Creates a trigger that signals when a user presses a key.
Parameter Set: Default
New-PefKeyDownTrigger [-InformationAction <System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference> {SilentlyContinue | Stop | Continue | Inquire | Ignore | Suspend} ] [-InformationVariable <System.String> ] [-Key <Char[]> ] [-Repeat] [ <CommonParameters>]
Descrizione dettagliata
The New-PefKeyDownTrigger cmdlet creates a trigger that signals when a user presses a specified key. Use the Key parameter to specify the key to initiate a trigger. You can use this keystroke trigger to start or stop a Protocol Engineering Framework (PEF) Trace Session. The trigger becomes active when you associate it with a PEF action.
Specifies how this cmdlet responds to an information event. I valori accettabili per questo parametro sono:
-- SilentlyContinue
-- Stop
-- Continue
-- Inquire
-- Ignore
-- Suspend
Alias |
infa |
Obbligatorio? |
false |
Posizione? |
named |
Valore predefinito |
none |
Accetta input da pipeline? |
false |
Accetta caratteri jolly? |
false |
Specifies a variable in which to store an information event message.
Alias |
iv |
Obbligatorio? |
false |
Posizione? |
named |
Valore predefinito |
none |
Accetta input da pipeline? |
false |
Accetta caratteri jolly? |
false |
Specifies a key to initiate a trigger. Note that Ctrl+C is no longer supported.
Alias |
none |
Obbligatorio? |
false |
Posizione? |
named |
Valore predefinito |
none |
Accetta input da pipeline? |
false |
Accetta caratteri jolly? |
false |
Indicates that the trigger runs on each occurrence of the keyboard input that you specify. If you do not specify this parameter, the trigger runs only once.
Alias |
none |
Obbligatorio? |
false |
Posizione? |
named |
Valore predefinito |
none |
Accetta input da pipeline? |
false |
Accetta caratteri jolly? |
false |
Questo cmdlet supporta i parametri comuni: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer e -OutVariable. Per altre informazioni, vedere about_CommonParameters (
Il tipo di input è il tipo degli oggetti che è possibile reindirizzare al cmdlet.
Il tipo di output corrisponde al tipo di oggetti generati dal cmdlet.
Example 1: Save the contents of a Trace Session with a key down trigger
This example creates a PEF Trace Session that you can save at any time by using the keyboard S key as a shortcut.
The first command uses the New-PefTraceSession cmdlet to create a Trace Session that runs in the Circular mode, and stores a Trace Session object in the $TraceSession01 variable.
The second command uses the Add-PefMessageSource cmdlet to add the specified message trace source.
The third command uses the current cmdlet to create a trigger based on the keyboard shortcut S and stores it in the $Trigger01 variable.
The fourth command creates a save action for the Trace Session stored in the $TraceSession01 variable, which uses the trigger specified in the $Trigger01 variable. The command also specifies a name for the trace file to save. In addition, the command uses the Force parameter and therefore does not prompt you before replacing an existing file.
The final command uses the Start-PefTraceSession cmdlet to start the session.
PS C:\> $TraceSession01 = New-PefTraceSession -Mode Circular -SaveOnStop
PS C:\> Add-PefMessageSource -PEFSession $TraceSession01 –Source "Microsoft-Pef-WFP-MessageProvider"
PS C:\> $Trigger01 = New-PefKeyDownTrigger -Key S
PS C:\> Save-PefDataCollection -PEFSession $TraceSession01 -Path "C:\Traces\Trace01.matu" -Force -Trigger $Trigger01
PS C:\> Start-PefTraceSession -PEFSession $TraceSession01