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Visual Studio 2008 Setup Troubleshooting Guide

State of Visual Studio 2008 Setup

Windows Vista

Windows XP & Windows 2003 Server

Setup pops up error message box in the middle of installation

or setup returns failure screen

Look in this document

Look in this document

Visual Studio 2008 doesn’t start properly after installation


1. Visual Studio 2008 Setup displays a dialog box during the middle of setup indicating failure . 2

A) Relevant only if you are running setup on Windows Vista: Visual Studio Setup shows a dialog box with following message: Error 1935: An error occurred during installation of assembly ‘XYZ’ 2

B) Dialog box indicating that pre-release components are present on the computer. 3

C) Visual Studio setup shows a dialog box with following message “Error 1330. A file that is required cannot be installed because the cabinet file d:\ has an invalid digital signature. This may indicate that the cabinet file is corrupt.” 4

D) VS 2008 Professional Edition Trial version setup gives following error message – “Setup has encountered a problem while trying to copy: F:\setup\VSSetupWatson\DW20.exe”. 5

2. Visual Studio 2008 Setup displays a setup failure page indicating end of setup. 5

A) Is beta version of Office Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office system installed on your computer? 5

B) Did you install pre-release versions of Visual Studio 2008 on your computer? Sometimes, few components are left behind on the computer and could cause VS 2008 Setup to fail. 5


1. Visual Studio 2008 Setup displays a dialog box during the middle of setup indicating failure


A) Relevant only if you are running setup on Windows Vista: Visual Studio Setup shows a dialog box with following message: Error 1935: An error occurred during installation of assembly ‘XYZ’

Next steps

Workaround 1:

Reboot your machine and restart Visual Studio 2008 setup.

Workaround 2:

If Workaround 1 doesn’t work,

1. Reboot the machine

2. Disable windows update (start menu -> windows update)

3. Restart VS setup

4. When VS Setup is done, enable windows update (don't forget this step!)

B) Dialog box indicating that pre-release components are present on the computer


Setup would pop up following message box: “Thank you for participating in the Beta program. You must uninstall all the pre-release products in a specific order before you can continue with setup. For detailed information, see the uninstall support page and the readme - XYZ component name “for example component name could be MSDN Library for Visual Studio Orcas - ENU”

Next steps:

The dialog box message specifies the components that need to be uninstalled from the machine.

1. Go to Add/remove programs and remove the prerelease components in the correct order specified at Uninstalling in correct order is important to ensure that all dependencies are met.

2. Try running Visual Studio 2008 setup again.

3. If it fails again with same message box, then identify the components reported by the message box.

a. If those components can be found in Add/Remove programs (in control panel).

                                                                                                  i. Go to Add/Remove programs and remove those components. Restart setup.

b. If those components cannot be found in Add/Remove programs (in control panel).

                                                                                                  i. Are these components Microsoft Windows Vista Client Headers and Libraries (6001.16533.121)" and/or “Microsoft Windows Vista Client Utilities for Win32 Development (6001.16533.121)”?

Yes? – Go to this blog post to remove these components <TODO: Insert link>

                                                                                                ii. No?

1. Use this post to get list of all components installed on your machine.

2. Search for the component that is listed in the message box in %temp%\log.txt. If you can find the component in the list you would see something like this.

MSDN Library for Visual Studio Orcas - ENU

Product code: {90120000-0021-0000-0000-0000545446}

Product state: (5) Installed.

Package code: {182AE326-20FA-438A-ABA8-C29E58CF320A}

3. Use product code for that component (as highlighted in the list above) to uninstall it.

a. In the above example you would use following command on command line.

Msiexec /x {90120000-0021-0000-0000-0000545446}

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all components that you see in the message box.

C) Visual Studio setup shows a dialog box with following message “Error 1330. A file that is required cannot be installed because the cabinet file d:\ has an invalid digital signature. This may indicate that the cabinet file is corrupt.”


            Next steps:

1. If you are downloading & running setup from internet, try to download again.

2. If you are running setup from DVD or network share, copy complete Visual Studio DVD on your local computer and re-run setup.

D) VS 2008 Professional Edition Trial version setup gives following error message – “Setup has encountered a problem while trying to copy: F:\setup\VSSetupWatson\DW20.exe”

Next steps:

1. Check the file size of the file that you downloaded. It should be 3.3 GB for VS 2008 Professional Edition Trial Version, if it’s less than that it means download didn’t happen properly.

2. Because this file is large, we recommend that you use a download manager to download it.

2. Visual Studio 2008 Setup displays a setup failure page indicating end of setup


A) Is beta version of Office Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office system installed on your computer?

Next steps:

1. Go to Add/Remove programs and uninstall beta version of Office Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office system installed on your computer?

2. If you don’t find it in Add/Remove programs run msiexec /x {30120000-0020-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}


B) Did you install pre-release versions of Visual Studio 2008 on your computer? Sometimes, few components are left behind on the computer and could cause VS 2008 Setup to fail.


Next steps:

1. Go to %temp% folder

2. Open log file whose filename starts with “dd_install_vs_”. For example, If you are installing VSTS, filename would be “dd_install_vs_vstscore_90”

3. Go to the end of file.

4. In the log file, search for “Not attempting to call MsiInstallProduct()!!!! Baseline not met!” (Search up as you are at the end of the log file J)

If you find this text, then you could have pre-release components on your computer. Otherwise, your setup failed because of different reason.

5. Just above the line where you found text above, look for


DepCheck: gencomp97 [Note: may or not be present]

DepCheck: gencomp320 [Note: may or not be present]

DepCheck_Result: 1

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU: Install(): bAttemptInstall: 0 [should be present]


6. Components in front of “Depcheck:” are the ones that you need to uninstall before continuing with the install. A) Gencomp97 corresponds to Microsoft Web Designer Tools B) Gencomp320 corresponds to Microsoft Document Explorer 2007 (not 2005). Please note that there could be other components too.

You would need to remove whichever components are listed. For example, if you see DepCheck: gencomp97, you would need to remove Microsoft Document Explorer 2007.


1. Use this post to get list of all components installed on your machine.

2. Search for the component in %temp%\log.txt. If you can find the component in the list you would see something like this.

Microsoft Document Explorer 2007

Product code: {90120000-0021-0000-0000-0000545446}

Product state: (5) Installed.

Package code: {182AE326-20FA-438A-ABA8-C29E58CF320A}

3. Use product code for that component to uninstall it.

a. In the above example you would use following command on command line.

Msiexec /x {90120000-0021-0000-0000-0000545446}

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all components that you see in the logs above.

Note: If Visual Studio setup fails while installing any component after .NET Framework 3.5, Microsoft Web Designer Tools and Microsoft Document Explorer component, please follow following steps.

After fixing setup failure issue, if you run the setup again, setup would launch in maintenance mode. To install other components, go to add/remove features and install features that you want to install.

Note: If these issues persists, you can collect setup logs using utility mentioned at and send them on : vs2008deployment at hotmail dot com