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DecoderReplacementFallback Classe


Fornisce un meccanismo di gestione degli errori, denominato fallback, per una sequenza di byte di input codificata che non può essere convertita in un carattere di output. Tramite il fallback viene creata una stringa sostitutiva specificata dall'utente al posto di una sequenza di byte di input decodificata. La classe non può essere ereditata.

public ref class DecoderReplacementFallback sealed : System::Text::DecoderFallback
public sealed class DecoderReplacementFallback : System.Text.DecoderFallback
public sealed class DecoderReplacementFallback : System.Text.DecoderFallback
type DecoderReplacementFallback = class
    inherit DecoderFallback
type DecoderReplacementFallback = class
    inherit DecoderFallback
Public NotInheritable Class DecoderReplacementFallback
Inherits DecoderFallback


Nell'esempio di codice seguente viene illustrata la DecoderReplacementFallback classe .

// This example demonstrates the DecoderReplacementFallback class.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Text;

int main()
    // Create an encoding, which is equivalent to calling the 
    // ASCIIEncoding class constructor. 
    // The DecoderReplacementFallback parameter specifies that the 
    // string "(error)" is to replace characters that cannot be decoded. 
    // An encoder replacement fallback is also specified, but in this code
    // example the encoding operation cannot fail.  

    Encoding^ asciiEncoding = Encoding::GetEncoding("us-ascii",
        gcnew EncoderReplacementFallback("(unknown)"),
        gcnew DecoderReplacementFallback("(error)"));
    String^ inputString = "XYZ";
    String^ decodedString;
    String^ twoNewLines = Environment::NewLine + Environment::NewLine;
    array<Byte>^ encodedBytes = gcnew array<Byte>(
    int numberOfEncodedBytes = 0;

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    // Display the name of the encoding.
    Console::WriteLine("The name of the encoding is \"{0}\".{1}",
        asciiEncoding->WebName, Environment::NewLine);

    // Display the input string in text.
    Console::WriteLine("Input string ({0} characters): \"{1}\"", 
        inputString->Length, inputString);

    // Display the input string in hexadecimal.
    Console::Write("Input string in hexadecimal: ");
    for each (char c in inputString) 
        Console::Write("0x{0:X2} ", c);

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Encode the input string. 

    Console::WriteLine("Encode the input string...");
    numberOfEncodedBytes = asciiEncoding->GetBytes(inputString, 0,
        inputString->Length, encodedBytes, 0);

    // Display the encoded bytes.
    Console::WriteLine("Encoded bytes in hexadecimal ({0} bytes):{1}", 
        numberOfEncodedBytes, Environment::NewLine);
    for each (Byte b in encodedBytes)
        Console::Write("0x{0:X2} ", b);

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    // Replace the encoded byte sequences for the characters 'X' and 'Z'
    // with the value 0xFF, which is outside the valid range of 0x00 to 0x7F
    // for ASCIIEncoding. The resulting byte sequence is actually the
    // beginning of this code example because it is the input to the decoder
    // operation, and is equivalent to a corrupted or improperly encoded
    // byte sequence. 

    encodedBytes[0] = 0xFF;
    encodedBytes[2] = 0xFF;

    Console::WriteLine("Display the corrupted byte sequence...");
    Console::WriteLine("Encoded bytes in hexadecimal ({0} bytes):{1}", 
        numberOfEncodedBytes, Environment::NewLine);
    for each (Byte b in encodedBytes)
        Console::Write("0x{0:X2} ", b);

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Decode the encoded bytes.

    Console::WriteLine("Compare the decoded bytes to the input string...");
    decodedString = asciiEncoding->GetString(encodedBytes);

    // Display the input string and the decoded string for comparison.
    Console::WriteLine("Input string:  \"{0}\"", inputString);
    Console::WriteLine("Decoded string:\"{0}\"", decodedString);
This code example produces the following results:

The name of the encoding is "us-ascii".

Input string (3 characters): "XYZ"
Input string in hexadecimal: 0x58 0x59 0x5A

Encode the input string...
Encoded bytes in hexadecimal (3 bytes):

0x58 0x59 0x5A

Display the corrupted byte sequence...
Encoded bytes in hexadecimal (3 bytes):

0xFF 0x59 0xFF

Compare the decoded bytes to the input string...
Input string:  "XYZ"
Decoded string:"(error)Y(error)"

// This example demonstrates the DecoderReplacementFallback class.

using System;
using System.Text;

class Sample
    public static void Main()

// Create an encoding, which is equivalent to calling the
// ASCIIEncoding class constructor.
// The DecoderReplacementFallback parameter specifies that the
// string "(error)" is to replace characters that cannot be decoded.
// An encoder replacement fallback is also specified, but in this code
// example the encoding operation cannot fail.

