenderProvider has been added, removes the extender provider.
Protected Overloads Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
' If an extender has been added, remove it
If (extender IsNot Nothing) Then
' Disposes of the extender provider. The extender
' provider removes itself from the extender provider
' service when it is disposed.
extender = Nothing
End If
End Sub
' Empty IDesigner interface property and method implementations
Public ReadOnly Property Verbs() As System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerbCollection Implements IDesigner.Verbs
Return Nothing
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Component() As System.ComponentModel.IComponent Implements IRootDesigner.Component
Return Me.component_
End Get
End Property
Public Sub DoDefaultAction() Implements IDesigner.DoDefaultAction
End Sub
Public Overloads Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
' RootDesignerView is a simple control that will be displayed in the designer window.
Private Class RootDesignerView
Inherits Control
Private m_designer As SampleRootDesigner
Private comp As IComponent
Public Sub New(ByVal designer As SampleRootDesigner, ByVal component As IComponent)
m_designer = designer
Me.comp = component
BackColor = Color.Blue
Font = New Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 12)
End Sub
' Displays the name of the component and the name of the assembly of the component
' that this root designer is providing support for.
Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal pe As PaintEventArgs)
If (m_designer IsNot Nothing) AndAlso (comp IsNot Nothing) Then
' Draws the name of the component in large letters.
pe.Graphics.DrawString("Root Designer View", Font, Brushes.Yellow, 8, 4)
pe.Graphics.DrawString("Design Name : " + comp.Site.Name, New Font("Arial", 10), Brushes.Yellow, 8, 28)
' Uses the site of the component to acquire an ISelectionService and sets the property grid focus to the component.
Dim selectionService As ISelectionService = CType(comp.Site.GetService(GetType(ISelectionService)), ISelectionService)
If (selectionService IsNot Nothing) Then
selectionService.SetSelectedComponents(New IComponent() {m_designer.Component})
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
End Class
Il modello di adattatore di visualizzazione sostituisce e aggiunge funzionalità alla ViewTechnology funzionalità. Tuttavia, la ViewTechnology funzionalità viene mantenuta sia per la compatibilità con le versioni precedenti che per l'uso futuro, se si sceglie.
ViewTechnology definisce gli identificatori che possono indicare la modalità da usare per controllare la visualizzazione di un documento ospitato dalla finestra di progettazione.
È consigliabile usare solo il valore nell'ambiente Default
di hosting della finestra di progettazione. Nelle versioni precedenti di .NET Framework l'enumerazione ha specificato il ViewTechnology
tipo di modello dell'interfaccia utente supportato da una finestra di progettazione radice. Poiché questo modello non è estendibile, è consigliabile usare invece un modello di scheda di visualizzazione . Un adattatore di visualizzazione è un tipo che adatta un oggetto di un tipo a un altro.
Ad esempio, una finestra di progettazione HTML potrebbe restituire un DemoDOM
albero come visualizzazione. La finestra di progettazione HTML restituisce una tecnologia di visualizzazione di Default
. Un ambiente di hosting Windows Forms avrebbe una o più classi di adattatori di visualizzazione disponibili. Se una classe di questo tipo potrebbe convertire l'oggetto DemoDOM
in un controllo Windows Forms, l'applicazione di hosting può supportare questo tipo di finestra di progettazione. Se nessun adattatore può gestire il tipo di dati restituito dal metodo della GetView finestra di progettazione, il carico della finestra di progettazione avrà esito negativo e l'utente verrà visualizzato un errore.
Visual Studio ha uno schema estendibile per fornire schede di visualizzazione, in modo che possa adattarsi a qualsiasi tecnologia dell'interfaccia utente. I provider di tecnologie di terze parti possono anche offrire un adattatore di visualizzazione appropriato e i relativi modelli a oggetti sono immediatamente consumabili.
Prodotto | Versioni |
.NET | Core 2.0, Core 2.1, Core 2.2, Core 3.0, Core 3.1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 |
.NET Framework | 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8, 4.8.1 |
.NET Standard | 2.0, 2.1 |
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