printer resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Represents a printer device that is registered with the Universal Print service. Printer resources can be used to manage print jobs, printer settings, printer metadata, and registration status.
This resource supports:
Inherits from printerBase.
Method | Return type | Description |
Create | printerCreateOperation | Create (register) a new printer with Universal Print. |
Get | printer | Read the properties and relationships of the printer object. |
Update | printer | Update the printer object. |
Delete | None | Unregister the physical printer from the Universal Print service. |
Restore factory defaults | None | Restore a printer's default settings to the values specified by the manufacturer. |
List print jobs | printJob collection | Get a list of print jobs that the printer queues for processing. |
Create print job | printJob | Create a new print job for the printer. To start printing the job, use start. |
List connectors | printConnector collection | Get a list of connectors that this printer is associated with. |
List printerShares | printerShare collection | Get a list of printerShares that this printer is associated with. Currently, only one printerShare can be associated with a printer. |
List task triggers | None | List printTaskTriggers associated with this printer. |
Create task trigger | printTaskTrigger | Create a printTaskTrigger that runs when print events occur. |
Delete task trigger | None | Delete a printTaskTrigger that is associated with the printer. |
Property | Type | Description |
capabilities | printerCapabilities | The capabilities of the printer associated with this printer share. Inherited from printerBase. |
defaults | printerDefaults | The printer's default print settings. Inherited from printerBase. |
displayName | String | The name of the printer. Inherited from printerBase. |
hasPhysicalDevice | Boolean | True if the printer has a physical device for printing. Read-only. |
id | String | The document's identifier. Inherited from printerBase. Read-only. |
isAcceptingJobs | Boolean | True if the printer is currently accepting new print jobs. Inherited from printerBase. |
isShared | Boolean | True if the printer is shared; false otherwise. Read-only. |
lastSeenDateTime | DateTimeOffset | The most recent dateTimeOffset when a printer interacted with Universal Print. Read-only. |
location | printerLocation | The physical and/or organizational location of the printer. Inherited from printerBase. |
manufacturer | String | The manufacturer reported by the printer. Inherited from printerBase. |
model | String | The model name reported by the printer. Inherited from printerBase. |
registeredDateTime | DateTimeOffset | The DateTimeOffset when the printer was registered. Read-only. |
status | printerStatus | The processing status of the printer, including any errors. Inherited from printerBase. |
Relationship | Type | Description |
connectors | printConnector | The connectors that are associated with the printer. |
jobs | printJob collection | The list of jobs that the printer queues for printing. Inherited from printerBase. |
shares | printerShare collection | The list of printerShares that are associated with the printer. Currently, only one printerShare can be associated with the printer. Read-only. Nullable. |
taskTriggers | printTaskTrigger collection | A list of task triggers that are associated with the printer. |
JSON representation
The following JSON representation shows the resource type.
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.printer",
"id": "String (identifier)",
"displayName": "String",
"manufacturer": "String",
"model": "String",
"isAcceptingJobs": "Boolean",
"defaults": {
"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.printerDefaults"
"location": {
"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.printerLocation"
"capabilities": {
"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.printerCapabilities"
"status": {
"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.printerStatus"
"registeredDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"isShared": "Boolean",
"hasPhysicalDevice": "Boolean",
"lastSeenDateTime": "String (timestamp)"