    Encoding ae = Encoding.GetEncoding(
                  new EncoderReplacementFallback("(unknown)"),
                  new DecoderReplacementFallback("(error)"));
    string inputString = "XYZ";
    string decodedString;
    string twoNewLines = "\n\n";
    byte[] encodedBytes = new byte[ae.GetByteCount(inputString)];
    int numberOfEncodedBytes = 0;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Display the name of the encoding.
    Console.WriteLine("The name of the encoding is \"{0}\".\n", ae.WebName);

// Display the input string in text.
    Console.WriteLine("Input string ({0} characters): \"{1}\"",
                       inputString.Length, inputString);

// Display the input string in hexadecimal.
    Console.Write("Input string in hexadecimal: ");
    foreach (char c in inputString.ToCharArray())
        Console.Write("0x{0:X2} ", (int)c);

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Encode the input string.

    Console.WriteLine("Encode the input string...");
    numberOfEncodedBytes = ae.GetBytes(inputString, 0, inputString.Length,
                                       encodedBytes, 0);

// Display the encoded bytes.
    Console.WriteLine("Encoded bytes in hexadecimal ({0} bytes):\n",
    foreach (byte b in encodedBytes)
        Console.Write("0x{0:X2} ", (int)b);

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Replace the encoded byte sequences for the characters 'X' and 'Z' with the
// value 0xFF, which is outside the valid range of 0x00 to 0x7F for
// ASCIIEncoding. The resulting byte sequence is actually the beginning of
// this code example because it is the input to the decoder operation, and
// is equivalent to a corrupted or improperly encoded byte sequence.

    encodedBytes[0] = 0xFF;
    encodedBytes[2] = 0xFF;

    Console.WriteLine("Display the corrupted byte sequence...");
    Console.WriteLine("Encoded bytes in hexadecimal ({0} bytes):\n",
    foreach (byte b in encodedBytes)
        Console.Write("0x{0:X2} ", (int)b);

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Decode the encoded bytes.

    Console.WriteLine("Compare the decoded bytes to the input string...");
    decodedString = ae.GetString(encodedBytes);

// Display the input string and the decoded string for comparison.
    Console.WriteLine("Input string:  \"{0}\"", inputString);
    Console.WriteLine("Decoded string:\"{0}\"", decodedString);
This code example produces the following results:

The name of the encoding is "us-ascii".

Input string (3 characters): "XYZ"
Input string in hexadecimal: 0x58 0x59 0x5A

Encode the input string...
Encoded bytes in hexadecimal (3 bytes):

0x58 0x59 0x5A

Display the corrupted byte sequence...
Encoded bytes in hexadecimal (3 bytes):

0xFF 0x59 0xFF

Compare the decoded bytes to the input string...
Input string:  "XYZ"
Decoded string:"(error)Y(error)"

' This example demonstrates the DecoderReplacementFallback class.
Imports System.Text

Class Sample
    Public Shared Sub Main() 
        ' Create an encoding, which is equivalent to calling the 
        ' ASCIIEncoding class constructor. 
        ' The DecoderReplacementFallback parameter specifies that the 
        ' string "(error)" is to replace characters that cannot be decoded. 
        ' An encoder replacement fallback is also specified, but in this code
        ' example the encoding operation cannot fail.  

