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SoapEnumAttribute Costruttori


Inizializza una nuova istanza della classe SoapEnumAttribute.



Inizializza una nuova istanza della classe SoapEnumAttribute.


Inizializza una nuova istanza della classe SoapEnumAttribute usando il nome di elemento specificato.


Inizializza una nuova istanza della classe SoapEnumAttribute.

public SoapEnumAttribute ();
Public Sub New ()


Nell'esempio seguente viene utilizzato per XmlSerializer serializzare una classe denominata Food che include un'enumerazione denominata FoodType. L'enumerazione FoodType viene sottoposta a override creando un SoapEnumAttribute oggetto per ogni enumerazione e impostando la SoapEnum proprietà di un SoapAttributes oggetto su SoapEnumAttribute. L'oggetto SoapAttributes viene aggiunto a un SoapAttributeOverrides oggetto utilizzato per creare un oggetto XmlSerializer.

#using <System.Xml.dll>
#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Xml;
using namespace System::Xml::Serialization;
public enum class GroupType
   // Use the SoapEnumAttribute to instruct the XmlSerializer
   // to generate Small and Large instead of A and B.

public ref class Group
   String^ GroupName;
   GroupType Grouptype;

public ref class Run
   void SerializeObject( String^ filename )
      // Create an instance of the XmlSerializer Class.
      XmlTypeMapping^ mapp = (gcnew SoapReflectionImporter)->ImportTypeMapping( Group::typeid );
      XmlSerializer^ mySerializer = gcnew XmlSerializer( mapp );

      // Writing the file requires a TextWriter.
      TextWriter^ writer = gcnew StreamWriter( filename );

      // Create an instance of the Class that will be serialized.
      Group^ myGroup = gcnew Group;

      // Set the Object* properties.
      myGroup->GroupName = ".NET";
      myGroup->Grouptype = GroupType::A;

      // Serialize the Class, and close the TextWriter.
      mySerializer->Serialize( writer, myGroup );

   void SerializeOverride( String^ fileName )
      SoapAttributeOverrides^ soapOver = gcnew SoapAttributeOverrides;
      SoapAttributes^ SoapAtts = gcnew SoapAttributes;

      // Add a SoapEnumAttribute for the GroupType::A enumerator.       
      // Instead of 'A'  it will be S"West".
      SoapEnumAttribute^ soapEnum = gcnew SoapEnumAttribute( "West" );

      // Override the S"A" enumerator.
      SoapAtts->GroupType::SoapEnum = soapEnum;
      soapOver->Add( GroupType::typeid, "A", SoapAtts );

      // Add another SoapEnumAttribute for the GroupType::B enumerator.
      // Instead of //B// it will be S"East".
      SoapAtts = gcnew SoapAttributes;
      soapEnum = gcnew SoapEnumAttribute;
      soapEnum->Name = "East";
      SoapAtts->GroupType::SoapEnum = soapEnum;
      soapOver->Add( GroupType::typeid, "B", SoapAtts );

      // Create an XmlSerializer used for overriding.
      XmlTypeMapping^ map = (gcnew SoapReflectionImporter( soapOver ))->ImportTypeMapping( Group::typeid );
      XmlSerializer^ ser = gcnew XmlSerializer( map );
      Group^ myGroup = gcnew Group;
      myGroup->GroupName = ".NET";
      myGroup->Grouptype = GroupType::B;

      // Writing the file requires a TextWriter.
      TextWriter^ writer = gcnew StreamWriter( fileName );
      ser->Serialize( writer, myGroup );

int main()
   Run^ test = gcnew Run;
   test->SerializeObject( "SoapEnum.xml" );
   test->SerializeOverride( "SoapOverride.xml" );
   Console::WriteLine( "Fininished writing two files" );
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;

public class Group{
   public string GroupName;
   public GroupType Grouptype;

public enum GroupType{
   // Use the SoapEnumAttribute to instruct the XmlSerializer
   // to generate Small and Large instead of A and B.

public class Run {
   static void Main(){
      Run test= new Run();
      Console.WriteLine("Fininished writing two files");

     private void SerializeObject(string filename){
      // Create an instance of the XmlSerializer Class.
      XmlTypeMapping mapp  =
      (new SoapReflectionImporter()).ImportTypeMapping(typeof(Group));
      XmlSerializer mySerializer =  new XmlSerializer(mapp);

      // Writing the file requires a TextWriter.
      TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filename);

      // Create an instance of the Class that will be serialized.
      Group myGroup = new Group();

      // Set the object properties.
      myGroup.GroupName = ".NET";
      myGroup.Grouptype= GroupType.A;

