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DockPanel.Dock Proprietà associata


Ottiene o imposta un valore che indica la posizione di un elemento figlio all'interno di un DockPanel padre.

see GetDock, and SetDock
see GetDock, and SetDock
see GetDock, and SetDock


Nell'esempio seguente viene illustrato come impostare la Dock proprietà associata usando Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML).

// Create the application's main window
mainWindow = gcnew Window();
mainWindow->Title = "DockPanel Sample";

// Create the DockPanel
DockPanel^ myDockPanel = gcnew DockPanel();
myDockPanel->LastChildFill = true;

// Define the child content
Border^ myBorder1 = gcnew Border();
myBorder1->Height = 25;
myBorder1->Background = Brushes::SkyBlue;
myBorder1->BorderBrush = Brushes::Black;
myBorder1->BorderThickness = Thickness(1);
DockPanel::SetDock(myBorder1, Dock::Top);
TextBlock^ myTextBlock1 = gcnew TextBlock();
myTextBlock1->Foreground = Brushes::Black;
myTextBlock1->Text = "Dock = Top";
myBorder1->Child = myTextBlock1;

Border^ myBorder2 = gcnew Border();
myBorder2->Height = 25;
myBorder2->Background = Brushes::SkyBlue;
myBorder2->BorderBrush = Brushes::Black;
myBorder2->BorderThickness = Thickness(1);
DockPanel::SetDock(myBorder2, Dock::Top);
TextBlock^ myTextBlock2 = gcnew TextBlock();
myTextBlock2->Foreground = Brushes::Black;
myTextBlock2->Text = "Dock = Top";
myBorder2->Child = myTextBlock2;

Border^ myBorder3 = gcnew Border();
myBorder3->Height = 25;
myBorder3->Background = Brushes::LemonChiffon;
myBorder3->BorderBrush = Brushes::Black;
myBorder3->BorderThickness = Thickness(1);
DockPanel::SetDock(myBorder3, Dock::Bottom);
TextBlock^ myTextBlock3 = gcnew TextBlock();
myTextBlock3->Foreground = Brushes::Black;
myTextBlock3->Text = "Dock = Bottom";
myBorder3->Child = myTextBlock3;

Border^ myBorder4 = gcnew Border();
myBorder4->Width = 200;
myBorder4->Background = Brushes::PaleGreen;
myBorder4->BorderBrush = Brushes::Black;
myBorder4->BorderThickness = Thickness(1);
DockPanel::SetDock(myBorder4, Dock::Left);
TextBlock^ myTextBlock4 = gcnew TextBlock();
myTextBlock4->Foreground = Brushes::Black;
myTextBlock4->Text = "Dock = Left";
myBorder4->Child = myTextBlock4;

Border^ myBorder5 = gcnew Border();
myBorder5->Background = Brushes::White;
myBorder5->BorderBrush = Brushes::Black;
myBorder5->BorderThickness = Thickness(1);
TextBlock^ myTextBlock5 = gcnew TextBlock();
myTextBlock5->Foreground = Brushes::Black;
myTextBlock5->Text = "This content will Fill the remaining space";
myBorder5->Child = myTextBlock5;

// Add child elements to the DockPanel Children collection

// Add the parent Canvas as the Content of the Window Object
mainWindow->Content = myDockPanel;

// Create the application's main window
mainWindow = new Window ();
mainWindow.Title = "DockPanel Sample";

// Create the DockPanel
DockPanel myDockPanel = new DockPanel();
myDockPanel.LastChildFill = true;

// Define the child content
Border myBorder1 = new Border();
myBorder1.Height = 25;
myBorder1.Background = Brushes.SkyBlue;
myBorder1.BorderBrush = Brushes.Black;
myBorder1.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
DockPanel.SetDock(myBorder1, Dock.Top);
TextBlock myTextBlock1 = new TextBlock();
myTextBlock1.Foreground = Brushes.Black;
myTextBlock1.Text = "Dock = Top";
myBorder1.Child = myTextBlock1;

Border myBorder2 = new Border();
myBorder2.Height = 25;
myBorder2.Background = Brushes.SkyBlue;
myBorder2.BorderBrush = Brushes.Black;
myBorder2.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
DockPanel.SetDock(myBorder2, Dock.Top);
TextBlock myTextBlock2 = new TextBlock();
myTextBlock2.Foreground = Brushes.Black;
myTextBlock2.Text = "Dock = Top";
myBorder2.Child = myTextBlock2;

Border myBorder3 = new Border();
myBorder3.Height = 25;
myBorder3.Background = Brushes.LemonChiffon;
myBorder3.BorderBrush = Brushes.Black;
myBorder3.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
DockPanel.SetDock(myBorder3, Dock.Bottom);
TextBlock myTextBlock3 = new TextBlock();
myTextBlock3.Foreground = Brushes.Black;
myTextBlock3.Text = "Dock = Bottom";
myBorder3.Child = myTextBlock3;

Border myBorder4 = new Border();
myBorder4.Width = 200;
myBorder4.Background = Brushes.PaleGreen;
myBorder4.BorderBrush = Brushes.Black;
myBorder4.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
DockPanel.SetDock(myBorder4, Dock.Left);
TextBlock myTextBlock4 = new TextBlock();
myTextBlock4.Foreground = Brushes.Black;
myTextBlock4.Text = "Dock = Left";
myBorder4.Child = myTextBlock4;

