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Help Classe


Viene incapsulato il modulo della Guida 1.0 HTML.

public ref class Help
public ref class Help abstract sealed
public class Help
public static class Help
type Help = class
Public Class Help


Nell'esempio di codice seguente viene visualizzato un modulo contenente tre pulsanti che possono essere usati per interagire con il file della Guida Mspaint.chm. Il pulsante Mostra indice della Guida visualizza la scheda Indice per il file della Guida. Il pulsante Mostra guida visualizza il contenuto nel file della Guida in base al valore selezionato nell'elenco Strumento di navigazione della Guida . Il pulsante Mostra parola chiave visualizza il contenuto nel file della Guida in base alla parola chiave specificata nella casella di testo Parola chiave .

Ad esempio, per visualizzare la pagina Della Guida ovali in base al valore dell'indice, selezionare il HelpNavigator.KeywordIndex valore nell'elenco a discesa Strumento di navigazione della Guida , digitare ovali nella casella di testo Parametro e quindi fare clic sul pulsante Mostra guida . Per visualizzare l'argomento della Guida "Per disegnare con un pennello" in base alla parola chiave, digitare mspaint.chm::/paint_brush.htm nella casella di testo Parola chiave e quindi fare clic sul pulsante Mostra parola chiave .

Nell'esempio viene utilizzato il ShowHelp metodo per visualizzare le diverse schede della Guida e argomenti della Guida e il ShowHelpIndex metodo per visualizzare l'indice della Guida.

#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Drawing.dll>
#using <System.Windows.Forms.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
public ref class Form1: public System::Windows::Forms::Form
   String^ helpfile;
   System::Windows::Forms::Button^ showIndex;
   System::Windows::Forms::Button^ showHelp;
   System::Windows::Forms::Label ^ label1;
   System::Windows::Forms::ComboBox^ navigatorCombo;
   System::Windows::Forms::Button^ showKeyword;
   System::Windows::Forms::TextBox^ keyword;
   System::Windows::Forms::Label ^ label2;
   System::Windows::Forms::Label ^ label3;
   System::Windows::Forms::TextBox^ parameterTextBox;

      helpfile = "mspaint.chm";
      this->showIndex = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button;
      this->showHelp = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button;
      this->navigatorCombo = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ComboBox;
      this->label1 = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Label;
      this->showKeyword = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button;
      this->keyword = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::TextBox;
      this->label2 = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Label;
      this->label3 = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Label;
      this->parameterTextBox = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::TextBox;
      // Help Navigator Label
      this->label1->Location = System::Drawing::Point( 112, 64 );
      this->label1->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 168, 16 );
      this->label1->Text = "Help Navigator:";
      // Keyword Label 
      this->label2->Location = System::Drawing::Point( 120, 184 );
      this->label2->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 100, 16 );
      this->label2->Text = "Keyword:";
      // Parameter Label
      this->label3->Location = System::Drawing::Point( 112, 120 );
      this->label3->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 168, 16 );
      this->label3->Text = "Parameter:";
      // Show Index Button
      this->showIndex->Location = System::Drawing::Point( 16, 16 );
      this->showIndex->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 264, 32 );
      this->showIndex->TabIndex = 0;
      this->showIndex->Text = "Show Help Index";
      this->showIndex->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler( this, &Form1::showIndex_Click );
      // Show Help Button
      this->showHelp->Location = System::Drawing::Point( 16, 80 );
      this->showHelp->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 80, 80 );
      this->showHelp->TabIndex = 1;
      this->showHelp->Text = "Show Help";
      this->showHelp->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler( this, &Form1::showHelp_Click );
      // Show Keyword Button
      this->showKeyword->Location = System::Drawing::Point( 16, 192 );
      this->showKeyword->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 88, 32 );
      this->showKeyword->TabIndex = 4;
      this->showKeyword->Text = "Show Keyword";
      this->showKeyword->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler( this, &Form1::showKeyword_Click );
      // Help Navigator ComboBox
      this->navigatorCombo->DropDownStyle = System::Windows::Forms::ComboBoxStyle::DropDownList;
      this->navigatorCombo->Location = System::Drawing::Point( 112, 80 );
      this->navigatorCombo->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 168, 21 );
      this->navigatorCombo->TabIndex = 2;
      // Keyword TextBox
      this->keyword->Location = System::Drawing::Point( 120, 200 );
      this->keyword->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 160, 20 );
      this->keyword->TabIndex = 5;
      this->keyword->Text = "";
      // Parameter TextBox
      this->parameterTextBox->Location = System::Drawing::Point( 112, 136 );
      this->parameterTextBox->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 168, 20 );
      this->parameterTextBox->TabIndex = 8;
      this->parameterTextBox->Text = "";
      // Set up how the form should be displayed and add the controls to the form.
      this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size( 292, 266 );
      array<System::Windows::Forms::Control^>^formControls = {this->parameterTextBox,this->label3,this->label2,this->keyword,this->showKeyword,this->label1,this->navigatorCombo,this->showHelp,this->showIndex};
      this->Controls->AddRange( formControls );
      this->FormBorderStyle = System::Windows::Forms::FormBorderStyle::FixedDialog;
      this->Text = "Help App";
      // Load the various values of the HelpNavigator enumeration
      // into the combo box.
      TypeConverter^ converter;
      converter = TypeDescriptor::GetConverter( HelpNavigator::typeid );
      System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum = converter->GetStandardValues()->GetEnumerator();
      while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
         Object^ value = safe_cast<Object^>(myEnum->Current);
         navigatorCombo->Items->Add( value );