      // Serialize the Class, and close the TextWriter.
      mySerializer.Serialize(writer, myGroup);

   private void SerializeOverride(string fileName){
      SoapAttributeOverrides soapOver = new SoapAttributeOverrides();
      SoapAttributes SoapAtts = new SoapAttributes();

      // Add a SoapEnumAttribute for the GroupType.A enumerator.
      // Instead of 'A'  it will be "West".
      SoapEnumAttribute soapEnum = new SoapEnumAttribute("West");
      // Override the "A" enumerator.
      SoapAtts.SoapEnum = soapEnum;
      soapOver.Add(typeof(GroupType), "A", SoapAtts);

      // Add another SoapEnumAttribute for the GroupType.B enumerator.
      // Instead of //B// it will be "East".
      SoapAtts= new SoapAttributes();
      soapEnum = new SoapEnumAttribute();
      soapEnum.Name = "East";
      SoapAtts.SoapEnum = soapEnum;
      soapOver.Add(typeof(GroupType), "B", SoapAtts);

      // Create an XmlSerializer used for overriding.
      XmlTypeMapping map =
      new SoapReflectionImporter(soapOver).
      XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(map);
      Group myGroup = new Group();
      myGroup.GroupName = ".NET";
      myGroup.Grouptype = GroupType.B;
      // Writing the file requires a TextWriter.
      TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fileName);
      ser.Serialize(writer, myGroup);
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Xml.Serialization

Public Class Group
   Public GroupName As String 
   Public Grouptype As GroupType 
End Class

Public enum GroupType
' Use the SoapEnumAttribute to instruct the XmlSerializer
' to generate Small and Large instead of A and B.
   <SoapEnum("Small")> _
   <SoapEnum("Large")> _
End enum
Public Class Run
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim test As Run = new Run()
      Console.WriteLine("Fininished writing two files")
   End Sub

   Private Shared Sub SerializeObject(filename As string)
      ' Create an instance of the XmlSerializer Class.
      Dim mapp  As XmlTypeMapping = _
      (New SoapReflectionImporter()).ImportTypeMapping(GetType(Group))
      Dim mySerializer As XmlSerializer =  New XmlSerializer(mapp)

      ' Writing the file requires a TextWriter.
      Dim writer As TextWriter = New StreamWriter(filename)

      ' Create an instance of the Class that will be serialized.
      Dim myGroup As Group = New Group()

      ' Set the object properties.
      myGroup.GroupName = ".NET"
      myGroup.Grouptype= GroupType.A

      ' Serialize the Class, and close the TextWriter.
      mySerializer.Serialize(writer, myGroup)
   End Sub

   Private  Sub SerializeOverride(fileName As String)
      Dim soapOver As SoapAttributeOverrides = new SoapAttributeOverrides()
      Dim SoapAtts As SoapAttributes = new SoapAttributes()

      ' Add a SoapEnumAttribute for the GroupType.A enumerator. Instead
      ' of 'A' it will be "West".
      Dim soapEnum As SoapEnumAttribute = new SoapEnumAttribute("West")
      ' Override the "A" enumerator.
      SoapAtts.SoapEnum = soapEnum
      soapOver.Add(GetType(GroupType), "A", SoapAtts)

      ' Add another SoapEnumAttribute for the GroupType.B enumerator.
      ' Instead of 'B' it will be "East".
      SoapAtts= New SoapAttributes()
      soapEnum = new SoapEnumAttribute()
      soapEnum.Name = "East"
      SoapAtts.SoapEnum = soapEnum
      soapOver.Add(GetType(GroupType), "B", SoapAtts)

      ' Create an XmlSerializer used for overriding.
      Dim map As XmlTypeMapping = New SoapReflectionImporter _
      Dim ser As XmlSerializer = New XmlSerializer(map)
      Dim myGroup As Group = New Group()
      myGroup.GroupName = ".NET"
      myGroup.Grouptype = GroupType.B
      ' Writing the file requires a TextWriter.
      Dim writer As TextWriter = New StreamWriter(fileName)
      ser.Serialize(writer, myGroup)

   End Sub
End Class


Utilizzare per eseguire l'override SoapEnumAttribute di un'enumerazione esistente. Creare un nuovo SoapEnumAttributeoggetto , impostarne le proprietà e assegnare l'oggetto alla SoapEnum proprietà di un oggetto SoapAttributes. Per ogni membro dell'enumerazione, è necessario crearne uno nuovo SoapAttributes e aggiungerlo a SoapAttributeOverrides. Per altri dettagli, vedere la panoramica della SoapAttributeOverrides classe.


