17 mar, 21 - 21 mar, 10
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Microsoft Graph is a technology platform that allows organizations to connect their business systems with Microsoft 365 SaaS data and services. Microsoft Graph includes all the options available in modern cloud integration platforms, including interactive APIs, data ingress and egress capabilities, and event-based integration, and includes the following integration options:
The following image shows the Microsoft Graph integration patterns, their associated architectural characteristic, and the types of solutions they map to.
The wide range of integration options can make it difficult to choose the best option for your needs. We recommend that you start with a business scenario and identify your functional and nonfunctional requirements. Then you can select an integration option based on those requirements.
Based on many known scenarios in the Microsoft Graph ecosystem, the following architecture requirements impact the selection of integration options:
Use the following decision tree to choose an integration option based on your architecture requirements.
Many business scenarios require multiple integration building blocks to implement a solution. For example, Data Loss Prevention (DLP) scenarios might need Microsoft Graph Data Connect for the initial data collection and malicious behavior patterns analysis, and subsequent event streaming integration for near real-time data ingestion and processing to recognize a potential security incident. Choose your integration options based on your constraints and requirements such as complexity, cost, and time to market, to best accelerate your path to value.
To explore each of the integration options in more detail, see the following topics:
17 mar, 21 - 21 mar, 10
Partecipa alla serie meetup per creare soluzioni di intelligenza artificiale scalabili basate su casi d'uso reali con altri sviluppatori ed esperti.
Iscriviti subitoFormazione
Percorso di apprendimento
Esplorare gli scenari Graph Microsoft per lo sviluppo di ASP.NET Core - Training
Questo percorso di formazione include esercizi pratici che illustrano come eseguire le attività comuni, ad esempio visualizzare i messaggi di posta elettronica di un utente, accedere agli eventi del calendario e scaricare e caricare file in un'app ASP.NET Core utilizzando le API Microsoft Graph.
Microsoft Certified: Power Platform Developer Associate - Certifications
Illustrare come semplificare, automatizzare e trasformare processi e attività aziendali usando Microsoft Power Platform.