        Dim erf As New EncoderReplacementFallback("(unknown)")
        Dim drf As New DecoderReplacementFallback("(error)")
        Dim ae As Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("us-ascii", erf, drf)
        Dim inputString As String = "XYZ"
        Dim decodedString As String
        Dim twoNewLines As String = vbCrLf & vbCrLf
        Dim numberOfEncodedBytes As Integer = ae.GetByteCount(inputString)
        ' Counteract the compiler implicitly adding an extra element.
        Dim encodedBytes(numberOfEncodedBytes - 1) As Byte
        ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        ' Display the name of the encoding.
        Console.WriteLine("The name of the encoding is ""{0}""." & vbCrLf, ae.WebName)
        ' Display the input string in text.
        Console.WriteLine("Input string ({0} characters): ""{1}""", _
                          inputString.Length, inputString)
        ' Display the input string in hexadecimal. 
        ' Each element is converted to an integer with Convert.ToInt32.
        Console.Write("Input string in hexadecimal: ")
        Dim c As Char
        For Each c In  inputString.ToCharArray()
            Console.Write("0x{0:X2} ", Convert.ToInt32(c))
        Next c
        ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        ' Encode the input string. 
        Console.WriteLine("Encode the input string...")
        numberOfEncodedBytes = ae.GetBytes(inputString, 0, inputString.Length, _
                                           encodedBytes, 0)
        ' Display the encoded bytes. 
        ' Each element is converted to an integer with Convert.ToInt32.
        Console.WriteLine("Encoded bytes in hexadecimal ({0} bytes):" & vbCrLf, _
        Dim b As Byte
        For Each b In  encodedBytes
            Console.Write("0x{0:X2} ", Convert.ToInt32(b))
        Next b
        ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        ' Replace the encoded byte sequences for the characters 'X' and 'Z' with the 
        ' value 0xFF, which is outside the valid range of 0x00 to 0x7F for 
        ' ASCIIEncoding. The resulting byte sequence is actually the beginning of 
        ' this code example because it is the input to the decoder operation, and 
        ' is equivalent to a corrupted or improperly encoded byte sequence. 

        encodedBytes(0) = &HFF
        encodedBytes(2) = &HFF
        Console.WriteLine("Display the corrupted byte sequence...")
        Console.WriteLine("Encoded bytes in hexadecimal ({0} bytes):" & vbCrLf, _
        For Each b In  encodedBytes
            Console.Write("0x{0:X2} ", Convert.ToInt32(b))
        Next b
        ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        ' Decode the encoded bytes.
        Console.WriteLine("Compare the decoded bytes to the input string...")
        decodedString = ae.GetString(encodedBytes)
        ' Display the input string and the decoded string for comparison.
        Console.WriteLine("Input string:  ""{0}""", inputString)
        Console.WriteLine("Decoded string:""{0}""", decodedString)
    End Sub
End Class
'This code example produces the following results:
'The name of the encoding is "us-ascii".
'Input string (3 characters): "XYZ"
'Input string in hexadecimal: 0x58 0x59 0x5A
'Encode the input string...
'Encoded bytes in hexadecimal (3 bytes):
'0x58 0x59 0x5A
'Display the corrupted byte sequence...
'Encoded bytes in hexadecimal (3 bytes):
'0xFF 0x59 0xFF
'Compare the decoded bytes to the input string...
'Input string:  "XYZ"
'Decoded string:"(error)Y(error)"


Un motivo comune per cui un'operazione di codifica o decodifica non riesce è se la classe di codifica sottostante non fornisce un mapping tra un carattere e una sequenza di byte equivalente. Ad esempio, un ASCIIEncoding oggetto non può decodificare un valore di byte maggiore di 0x7F. Se non è possibile convertire una sequenza di byte di input in un carattere di output, un DecoderReplacementFallback oggetto genera una stringa di sostituzione nell'output per rappresentare la sequenza di byte di input originale. Il processo di conversione continua quindi a decodificare il resto dell'input originale.

La stringa di sostituzione utilizzata da un DecoderReplacementFallback oggetto è determinata dalla chiamata al relativo costruttore di classe. Sono disponibili due opzioni :

Questa classe è una delle due classi .NET Framework che implementano diverse strategie di fallback per la gestione degli errori di conversione della decodifica. L'altra classe è la DecoderExceptionFallback classe , che genera un'eccezione DecoderFallbackException quando viene rilevata una sequenza di byte non valida.



Inizializza una nuova istanza della classe DecoderReplacementFallback.


Inizializza una nuova istanza della classe DecoderReplacementFallback usando una stringa di sostituzione specificata.



Ottiene la stringa sostitutiva che rappresenta il valore dell'oggetto DecoderReplacementFallback.


Ottiene il numero di caratteri contenuti nella stringa sostitutiva per l'oggetto DecoderReplacementFallback.



Crea un oggetto DecoderFallbackBuffer che viene inizializzato con la stringa sostitutiva di questo oggetto DecoderReplacementFallback.


Indica se il valore di un oggetto specificato è uguale all'oggetto DecoderReplacementFallback.


Recupera il codice hash per il valore dell'oggetto DecoderReplacementFallback.


Ottiene l'oggetto Type dell'istanza corrente.

(Ereditato da Object)

Crea una copia superficiale dell'oggetto Object corrente.

(Ereditato da Object)

Restituisce una stringa che rappresenta l'oggetto corrente.

(Ereditato da Object)

Si applica a

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