È possibile usare la parola SoapEnum nel codice anziché quella più lunga SoapEnumAttribute.

Si applica a


Inizializza una nuova istanza della classe SoapEnumAttribute usando il nome di elemento specificato.

 SoapEnumAttribute(System::String ^ name);
public SoapEnumAttribute (string name);
new System.Xml.Serialization.SoapEnumAttribute : string -> System.Xml.Serialization.SoapEnumAttribute
Public Sub New (name As String)



Nome dell'elemento XML generato dall'elemento XmlSerializer.


Nell'esempio seguente viene utilizzato per XmlSerializer serializzare una classe denominata Food che include un'enumerazione denominata FoodType. L'enumerazione FoodType viene sottoposta a override creando un SoapEnumAttribute oggetto per ogni enumerazione e impostando la SoapEnum proprietà di un SoapAttributes oggetto su SoapEnumAttribute. L'oggetto SoapAttributes viene aggiunto a un SoapAttributeOverrides oggetto utilizzato per creare un oggetto XmlSerializer.

#using <System.Xml.dll>
#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Xml;
using namespace System::Xml::Serialization;
public enum class GroupType
   // Use the SoapEnumAttribute to instruct the XmlSerializer
   // to generate Small and Large instead of A and B.

public ref class Group
   String^ GroupName;
   GroupType Grouptype;

public ref class Run
   void SerializeObject( String^ filename )
      // Create an instance of the XmlSerializer Class.
      XmlTypeMapping^ mapp = (gcnew SoapReflectionImporter)->ImportTypeMapping( Group::typeid );
      XmlSerializer^ mySerializer = gcnew XmlSerializer( mapp );

      // Writing the file requires a TextWriter.
      TextWriter^ writer = gcnew StreamWriter( filename );

      // Create an instance of the Class that will be serialized.
      Group^ myGroup = gcnew Group;

      // Set the Object* properties.
      myGroup->GroupName = ".NET";
      myGroup->Grouptype = GroupType::A;

      // Serialize the Class, and close the TextWriter.
      mySerializer->Serialize( writer, myGroup );

   void SerializeOverride( String^ fileName )
      SoapAttributeOverrides^ soapOver = gcnew SoapAttributeOverrides;
      SoapAttributes^ SoapAtts = gcnew SoapAttributes;

      // Add a SoapEnumAttribute for the GroupType::A enumerator.       
      // Instead of 'A'  it will be S"West".
      SoapEnumAttribute^ soapEnum = gcnew SoapEnumAttribute( "West" );

      // Override the S"A" enumerator.
      SoapAtts->GroupType::SoapEnum = soapEnum;
      soapOver->Add( GroupType::typeid, "A", SoapAtts );

      // Add another SoapEnumAttribute for the GroupType::B enumerator.
      // Instead of //B// it will be S"East".
      SoapAtts = gcnew SoapAttributes;
      soapEnum = gcnew SoapEnumAttribute;
      soapEnum->Name = "East";
      SoapAtts->GroupType::SoapEnum = soapEnum;
      soapOver->Add( GroupType::typeid, "B", SoapAtts );

      // Create an XmlSerializer used for overriding.
      XmlTypeMapping^ map = (gcnew SoapReflectionImporter( soapOver ))->ImportTypeMapping( Group::typeid );
      XmlSerializer^ ser = gcnew XmlSerializer( map );
      Group^ myGroup = gcnew Group;
      myGroup->GroupName = ".NET";
      myGroup->Grouptype = GroupType::B;

      // Writing the file requires a TextWriter.
      TextWriter^ writer = gcnew StreamWriter( fileName );
      ser->Serialize( writer, myGroup );

int main()
   Run^ test = gcnew Run;
   test->SerializeObject( "SoapEnum.xml" );
   test->SerializeOverride( "SoapOverride.xml" );
   Console::WriteLine( "Fininished writing two files" );
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;

public class Group{
   public string GroupName;
   public GroupType Grouptype;

public enum GroupType{
   // Use the SoapEnumAttribute to instruct the XmlSerializer
   // to generate Small and Large instead of A and B.

public class Run {
   static void Main(){
      Run test= new Run();
      Console.WriteLine("Fininished writing two files");

     private void SerializeObject(string filename){
      // Create an instance of the XmlSerializer Class.
      XmlTypeMapping mapp  =
      (new SoapReflectionImporter()).ImportTypeMapping(typeof(Group));
      XmlSerializer mySerializer =  new XmlSerializer(mapp);

