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Dsastat Syntax

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

DsaStat Syntax

DsaStat uses the following syntax:

Art Imagedsastat [/loglevel:{INFO|TRACE|DEBUG}] [/output:{SCREEN|FILE|BOTH}] [/s:ServerName[PortNumber][;ServerName[PortNumber]...]] [/t:{TRUE|FALSE}] [/sort:{TRUE|FALSE}] [/p:PageSize] [/scope:{BASE|ONELEVEL|SUBTREE}] [/b:SearchPath] [/filter:LdapFilter] [/gcattrs:{[LDAPAttributes[Attribute;Attribute...]]| [ObjectClass]|[Auto]|[All]} [**/u:UserName] [/pwd:Password] [/d:**Domain


  • ****/loglevel:{INFO|TRACE|DEBUG}
    Specifies the extent of logging that is performed during execution. The default option is INFO.
  • ****/output:{SCREEN|FILE|BOTH}
    Specifies where the results of DsaStat are displayed. If FILE is selected, the output is saved to a file named Dsastat.log.nnnnn. The default option is BOTH.
  • ****/s:ServerName[PortNumber][;ServerName[PortNumber]...]
    Specifies the names of the servers on which the comparison is performed. Separate each server name with a semicolon (;). The server name can be appended with the TCP/IP port number. If PortNumber is 3268, the comparison is performed against the global catalog of that server. The default port number is the default LDAP port (389).
  • ****/t:{TRUE|FALSE}
    Specifies whether to perform a statistics comparison or a full-content comparison. Setting /t: to TRUE performs a statistical comparison. Setting /t: to FALSE performs a full-content comparison. The default is TRUE. The statistical comparison merely counts the objects. It does not compare the attributes of the objects that have been retrieved from the domain controllers and it ignores the /gcattrs parameter. A full-content comparison retrieves every object with attribute values and performs a comparison of the attributes of the same object from different domain controllers.
  • ****/sort:{TRUE|FALSE}
    Determines whether the search operations are performed with sorting based on object GUID. Setting /sort: to TRUE performs sorted queries. Setting /sort: to FALSE does not perform sorted queries. The default value is FALSE. Performing a sorted query by setting this option to TRUE has a negative impact on performance; however, it complements the full-content comparison because it ensures that objects are returned in nearly the same order from different servers and improves the performance of full-content comparison.
  • ****/p:PageSize
    Sets the number of entries to be returned per page for ldap_search operation. The valid range for PageSize is 1-999. The default value is 64. If the directory objects are large (such as user objects with many of their attributes populated with values), it is advisable to use a smaller page size.
  • ****/scope:{BASE|ONELEVEL|SUBTREE}
    Specifies the extent of scope for the search operation. The default option is SUBTREE.
  • ****/b:SearchPath
    Sets the distinguished name of the base search path. This allows DsaStat to perform the comparison against any subtree of the directory.
  • ****/filter:LdapFilter
    Sets LDAP filter used in the LDAP search operation. The filter must conform to LDAP search syntax as specified in RFC 2254. The default filter is (objectclass=*).
  • ****/gcattrs:{[LDAPAttributes[Attribute;Attribute...]]| [ObjectClass]|[Auto]|[All]}
    Specifies attributes to be returned from search. This option is used only if the comparison parameter /t is set to FALSE: LDAPAttributes specifies any LDAP attribute available. Multiple attributes may be specified separated by semicolons. ObjectClass specifies that no attributes be displayed. Auto specifies that only the attributes replicated to the global catalog be displayed. All specifies that all attributes contained in an object be displayed
  • ****/u:UserName
    Specifies the user name to use for the query.
  • ****/pwd:Password
    Specifies the password to use for authenticating the user name. Must be used with the /u parameter.
  • ****/d:Domain
    Specifies the domain to use for authenticating the user name. Must be used with the /u parameter.

See Also


Dsastat Overview
Dsastat Examples
Alphabetical List of Tools
Search Overview
Replmon Overview
Repadmin Overview
Ldp Overview
Clonepr Overview
ADSI Edit (adsiedit.msc)
Acldiag Overview