   void showIndex_Click( Object^ /*sender*/, System::EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
      // Display the index for the help file.
      Help::ShowHelpIndex( this, helpfile );

   void showHelp_Click( Object^ /*sender*/, System::EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
      // Display Help using the Help navigator enumeration
      // that is selected in the combo box. Some enumeration
      // values make use of an extra parameter, which can
      // be passed in through the Parameter text box.
      HelpNavigator navigator = HelpNavigator::TableOfContents;
      if ( navigatorCombo->SelectedItem != nullptr )
         navigator =  *safe_cast<HelpNavigator^>(navigatorCombo->SelectedItem);

      Help::ShowHelp( this, helpfile, navigator, parameterTextBox->Text );

   void showKeyword_Click( Object^ /*sender*/, System::EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
      // Display help using the provided keyword.
      Help::ShowHelp( this, helpfile, keyword->Text );

int main()
   Application::Run( gcnew Form1 );
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;

public class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form
    private const string helpfile = "mspaint.chm";
    private System.Windows.Forms.Button showIndex;
    private System.Windows.Forms.Button showHelp;
    private System.Windows.Forms.Label label1;
    private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox navigatorCombo;
    private System.Windows.Forms.Button showKeyword;
    private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox keyword;
    private System.Windows.Forms.Label label2;
    private System.Windows.Forms.Label label3;
    private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox parameterTextBox;

    static void Main() 
        Application.Run(new Form1());

    public Form1()
        this.showIndex = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
        this.showHelp = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
        this.navigatorCombo = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
        this.label1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
        this.showKeyword = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
        this.keyword = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
        this.label2 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
        this.label3 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
        this.parameterTextBox = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();

        // Help Navigator Label
        this.label1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(112, 64);
        this.label1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(168, 16);
        this.label1.Text = "Help Navigator:";

        // Keyword Label
        this.label2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(120, 184);
        this.label2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 16);
        this.label2.Text = "Keyword:";

        // Parameter Label
        this.label3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(112, 120);
        this.label3.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(168, 16);
        this.label3.Text = "Parameter:";

        // Show Index Button
        this.showIndex.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(16, 16);
        this.showIndex.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(264, 32);
        this.showIndex.TabIndex = 0;
        this.showIndex.Text = "Show Help Index";
        this.showIndex.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.showIndex_Click);

