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Page.GetPostBackEventReference Metodo


Restituisce una stringa utilizzabile in un evento client per causare il postback nel server. Questo metodo è stato deprecato. Utilizzare in alternativa il metodo GetPostBackEventReference nella classe ClientScriptManager.



Restituisce una stringa utilizzabile in un evento client per causare il postback nel server. La stringa di riferimento è definita dall'oggetto Control specificato.

GetPostBackEventReference(Control, String)

Restituisce una stringa utilizzabile in un evento client per causare il postback nel server. La stringa del riferimento è definita dal controllo specificato che gestisce il postback e da un argomento stringa contenente informazioni aggiuntive sull'evento.



The recommended alternative is ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference.

Restituisce una stringa utilizzabile in un evento client per causare il postback nel server. La stringa di riferimento è definita dall'oggetto Control specificato.

 System::String ^ GetPostBackEventReference(System::Web::UI::Control ^ control);
public string GetPostBackEventReference (System.Web.UI.Control control);
[System.Obsolete("The recommended alternative is ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference.")]
public string GetPostBackEventReference (System.Web.UI.Control control);
member this.GetPostBackEventReference : System.Web.UI.Control -> string
[<System.Obsolete("The recommended alternative is ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference.")>]
member this.GetPostBackEventReference : System.Web.UI.Control -> string
Public Function GetPostBackEventReference (control As Control) As String



Controllo server per l'elaborazione del postback sul server.



Stringa che, quando viene trattata come script nel client, avvia il postback.



   public class MyControl1 : Control, IPostBackEventHandler
      // Create an integer property that is displayed when
      // the page that contains this control is requested
      // and save it to the control's ViewState property.
      public int Number
          if ( ViewState["Number"] !=null )
          return (int) ViewState["Number"];
          return 50;

          ViewState["Number"] = value;

      // Implement the RaisePostBackEvent method from the
      // IPostBackEventHandler interface. If 'inc' is passed
      // to this method, it increases the Number property by one.
      public void RaisePostBackEvent(string eventArgument)
        Number = Number + 1;

[System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSet(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name="FullTrust")]
      protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
        // Converts the Number property to a string and
    // writes it to the containing page.
        writer.Write("The Number is " + Number.ToString() + " (" );

    // Uses the GetPostBackEventReference method to pass
    // 'inc' to the RaisePostBackEvent method when the link
    // this code creates is clicked.
        writer.Write("<a href=\"javascript:" + Page.GetPostBackEventReference(this) + "\">Increase Number</a>");
Public Class MyControl1
   Inherits Control
   Implements IPostBackEventHandler 
   ' Create an integer property that is displayed when
   ' the page that contains this control is requested
   ' and save it to the control's ViewState property.
   Public Property Number() As Integer
         If Not (ViewState("Number") Is Nothing) Then
            Return CInt(ViewState("Number"))
         End If
         Return 50
      End Get
         ViewState("Number") = value
      End Set
   End Property

   ' Implement the RaisePostBackEvent method from the
   ' IPostBackEventHandler interface. If inc is passed
   ' to this method, it increases the Number property by one.      
   Public Sub RaisePostBackEvent(eventArgument As String) Implements IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent

      Number = Number + 1
   End Sub
   <System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name:="FullTrust")> _
   Protected Overrides Sub Render(writer As HtmlTextWriter)
      ' Converts the Number property to a string and
  ' writes it to the containing page.
      writer.Write(("The Number is " + Number.ToString() + " ("))

  ' Uses the GetPostBackEventReference method to pass
  ' inc to the RaisePostBackEvent method when the link
  ' this code creates is clicked.         
      writer.Write(("<a href=""javascript:" + Page.GetPostBackEventReference(Me) + """>Increase Number</a>"))
   End Sub
End Class


Questo metodo è stato deprecato. Utilizzare in alternativa il metodo GetPostBackEventReference nella classe ClientScriptManager.

Vedi anche

Si applica a

GetPostBackEventReference(Control, String)


The recommended alternative is ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference.

Restituisce una stringa utilizzabile in un evento client per causare il postback nel server. La stringa del riferimento è definita dal controllo specificato che gestisce il postback e da un argomento stringa contenente informazioni aggiuntive sull'evento.