Border myBorder5 = new Border();
myBorder5.Background = Brushes.White;
myBorder5.BorderBrush = Brushes.Black;
myBorder5.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
TextBlock myTextBlock5 = new TextBlock();
myTextBlock5.Foreground = Brushes.Black;
myTextBlock5.Text = "This content will Fill the remaining space";
myBorder5.Child = myTextBlock5;

// Add child elements to the DockPanel Children collection
// Add the parent Canvas as the Content of the Window Object
mainWindow.Content = myDockPanel;
mainWindow.Show ();
WindowTitle = "DockPanel Sample"
'Create a DockPanel as the root Panel
Dim myDockPanel As New DockPanel()
myDockPanel.LastChildFill = True

' Define the child content
Dim myBorder1 As New Border()
myBorder1.Height = 25
myBorder1.Background = Brushes.SkyBlue
myBorder1.BorderBrush = Brushes.Black
myBorder1.BorderThickness = New Thickness(1)
DockPanel.SetDock(myBorder1, Dock.Top)
Dim myTextBlock1 As New TextBlock()
myTextBlock1.Foreground = Brushes.Black
myTextBlock1.Text = "Dock = Top"
myBorder1.Child = myTextBlock1

Dim myBorder2 As New Border()
myBorder2.Height = 25
myBorder2.Background = Brushes.SkyBlue
myBorder2.BorderBrush = Brushes.Black
myBorder2.BorderThickness = New Thickness(1)
DockPanel.SetDock(myBorder2, Dock.Top)
Dim myTextBlock2 As New TextBlock()
myTextBlock2.Foreground = Brushes.Black
myTextBlock2.Text = "Dock = Top"
myBorder2.Child = myTextBlock2

Dim myBorder3 As New Border()
myBorder3.Height = 25
myBorder3.Background = Brushes.LemonChiffon
myBorder3.BorderBrush = Brushes.Black
myBorder3.BorderThickness = New Thickness(1)
DockPanel.SetDock(myBorder3, Dock.Bottom)
Dim myTextBlock3 As New TextBlock()
myTextBlock3.Foreground = Brushes.Black
myTextBlock3.Text = "Dock = Bottom"
myBorder3.Child = myTextBlock3

Dim myBorder4 As New Border()
myBorder4.Width = 200
myBorder4.Background = Brushes.PaleGreen
myBorder4.BorderBrush = Brushes.Black
myBorder4.BorderThickness = New Thickness(1)
DockPanel.SetDock(myBorder4, Dock.Left)
Dim myTextBlock4 As New TextBlock()
myTextBlock4.Foreground = Brushes.Black
myTextBlock4.Text = "Dock = Left"
myBorder4.Child = myTextBlock4

Dim myBorder5 As New Border()
myBorder5.Background = Brushes.White
myBorder5.BorderBrush = Brushes.Black
myBorder5.BorderThickness = New Thickness(1)
Dim myTextBlock5 As New TextBlock()
myTextBlock5.Foreground = Brushes.Black
myTextBlock5.Text = "This content will Fill the remaining space"
myBorder5.Child = myTextBlock5

' Add child elements to the DockPanel Children collection
Me.Content = myDockPanel
<Page xmlns="" WindowTitle="DockPanel Sample">
  <DockPanel LastChildFill="True">
    <Border Height="25" Background="SkyBlue" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1" DockPanel.Dock="Top">
      <TextBlock Foreground="Black">Dock = "Top"</TextBlock>
    <Border Height="25" Background="SkyBlue" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1" DockPanel.Dock="Top">
      <TextBlock Foreground="Black">Dock = "Top"</TextBlock>
    <Border Height="25" Background="LemonChiffon" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1" DockPanel.Dock="Bottom">
      <TextBlock Foreground="Black">Dock = "Bottom"</TextBlock>
    <Border Width="200" Background="PaleGreen" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1" DockPanel.Dock="Left">
      <TextBlock Foreground="Black">Dock = "Left"</TextBlock>
    <Border Background="White" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1">
      <TextBlock Foreground="Black">This content will "Fill" the remaining space</TextBlock>


Se si imposta la LastChildFill proprietà su true, ovvero l'impostazione predefinita, l'ultimo elemento figlio di un DockPanel oggetto riempie sempre lo spazio rimanente, indipendentemente da qualsiasi altro valore di dock impostato sull'ultimo elemento figlio. To.dock un elemento figlio in un'altra direzione, è necessario impostare la LastChildFill proprietà su false e deve anche specificare una direzione di dock esplicita sull'ultimo elemento figlio.


La posizione degli elementi figlio di uno DockPanel sullo schermo è determinata dalla Dock proprietà dei rispettivi elementi figlio e dall'ordine relativo di tali elementi figlio sotto .DockPanel Pertanto, un set di elementi figlio con gli stessi valori delle proprietà Dock può essere posizionato in modo diverso sullo schermo a seconda dell'ordine di questi elementi figlio sotto .DockPanel Posizione degli effetti di ordinamento figlio perché esegue DockPanel l'iterazione degli elementi figlio in ordine, impostando la posizione di ogni elemento a seconda dello spazio rimanente.

Informazioni proprietà di dipendenza

Campo Identificatore DockProperty
Proprietà dei metadati impostate su true Nessuno

Si applica a

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