Condividi tramite

Margins.Bottom Proprietà


Ottiene o imposta il margine inferiore in centesimi di pollice.

 property int Bottom { int get(); void set(int value); };
public int Bottom { get; set; }
member this.Bottom : int with get, set
Public Property Bottom As Integer

Valore della proprietà

Margine inferiore, in centesimi di pollice.


La proprietà Bottom è impostata su un valore minore di 0.


Usare gli spazi dei System.Drawingnomi , System.Drawing.Printinge System.IO per questo esempio.

Nell'esempio di codice seguente vengono impostate le impostazioni di pagina predefinite per un documento su margini sinistro e destro di larghezza di 1 pollice e margini superiore e inferiore di 1,5 pollici di larghezza.

void Printing()
      /* This assumes that a variable of type string, named filePath,
              has been set to the path of the file to print. */
      streamToPrint = gcnew StreamReader( filePath );
         printFont = gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Arial",10 );
         PrintDocument^ pd = gcnew PrintDocument;
         /* This assumes that a method, named pd_PrintPage, has been
                   defined. pd_PrintPage handles the PrintPage event. */
         pd->PrintPage += gcnew PrintPageEventHandler( this, &Sample::pd_PrintPage );
         /* This assumes that a variable of type string, named 
                   printer, has been set to the printer's name. */
         pd->PrinterSettings->PrinterName = printer;
         // Set the left and right margins to 1 inch.
         pd->DefaultPageSettings->Margins->Left = 100;
         pd->DefaultPageSettings->Margins->Right = 100;
         // Set the top and bottom margins to 1.5 inches.
         pd->DefaultPageSettings->Margins->Top = 150;
         pd->DefaultPageSettings->Margins->Bottom = 150;

   catch ( Exception^ ex ) 
      MessageBox::Show( String::Concat( "An error occurred printing the file - ", ex->Message ) );

public void Printing()
    /* This assumes that a variable of type string, named filePath,
       has been set to the path of the file to print. */
    streamToPrint = new StreamReader (filePath);
      printFont = new Font("Arial", 10);
      PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument(); 
      /* This assumes that a method, named pd_PrintPage, has been
         defined. pd_PrintPage handles the PrintPage event. */
      pd.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(pd_PrintPage);
      /* This assumes that a variable of type string, named 
         printer, has been set to the printer's name. */
      pd.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = printer;

      // Set the left and right margins to 1 inch.
      pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Left = 100;
      pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Right = 100;
      // Set the top and bottom margins to 1.5 inches.
      pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Top = 150;
      pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Bottom = 150;

      streamToPrint.Close() ;
  catch(Exception ex) 
    MessageBox.Show("An error occurred printing the file - " + ex.Message);
Public Sub Printing()
        ' This assumes that a variable of type string, named filePath,
        ' has been set to the path of the file to print. 
        streamToPrint = New StreamReader(filePath)
            printFont = New Font("Arial", 10)
            Dim pd As New PrintDocument()
            ' This assumes that a method, named pd_PrintPage, has been
            ' defined. pd_PrintPage handles the PrintPage event. 
            AddHandler pd.PrintPage, AddressOf pd_PrintPage
            ' This assumes that a variable of type string, named
            ' printer, has been set to the printer's name. 
            pd.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = printer
            ' Set the left and right margins to 1 inch.
            pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Left = 100
            pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Right = 100
            ' Set the top and bottom margins to 1.5 inches.
            pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Top = 150
            pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Bottom = 150
        End Try
    Catch ex As Exception
        MessageBox.Show("An error occurred printing the file - " & ex.Message)
    End Try
End Sub


Se si misurano i margini in millimetri, moltiplicare la larghezza del margine desiderata in millimetri per 3,937 per determinare la misura corretta in centesimi di pollice. Ad esempio, se si desidera un margine di 25mm, moltiplicare per 3,937 e il risultato è 98 quando viene arrotondato per difetto. Impostare quindi il membro appropriato Margins su 98.

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