workbookTable resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

Represents an Excel table.


Method Return Type Description
List workbookTable collection Get table object collection.
Add workbookTable Create a new table. The range source address determines the worksheet under which the table will be added. If the table can't be added (for example, because the address is invalid, or the table would overlap with another table), an error is thrown.
Get workbookTable Read the properties and relationships of the workbookTable object.
Update workbookTable Update the workbookTable object.
Delete None Deletes the table.
List columns workbookTableColumn collection Get a list of workbookTableColumn objects.
Create column workbookTableColumn Create a new workbookTableColumn by posting to the columns collection.
List rows workbookTableRow collection Get a workbookTableRow object collection.
Create row workbookTableRow Create a new workbookTableRow by posting to the rows collection.
Get data body range workbookRange Gets the workbookRange object associated with the data body of the table.
Get header row range workbookRange Gets the workbookRange object associated with header row of the table.
Get table range workbookRange Gets the workbookRange object associated with the entire table.
Get total row range workbookRange Gets the workbookRange object associated with totals row of the table.
Clear filters None Clears all the filters currently applied on the table.
Convert to range workbookRange Converts the table into a normal range of cells. All data is preserved.
Reapply filters None Reapplies all the filters currently on the table.


Property Type Description
id string The unique identifier for the table in the workbook. The value of the identifier remains the same even when the table is renamed. This property should be interpreted as an opaque string value and shouldn't be parsed to any other type. Read-only.
name string The name of the table.
showHeaders Boolean Indicates whether the header row is visible or not. This value can be set to show or remove the header row.
showTotals Boolean Indicates whether the total row is visible or not. This value can be set to show or remove the total row.
style string A constant value that represents the Table style. Possible values are: TableStyleLight1 through TableStyleLight21, TableStyleMedium1 through TableStyleMedium28, TableStyleStyleDark1 through TableStyleStyleDark11. A custom user-defined style present in the workbook can also be specified.
highlightFirstColumn Boolean Indicates whether the first column contains special formatting.
highlightLastColumn Boolean Indicates whether the last column contains special formatting.
showBandedColumns Boolean Indicates whether the columns show banded formatting in which odd columns are highlighted differently from even ones to make reading the table easier.
showBandedRows Boolean Indicates whether the rows show banded formatting in which odd rows are highlighted differently from even ones to make reading the table easier.
showFilterButton Boolean Indicates whether the filter buttons are visible at the top of each column header. Setting this is only allowed if the table contains a header row.
legacyId String A legacy identifier used in older Excel clients. The value of the identifier remains the same even when the table is renamed. This property should be interpreted as an opaque string value and shouldn't be parsed to any other type. Read-only.


Relationship Type Description
columns workbookTableColumn collection The list of all the columns in the table. Read-only.
rows workbookTableRow collection The list of all the rows in the table. Read-only.
sort workbookTableSort The sorting for the table. Read-only.
worksheet workbookWorksheet The worksheet containing the current table. Read-only.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "highlightFirstColumn": true,
  "highlightLastColumn": true,
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "name": "String",
  "showBandedColumns": true,
  "showBandedRows": true,
  "showFilterButton": true,
  "showHeaders": true,
  "showTotals": true,
  "style": "String",
  "legacyId": "String"