Color Palette

A collection of reusable colors that can be referenced in layouts.


default - object, optional. A collection of Hexadecimal color definitions that can be referenced using a color reference.

highContrast - object, optional. A collection of Hexadecimal color definitions that can be referenced using a color reference. Overrides definitions in default when High contrast mode is enabled.


  "$schema": "",
  "styles": {
    "colors": {
      "default": {
        "myColor1": "#ff0000ff",
        "myColor2": "#00ff00ff",
        "system_contentPrimary": "#0000ffff"
      "highContrast": {
        "myColor1": "#00ff00ff",
        "system_contrastPrimary": "#0000ffaa"
  "content": {
    "left": {
      "inner": [
          "type": "directionalPad",
          "styles": {
            "idle": {
              "background": {
                "type": "color",
                "value": "colors/myColor1"
    "right": {
      "inner": [
              "type": "button",
              "action": "gamepadY"
              "type": "button",
              "action": "gamepadB"
              "type": "button",
              "action": "gamepadA",
              "styles": {
                "idle": {
                  "background": {
                    "type": "color",
                    "value": "colors/myColor2"
              "type": "button",
              "action": "gamepadX"

The above layout with high contrast mode disabled:

Touch layout with color palette and high contrast mode disabled

And with high contrast mode enabled:

Touch layout with color palette and high contrast mode enabled


The above sample includes color definitions that override system colors (e.g., system_contentPrimary, system_accentPrimary etc.) as well as custom color definitions (myColor1, myColor2). Controls implicitly sample system colors when styling, meaning any overrides will effect the global styling of all controls (unless a control has it's own override within a custom styles block). Custom colors must be explicitly referenced using a color reference (e.g., colors/myColor1). Additionally, custom color definitions cannot use the reserved system_ prefix as it's reserved for system colors.

Color definitions are declared in default and highContrast objects, and are activated when high contrast mode is disabled or enabled, respectively. When high contrast mode is disabled, colors are sampled from default. When enabled, colors are first sampled from highContrast, falling back on default if no definition exists. If a system color override is not present in default, a system default is used, while custom colors must be defined in default. The following table outlines how the above color definitions will resolve dependent on if high contrast (HC) mode is enabled or not:

Color definition HC mode disabled HC mode enabled
myColor1 #ff0000ff #00ff00ff
myColor2 #00ff00ff #00ff00ff
system_contentPrimary #0000ffff #0000ffff
system_contrastPrimary system default #0000ffaa

System colors

The following table summarizes the list of system colors in the touch adaptation kit, a description of how they are used to style controls, as well as their system default values when high contrast (HC) mode is disabled/enabled.

System Color Description HC mode disabled HC mode enabled
system_contentPrimary Color used for styling components such as middle strokes, icon tints, and dpad gradients. #ffffffff #ffffffff
system_contentSecondary Color used for styling components such as backgrounds and fills. #ffffff1a #ffffffff
system_contrastPrimary Color used for styling contrast components such as inner/outer strokes and face image backplates. #00000000 #000000bf
system_contrastSecondary Color used for styling contrast components such as touchpad strokes. #00000000 #ffffffff
system_actionColorDefault Color used for styling components on controls where the action field is set to a non-gamepad action. #ffffffff #ffffffe6
system_actionColorA Color used for styling components on controls where the action field is set to gamepadA. #7eb902ff #ffffffe6
system_actionColorB Color used for styling components on controls where the action field is set to gamepadB. #f25127ff #ffffffe6
system_actionColorX Color used for styling components on controls where the action field is set to gamepadX. #00a2eeff #ffffffe6
system_actionColorY Color used for styling components on controls where the action field is set to gamepadY. #ffb807ff #ffffffe6
system_accentPrimary Color used for styling components such as the ergo-edit inner wheel. #8cc08cff #8cc08cff
system_accentSecondary Color used for styling components such as the ergo-edit outer wheel. #61ab61ff #61ab61ff

For an up to date listing, refer to the definitions prefixed with _SystemColor in the latest schema.

See Also

Touch Adaptation Kit Reference
High contrast mode for Touch Adaptation Layouts