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Interfaccia Reference2

Aggiornamento: novembre 2007

Estende l'interfaccia Reference dello spazio dei nomi VSLangProj.

Spazio dei nomi:  VSLangProj2
Assembly:  VSLangProj2 (in VSLangProj2.dll)


<GuidAttribute("4FFF24C5-5644-4A47-A48A-B74C3F1F8FC8")> _
Public Interface Reference2 _
    Implements Reference

Dim instance As Reference2
public interface Reference2 : Reference
public interface class Reference2 : Reference
public interface Reference2 extends Reference


Gli oggetti Reference restituiti dall'insieme References dell'oggetto VSProject supportano sia l'interfaccia Reference che l'interfaccia Reference2. Eseguire il cast dell'oggetto Reference2 per accedere ai membri di Reference2.

Reference2 definisce tutti i membri di Reference trovati nello spazio dei nomi VSLangProj, oltre a:


L'esempio seguente crea un nuovo progetto da un modello, aggiunge due riferimenti e ne visualizza i tipi.

'Macro Editor
Imports VSLangProj
Sub NewProject()
   Dim newName As String = InputBox("New project name:")
   ' Create a new project in the solution based on an existing
   ' project.
   Dim newProject As Project = DTE.Solution.AddFromTemplate( _
      "C:\TemplatePath\Template.vbproj", _
      "C:\ProjectPath\" & newName, newName)
   ' Add a COM reference and display its type.
   Dim vsProject As VSProject = CType(newProject.Object, VSProject)
   Dim newRef As Reference
   newRef = vsProject.References.Add("C:\WINNT\System32\msmask32.ocx")
   ' Add an Assembly reference and display its type, "Assembly".
   newRef = vsProject.References.Add("C:\SomeProject\bin\SomeProject.dll")
End Sub

Private Function GetRefTypeName(ByVal ref As Reference) _
   As String
   Dim type As String
   Select Case ref.Type
      Case prjReferenceType.prjReferenceTypeActiveX
         type = "COM"
      Case prjReferenceType.prjReferenceTypeAssembly
         type = "Assembly"
   End Select
   Return type
End Function

L'esempio seguente crea un breve report delle proprietà di un riferimento.

' Macro Editor
' Create a small report about a reference.
Imports VSLangProj
Function ReportReferences(ByVal aRef As Reference) As String
   Dim report As String = ""
   Dim type As String
   ' Each entry in the ArrayList will contain a label and a value.
   Dim ht As System.Collections.ArrayList = _
      New System.Collections.ArrayList()
   With aRef
      ht.Add(New String() {"Name", .Name})
      ht.Add(New String() {"Description", .Description})
      ht.Add(New String() {"Version", String.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", _
         .MajorVersion, .MinorVersion, .BuildNumber, .RevisionNumber)})
      ht.Add(New String() {"Location", .ContainingProject.FullName})
      Select Case .Type
         Case prjReferenceType.prjReferenceTypeActiveX
            type = "COM"
         Case prjReferenceType.prjReferenceTypeAssembly
            type = "Assembly"
      End Select
      ht.Add(New String() {"Type", type})
      ht.Add(New String() {"Culture", .Culture})
   End With
   Dim datas() As String
   For Each datas In ht
      report &= datas(0) & ControlChars.Tab & datas(1) & ControlChars.CrLf
   Return report
End Function

Vedere anche


Membri Reference2

Spazio dei nomi VSLangProj2