        // Show Help Button
        this.showHelp.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(16, 80);
        this.showHelp.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(80, 80);
        this.showHelp.TabIndex = 1;
        this.showHelp.Text = "Show Help";
        this.showHelp.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.showHelp_Click);

        // Show Keyword Button
        this.showKeyword.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(16, 192);
        this.showKeyword.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(88, 32);
        this.showKeyword.TabIndex = 4;
        this.showKeyword.Text = "Show Keyword";
        this.showKeyword.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.showKeyword_Click);

        // Help Navigator ComboBox
        this.navigatorCombo.DropDownStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;
        this.navigatorCombo.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(112, 80);
        this.navigatorCombo.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(168, 21);
        this.navigatorCombo.TabIndex = 2;

        // Keyword TextBox
        this.keyword.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(120, 200);
        this.keyword.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(160, 20);
        this.keyword.TabIndex = 5;
        this.keyword.Text = "";

        // Parameter TextBox
        this.parameterTextBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(112, 136);
        this.parameterTextBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(168, 20);
        this.parameterTextBox.TabIndex = 8;
        this.parameterTextBox.Text = "";

        // Set up how the form should be displayed and add the controls to the form.
        this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(292, 266);
        this.Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] {
                                        this.parameterTextBox, this.label3,
                                        this.label2, this.keyword,
                                        this.showKeyword, this.label1,
                                        this.navigatorCombo, this.showHelp,
        this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;
        this.Text = "Help App";

        // Load the various values of the HelpNavigator enumeration
        // into the combo box.
        TypeConverter converter;
        converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(HelpNavigator));
        foreach(object value in converter.GetStandardValues()) 

    private void showIndex_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        // Display the index for the help file.
        Help.ShowHelpIndex(this, helpfile);
    private void showHelp_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        // Display Help using the Help navigator enumeration
        // that is selected in the combo box. Some enumeration
        // values make use of an extra parameter, which can
        // be passed in through the Parameter text box.
        HelpNavigator navigator = HelpNavigator.TableOfContents;
        if (navigatorCombo.SelectedItem != null)
            navigator = (HelpNavigator)navigatorCombo.SelectedItem;
        Help.ShowHelp(this, helpfile, navigator, parameterTextBox.Text);
    private void showKeyword_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        // Display help using the provided keyword.
        Help.ShowHelp(this, helpfile, keyword.Text);
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Windows.Forms

Public Class Form1
    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
    Private helpfile As String = "mspaint.chm"
    Private WithEvents showIndex As System.Windows.Forms.Button
    Private WithEvents showHelp As System.Windows.Forms.Button
    Private WithEvents label1 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
    Private WithEvents navigatorCombo As System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
    Private WithEvents showKeyword As System.Windows.Forms.Button
    Private WithEvents keyword As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    Private WithEvents label2 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
    Private WithEvents label3 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
    Private WithEvents parameterTextBox As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox

    <STAThread()> _
    Shared Sub Main()
        Application.Run(New Form1)
    End Sub
    Public Sub New()
        Me.showIndex = New System.Windows.Forms.Button
        Me.showHelp = New System.Windows.Forms.Button
        Me.navigatorCombo = New System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
        Me.label1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label
        Me.showKeyword = New System.Windows.Forms.Button
        Me.keyword = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
        Me.label2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label
        Me.label3 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label
        Me.parameterTextBox = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox

        ' Help Navigator Label
        Me.label1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(112, 64)
        Me.label1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(168, 16)
        Me.label1.Text = "Help Navigator:"

        ' Keyword Label
        Me.label2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(120, 184)
        Me.label2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(100, 16)
        Me.label2.Text = "Keyword:"

        ' Parameter Label
        Me.label3.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(112, 120)
        Me.label3.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(168, 16)
        Me.label3.Text = "Parameter:"

        ' Show Index Button
        Me.showIndex.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 16)
        Me.showIndex.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(264, 32)
        Me.showIndex.TabIndex = 0
        Me.showIndex.Text = "Show Help Index"

