Procedura: posizionare un menu di scelta rapida personalizzato in un controllo RichTextBox
In questo esempio viene illustrato come posizionare un menu di scelta rapida personalizzato per un oggetto RichTextBox.
Quando si implementa un menu contestuale personalizzato per un oggetto RichTextBox, si è responsabili della gestione del posizionamento del menu contestuale. Per impostazione predefinita, un menu contestuale personalizzato si apre al centro dell'oggetto RichTextBox.
Aggiungere un listener per l'evento ContextMenuOpening
Per eseguire l'override del comportamento di posizionamento predefinito, aggiungere un listener per l'evento ContextMenuOpening . L'esempio seguente illustra come eseguire questa operazione a livello di codice.
richTextBox.ContextMenuOpening += new ContextMenuEventHandler(richTextBox_ContextMenuOpening);
AddHandler richTextBox.ContextMenuOpening, AddressOf richTextBox_ContextMenuOpening
Implementazione del listener di eventi ContextMenuOpening
Nell'esempio seguente viene illustrata un'implementazione del listener di eventi corrispondente ContextMenuOpening .
// This method is intended to listen for the ContextMenuOpening event from a RichTextBox.
// It will position the custom context menu at the end of the current selection.
void richTextBox_ContextMenuOpening(object sender, ContextMenuEventArgs e)
// Sender must be RichTextBox.
RichTextBox rtb = sender as RichTextBox;
if (rtb == null) return;
ContextMenu contextMenu = rtb.ContextMenu;
contextMenu.PlacementTarget = rtb;
// This uses HorizontalOffset and VerticalOffset properties to position the menu,
// relative to the upper left corner of the parent element (RichTextBox in this case).
contextMenu.Placement = PlacementMode.RelativePoint;
// Compute horizontal and vertical offsets to place the menu relative to selection end.
TextPointer position = rtb.Selection.End;
if (position == null) return;
Rect positionRect = position.GetCharacterRect(LogicalDirection.Forward);
contextMenu.HorizontalOffset = positionRect.X;
contextMenu.VerticalOffset = positionRect.Y;
// Finally, mark the event has handled.
contextMenu.IsOpen = true;
e.Handled = true;
' This method is intended to listen for the ContextMenuOpening event from a RichTextBox.
' It will position the custom context menu at the end of the current selection.
Private Sub richTextBox_ContextMenuOpening(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ContextMenuEventArgs)
' Sender must be RichTextBox.
Dim rtb As RichTextBox = TryCast(sender, RichTextBox)
If rtb Is Nothing Then
End If
Dim contextMenu As ContextMenu = rtb.ContextMenu
contextMenu.PlacementTarget = rtb
' This uses HorizontalOffset and VerticalOffset properties to position the menu,
' relative to the upper left corner of the parent element (RichTextBox in this case).
contextMenu.Placement = PlacementMode.RelativePoint
' Compute horizontal and vertical offsets to place the menu relative to selection end.
Dim position As TextPointer = rtb.Selection.End
If position Is Nothing Then
End If
Dim positionRect As Rect = position.GetCharacterRect(LogicalDirection.Forward)
contextMenu.HorizontalOffset = positionRect.X
contextMenu.VerticalOffset = positionRect.Y
' Finally, mark the event has handled.
contextMenu.IsOpen = True
e.Handled = True
End Sub
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