 System::String ^ GetPostBackEventReference(System::Web::UI::Control ^ control, System::String ^ argument);
public string GetPostBackEventReference (System.Web.UI.Control control, string argument);
[System.Obsolete("The recommended alternative is ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference.")]
public string GetPostBackEventReference (System.Web.UI.Control control, string argument);
member this.GetPostBackEventReference : System.Web.UI.Control * string -> string
[<System.Obsolete("The recommended alternative is ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference.")>]
member this.GetPostBackEventReference : System.Web.UI.Control * string -> string
Public Function GetPostBackEventReference (control As Control, argument As String) As String



Controllo server per l'elaborazione del postback.


Parametro passato al controllo server.



Stringa che, quando viene trattata come script nel client, avvia il postback.



   public class MyControl : Control, IPostBackEventHandler
      // Create an integer property that is displayed when
      // the page that contains this control is requested
      // and save it to the control's ViewState property.
      public int Number
          if ( ViewState["Number"] !=null )
             return (int) ViewState["Number"];
          return 50;

          ViewState["Number"] = value;

      // Implement the RaisePostBackEvent method from the
      // IPostBackEventHandler interface. If 'inc' is passed
      // to this method, it increases the Number property by one.
      // If 'dec' is passed to this method, it decreases the
      // Number property by one.
      public void RaisePostBackEvent(string eventArgument)
        if ( eventArgument == "inc" )
        Number = Number + 1;

        if ( eventArgument == "dec" )
        Number = Number - 1;

[System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSet(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name="FullTrust")]
      protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
        // Converts the Number property to a string and
    // writes it to the containing page.
        writer.Write("The Number is " + Number.ToString() + " (" );

    // Uses the GetPostBackEventReference method to pass
    // 'inc' to the RaisePostBackEvent method when the link
    // this code creates is clicked.
        writer.Write("<a href=\"javascript:" + Page.GetPostBackEventReference(this,"inc") + "\">Increase Number</a>"); 

        writer.Write(" or ");

    // Uses the GetPostBackEventReference method to pass
    // 'dec' to the RaisePostBackEvent method when the link
    // this code creates is clicked.
        writer.Write("<a href=\"javascript:" + Page.GetPostBackEventReference(this,"dec") + "\">Decrease Number</a>");
Public Class MyControl
   Inherits Control
   Implements IPostBackEventHandler

   ' Create an integer property that is displayed when
   ' the page that contains this control is requested
   ' and save it to the control's ViewState property.      
   Public Property Number() As Integer
         If Not (ViewState("Number") Is Nothing) Then
            Return CInt(ViewState("Number"))
         End If
         Return 50
      End Get
         ViewState("Number") = value
      End Set
   End Property      
   ' Implement the RaisePostBackEvent method from the
   ' IPostBackEventHandler interface. If inc is passed
   ' to this method, it increases the Number property by one.
   ' If dec is passed to this method, it decreases the
   ' Number property by one.
   Sub RaisePostBackEvent(eventArgument As String) Implements IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent

      If eventArgument = "inc" Then
         Number = Number + 1
      End If 
      If eventArgument = "dec" Then
         Number = Number - 1
      End If
   End Sub
   <System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Name:="FullTrust")> _ 
   Protected Overrides Sub Render(writer As HtmlTextWriter)
      ' Converts the Number property to a string and
  ' writes it to the containing page.
      writer.Write(("The Number is " + Number.ToString() + " ("))
  ' Uses the GetPostBackEventReference method to pass
  ' inc to the RaisePostBackEvent method when the link
  ' this code creates is clicked.
      writer.Write(("<a href=""javascript:" + Page.GetPostBackEventReference(Me, "inc") + """>Increase Number</a>"))
      writer.Write(" or ")

  ' Uses the GetPostBackEventReference method to pass
  ' dec to the RaisePostBackEvent method when the link
  ' this code creates is clicked.         
      writer.Write(("<a href=""javascript:" + Page.GetPostBackEventReference(Me, "dec") + """>Decrease Number</a>"))
   End Sub
End Class


Questo metodo è stato deprecato. Utilizzare in alternativa il metodo GetPostBackEventReference nella classe ClientScriptManager.

Vedi anche

Si applica a