      // Writing the file requires a TextWriter.
      TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filename);

      // Create an instance of the Class that will be serialized.
      Group myGroup = new Group();

      // Set the object properties.
      myGroup.GroupName = ".NET";
      myGroup.Grouptype= GroupType.A;

      // Serialize the Class, and close the TextWriter.
      mySerializer.Serialize(writer, myGroup);

   private void SerializeOverride(string fileName){
      SoapAttributeOverrides soapOver = new SoapAttributeOverrides();
      SoapAttributes SoapAtts = new SoapAttributes();

      // Add a SoapEnumAttribute for the GroupType.A enumerator.
      // Instead of 'A'  it will be "West".
      SoapEnumAttribute soapEnum = new SoapEnumAttribute("West");
      // Override the "A" enumerator.
      SoapAtts.SoapEnum = soapEnum;
      soapOver.Add(typeof(GroupType), "A", SoapAtts);

      // Add another SoapEnumAttribute for the GroupType.B enumerator.
      // Instead of //B// it will be "East".
      SoapAtts= new SoapAttributes();
      soapEnum = new SoapEnumAttribute();
      soapEnum.Name = "East";
      SoapAtts.SoapEnum = soapEnum;
      soapOver.Add(typeof(GroupType), "B", SoapAtts);

      // Create an XmlSerializer used for overriding.
      XmlTypeMapping map =
      new SoapReflectionImporter(soapOver).
      XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(map);
      Group myGroup = new Group();
      myGroup.GroupName = ".NET";
      myGroup.Grouptype = GroupType.B;
      // Writing the file requires a TextWriter.
      TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fileName);
      ser.Serialize(writer, myGroup);
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Xml.Serialization

Public Class Group
   Public GroupName As String 
   Public Grouptype As GroupType 
End Class

Public enum GroupType
' Use the SoapEnumAttribute to instruct the XmlSerializer
' to generate Small and Large instead of A and B.
   <SoapEnum("Small")> _
   <SoapEnum("Large")> _
End enum
Public Class Run
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim test As Run = new Run()
      Console.WriteLine("Fininished writing two files")
   End Sub

   Private Shared Sub SerializeObject(filename As string)
      ' Create an instance of the XmlSerializer Class.
      Dim mapp  As XmlTypeMapping = _
      (New SoapReflectionImporter()).ImportTypeMapping(GetType(Group))
      Dim mySerializer As XmlSerializer =  New XmlSerializer(mapp)

      ' Writing the file requires a TextWriter.
      Dim writer As TextWriter = New StreamWriter(filename)

      ' Create an instance of the Class that will be serialized.
      Dim myGroup As Group = New Group()

      ' Set the object properties.
      myGroup.GroupName = ".NET"
      myGroup.Grouptype= GroupType.A

      ' Serialize the Class, and close the TextWriter.
      mySerializer.Serialize(writer, myGroup)
   End Sub

   Private  Sub SerializeOverride(fileName As String)
      Dim soapOver As SoapAttributeOverrides = new SoapAttributeOverrides()
      Dim SoapAtts As SoapAttributes = new SoapAttributes()

      ' Add a SoapEnumAttribute for the GroupType.A enumerator. Instead
      ' of 'A' it will be "West".
      Dim soapEnum As SoapEnumAttribute = new SoapEnumAttribute("West")
      ' Override the "A" enumerator.
      SoapAtts.SoapEnum = soapEnum
      soapOver.Add(GetType(GroupType), "A", SoapAtts)

      ' Add another SoapEnumAttribute for the GroupType.B enumerator.
      ' Instead of 'B' it will be "East".
      SoapAtts= New SoapAttributes()
      soapEnum = new SoapEnumAttribute()
      soapEnum.Name = "East"
      SoapAtts.SoapEnum = soapEnum
      soapOver.Add(GetType(GroupType), "B", SoapAtts)

      ' Create an XmlSerializer used for overriding.
      Dim map As XmlTypeMapping = New SoapReflectionImporter _
      Dim ser As XmlSerializer = New XmlSerializer(map)
      Dim myGroup As Group = New Group()
      myGroup.GroupName = ".NET"
      myGroup.Grouptype = GroupType.B
      ' Writing the file requires a TextWriter.
      Dim writer As TextWriter = New StreamWriter(fileName)
      ser.Serialize(writer, myGroup)

   End Sub
End Class


Specificare quando Name si desidera che l'enumeratore XML generato sia diverso dall'enumeratore trovato nell'enumerazione .


È possibile usare la parola SoapEnum nel codice anziché quella più lunga SoapEnumAttribute.

Si applica a