17 mar, 21 - 21 mar, 10
Partecipa alla serie meetup per creare soluzioni di intelligenza artificiale scalabili basate su casi d'uso reali con altri sviluppatori ed esperti.
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This article describes a common Microsoft Graph integration pattern for a business scenario that requires a UI that can create, update, and manage channel messages in real time. This scenario depends on Microsoft 365 services such as sending and receiving messages from different teams.
This scenario has the following architecture requirements:
The best choice for this application is to use Microsoft Graph RESTful HTTP APIs. The client app responds to user actions and can make requests and process the data at a speed that's controlled by the client environment.
The following diagram shows the architecture for this solution.
The solution architecture includes the following components:
.The following considerations support the use of this integration pattern:
Availability: The client app periodically polls Microsoft Graph APIs for data. The client app can make requests and process the data at a speed controlled by the client environment.
Latency: The client app queries Microsoft Graph APIs for data in real time; however, there may be some latency depending on the network conditions and the load on the Microsoft Graph service.
Scalability: The client app can scale horizontally by adding more instances to the App Service plan. Microsoft Graph APIs can handle a large number of requests, but they also have throttling limits and policies to prevent abuse. The client app should implement retry logic and exponential back-off to handle throttling errors gracefully.
Solution complexity: Although this solution might use the Microsoft Graph SDK, it still requires custom code to poll and process the data. If the data volume is large, sequential processing might not be sufficient, and parallel processing might be necessary. For this reason, this solution has a medium level of complexity.
17 mar, 21 - 21 mar, 10
Partecipa alla serie meetup per creare soluzioni di intelligenza artificiale scalabili basate su casi d'uso reali con altri sviluppatori ed esperti.
Iscriviti subitoFormazione
Creare applicazioni Web ASP.NET MVC con Microsoft Graph .NET SDK - Training
Informazioni sull'utilizzo di Microsoft Graph .NET SDK in un'applicazione Web ASP.NET MVC.
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Illustrare come semplificare, automatizzare e trasformare processi e attività aziendali usando Microsoft Power Platform.
Analyze Microsoft Graph data in your data storage - Microsoft Graph
Learn about Microsoft Graph interaction patterns for non-interactive use cases that rely on a large amount of extracted Microsoft 365 data.
Common integration patterns with Microsoft Graph - Microsoft Graph
Get an overview of the integration patterns that you can apply to solutions that you build using Microsoft Graph.
Use Microsoft Graph to augment Microsoft Search with custom data - Microsoft Graph
Learn about the Microsoft Graph integration pattern for bringing custom data into search experiences.