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Managing Web Content in SharePoint Server 2010 (ECM)

Learn about Web content management (WCM) features in SharePoint Server 2010.

Applies to: SharePoint Server 2010

Web content management (WCM) features in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 enable you to configure, customize, develop, optimize, and publish sites, site collections, pages, Web Parts, and documents. WCM features provide the following:

  • Controlled consistency, enabled by a logically organized and constructed system of site collections, sites, site templates, master pages, and page layouts, custom fields, Web Parts, and libraries.

  • Rich customization features and extensibility through the user interface (UI) and the object model.

  • Extensive integration with Microsoft Office 2010 that includes combining familiar desktop productivity tools and Web content management capability.

  • Functionality in one integrated set of capabilities that you can use to create dynamic, customized Web sites.

Web content management functionality of interest specifically to developers includes the following:

  • A page layout model based on ASP.NET 3.5, which supports the creation of custom page layouts, master pages, field controls, control templates, and other elements that you can use to customize the look and feel of your Web site.

  • A customizable HTML field control.

  • Customizable Web Parts, including the Content Query Web Part (CQWP), which provides the ability to aggregate data from multiple data sources and control how the data is displayed.

  • Content deployment functionality built on the SharePoint Foundation 2010 Content Migration API.

  • Variations, which support creating and customizing multilanguage sites.

  • XHTML 1.0 compliance support.

Table 1 lists the sections of WCM and describes them.

Table 1. SharePoint WCM areas and descriptions

WCM Area


Web Content Management: Overview

Get an overview about how SharePoint Server 2010 functionality, combined with new features, enables you to manage Web content directly from SharePoint Server.

Pages in SharePoint Server 2010 (ECM)

Review the template-based page rendering system that is the page model in SharePoint Server 2010. Learn about page layouts and master pages, field controls, the page processing model, and caching.

Common SharePoint Page and Site Customization Tasks (ECM)

Find topics that show you how to customize pages and sites. Note that information about master pages is now located in the Master Pages node of the SharePoint Server 2010 SDK.

Deploying Content Between Servers in SharePoint Server 2010 (ECM)

Find topics that show you how to customize Web Parts and field controls.

Page Publishing Using SharePoint Document Converters (ECM)

Learn about the document converter framework in SharePoint Server 2010 that enables you to convert documents into Web pages that can be published to specified locations and updated from the source documents.

Deploying Content Between Servers in SharePoint Server 2010 (ECM)

Learn to use the object model to handle scenarios such as deploying content between servers that are not on the same network or writing scripts to automate common tasks.

Variations and Multiple Languages Sites in SharePoint Server 2010 (ECM)

Learn to use the site variation management system, which ensures that changes made in sources are properly reconciled in all variations. This system is integrated with workflow and translation services.

See Also


Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Development in SharePoint Server 2010

What's New: Enterprise Content Management (ECM) in SharePoint Server 2010

Common SharePoint Web Part and Field Control Customization Tasks (ECM)

Page Publishing Using SharePoint Document Converters (ECM)

Deploying Content Between Servers in SharePoint Server 2010 (ECM)

Other Resources

Pages in SharePoint Server 2010 (ECM)

Common SharePoint Page and Site Customization Tasks (ECM)

Variations and Multiple Languages Sites in SharePoint Server 2010 (ECM)

Default Master Pages in SharePoint Foundation

Enterprise Content Management Resource Center

SharePoint Developer Center

SharePoint Developer Team Blog