        ' Show Help Button
        Me.showHelp.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 80)
        Me.showHelp.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(80, 80)
        Me.showHelp.TabIndex = 1
        Me.showHelp.Text = "Show Help"

        ' Show Keyword Button
        Me.showKeyword.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 192)
        Me.showKeyword.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(88, 32)
        Me.showKeyword.TabIndex = 4
        Me.showKeyword.Text = "Show Keyword"

        ' Help Navigator Combo
        Me.navigatorCombo.DropDownStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList
        Me.navigatorCombo.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(112, 80)
        Me.navigatorCombo.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(168, 21)
        Me.navigatorCombo.TabIndex = 2

        ' Keyword TextBox
        Me.keyword.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(120, 200)
        Me.keyword.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(160, 20)
        Me.keyword.TabIndex = 5
        Me.keyword.Text = ""
        ' Parameter TextBox
        Me.parameterTextBox.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(112, 136)
        Me.parameterTextBox.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(168, 20)
        Me.parameterTextBox.TabIndex = 8
        Me.parameterTextBox.Text = ""

        ' Set up how the form should be displayed and add the controls to the form.
        Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(292, 266)
        Me.Controls.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.Control() {Me.parameterTextBox, _
                                Me.label3, Me.label2, Me.keyword, Me.showKeyword, _
                                Me.label1, Me.navigatorCombo, Me.showHelp, Me.showIndex})
        Me.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog
        Me.Text = "Help App"

        ' Load the various values of the HelpNavigator enumeration
        ' into the combo box. 
        Dim converter As TypeConverter
        converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(GetType(HelpNavigator))

        Dim value As Object
        For Each value In converter.GetStandardValues()
        Next value
    End Sub

    Private Sub showIndex_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles showIndex.Click
        ' Display the index for the Help file.
        Help.ShowHelpIndex(Me, helpfile)
    End Sub
    Private Sub showHelp_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles showHelp.Click
        ' Display Help using the Help navigator enumeration
        ' that is selected in the combo box. Some enumeration
        ' values make use of an extra parameter, which can
        ' be passed in through the Parameter text box.
        Dim navigator As HelpNavigator = HelpNavigator.TableOfContents
        If (navigatorCombo.SelectedItem IsNot Nothing) Then
            navigator = CType(navigatorCombo.SelectedItem, HelpNavigator)
        End If
        Help.ShowHelp(Me, helpfile, navigator, parameterTextBox.Text)
    End Sub
    Private Sub showKeyword_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles showKeyword.Click
        ' Display Help using the provided keyword. 
        Help.ShowHelp(Me, helpfile, keyword.Text)
    End Sub
End Class


Non è possibile creare una nuova istanza della Help classe . Per fornire la Guida per un'applicazione, chiamare i metodi e ShowHelpIndex staticiShowHelp.

È possibile usare Help per visualizzare i file della Guida compilati (con estensione chm) o HTML nel formato della Guida HTML. I file della Guida compilati forniscono un sommario, un indice, funzionalità di ricerca e collegamenti di parole chiave nelle pagine. I collegamenti funzionano solo nei file della Guida compilati.

È possibile generare file della Guida HTML 1.x usando HTML Help Workshop. Per altre informazioni sulla Guida HTML, vedere "HTML Help Workshop" e altri argomenti della Guida HTML nella Guida html Microsoft.


ShowHelp(Control, String)

Visualizza il contenuto del file della Guida all'URL specificato.

ShowHelp(Control, String, HelpNavigator)

Visualizza il contenuto del file della Guida all'URL specificato per un argomento specifico.

ShowHelp(Control, String, HelpNavigator, Object)

Visualizza il contenuto del file della Guida all'URL specificato fornito dall’utente.

ShowHelp(Control, String, String)

Visualizza il contenuto del file della Guida all'URL specificato per una parola chiave specifica.

ShowHelpIndex(Control, String)

Visualizza l'indice del file della Guida specificato.

ShowPopup(Control, String, Point)

Visualizza una finestra popup della Guida.

Si applica a

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