SCRM 2006 SMS Views
The SCRM 2006 presentation database (SystemCenterPresentation) contains the following SQL views for the SMS data collected by SCRM 2006.
In This Section
- SCRM 2006 SC_SiteHierarchy_BRIDGE_View
Maps a parent site to each of its child sites.
- SCRM 2006 SC_Service_DIMENSION_View
Describes all of the Microsoft Win32 services that exist in the enterprise.
- SCRM 2006 SC_ServiceInstallation_FACT_View
Describes which services have been installed on managed nodes in an enterprise.
- SCRM 2006 SC_NodeUSBController_OUTRIGGER_View
Lists hardware inventory for the USB devices on a managed node.
- SCRM 2006 SC_NodeTape_OUTRIGGER_View
Lists hardware inventory for the tape drives on a managed node.
- SCRM 2006 SC_NodeSound_OUTRIGGER_View
Lists hardware inventory for the sound cards on a managed node.
- SCRM 2006 SC_NodeSCSIController_OUTRIGGER_View
Lists hardware inventory for the SCSI controllers on a managed node.
- SCRM 2006 SC_NodeNetworkClient_OUTRIGGER_View
Lists hardware inventory for the network clients on a managed node.
- SCRM 2006 SC_NodeModem_OUTRIGGER_View
Lists hardware inventory for the modems on a managed node.
- SCRM 2006 SC_NodeLogon_OUTRIGGER_View
Lists history of user logons for a managed node.
- SCRM 2006 SC_NodeIDEController_OUTRIGGER_View
Lists hardware inventory for the IDE controllers for a managed node.
- SCRM 2006 SC_NodeEnclosure_OUTRIGGER_View
Lists hardware inventory for the enclosures for a managed node.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_ManagedNode_Dimension_View
Lists all information about SMS managed computers.
- SCRM 2006 SC_CollectionHierarchy_BRIDGE_View
Lists the relationship between a parent collection and every subcollection below it.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_User_Dimension_View
Lists all information about each user and each user group.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_Time_Dimension_View
Contains the Coordinated Universal Time (Greenwich Mean Time) time of day.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_StatusMessage_Dimension_View
Lists the unique status messages that can be raised by SMS.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_SoftwareUpdate_Fact_View
Describes software update applicability and distribution
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_SoftwareUpdate_Dimension_View
Lists each software update distributable by SMS.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_SoftwareInventory_Fact_View
Describes which files have been installed on each managed node.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_SoftwareDistribution_Fact_View
Describes what software is targeted and which nodes the software is distributed to.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_SMSSite_Dimension_View
Lists information about each SMS site.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_Package_Dimension_View
Lists the SMS software packages that are available for software distribution across all SMS installations in the enterprise.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_NodeVideoController_OUTRIGGER_View
Lists hardware inventory for the video cards on a managed node.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_NodeSMSSystemRole_OUTRIGGER_View
Lists SMS system role information for a managed node.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_NodePartition_OUTRIGGER_View
Lists hardware inventory for the logical partitions on a managed node.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_NodeNetCard_OUTRIGGER_View
Lists hardware inventory for the network cards on a managed node.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_NodeMonitor_OUTRIGGER_View
Lists hardware inventory for the video monitors on a managed node.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_NodeLocation_Dimension_View
Lists location information for computers.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_NodeLocationAndAssociation_FACT_View
Lists the association between a Node, its location, and the SMS site and the user or computer owner
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_NodeDisk_Outrigger_View
Lists hardware inventory for the disks for a managed node.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_NodeChange_Fact_View
Lists the managed node configuration changes.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_NodeChangeType_Dimension_View
Lists the types of changes that are recorded in the SC_NodeChange_FACT table.
Lists hardware inventory for the CD-ROM drives for a managed node.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_LogicalDisk_Dimension_View
Lists details of each logical disk on a managed node.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_LogicalDiskFreeSpace_Fact_View
Lists the free space and total size of each logical disk on each managed node.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_Lineage_Dimension_View
Lists the source of SMS data stored in an SCRM data warehouse
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_Language_DIMENSION_View
Lists operating system locales and their hexadecimal and decimal codes.
- SCRM 2006 SC_File_Dimension_View
Lists the unique files that are inventored by the SMS agent for Software Inventory.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_Date_Dimension_View
Lists both calendar and fiscal calendar information for each date.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_Collection_Dimension_View
Lists the SMS collections.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_CollectionMemberUser_FACT_VIEW
Lists the users and user groups that are members of each SMS collection.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_CollectionMemberNode_FACT_VIEW
Lists the managed nodes that are members of each SMS collection.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_Advertisement_Dimension_View
Lists information about each SMS advertisement.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_AddRemoveProgram_Fact_View
Lists the Add Remove Program (ARP) registered programs and the managed nodes they were installed on.
- SCRM 2006 SCRS_AddRemoveProgram_DIMENSION_View
Lists the programs that are registered with the uninstall program feature.
See Also
Other Resources
SCRM 2006 MOM Views
SCRM 2006 Report Customization
SCRM 2006 SMS Views
SCRM 2006 Stored Procedures