Creates a trigger that signals at the specified time.
Parameter Set: Default
New-PefDateTimeTrigger [-DateTime] <DateTime> [-InformationAction <System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference> {SilentlyContinue | Stop | Continue | Inquire | Ignore | Suspend} ] [-InformationVariable <System.String> ] [-Repeat] [ <CommonParameters>]
Descrizione dettagliata
The New-PefDateTimeTrigger cmdlet creates a trigger that signals at the specified time. You can use a date-time trigger to start or stop a Protocol Engineering Framework (PEF) Trace Session, or trigger other actions, on the date and time that you specify. The trigger becomes active when you associate it to a PEF action.
Specifies a DateTime object.
Alias |
none |
Obbligatorio? |
true |
Posizione? |
1 |
Valore predefinito |
none |
Accetta input da pipeline? |
false |
Accetta caratteri jolly? |
false |
Specifies how this cmdlet responds to an information event. I valori accettabili per questo parametro sono:
-- SilentlyContinue
-- Stop
-- Continue
-- Inquire
-- Ignore
-- Suspend
Alias |
infa |
Obbligatorio? |
false |
Posizione? |
named |
Valore predefinito |
none |
Accetta input da pipeline? |
false |
Accetta caratteri jolly? |
false |
Specifies a variable in which to store an information event message.
Alias |
iv |
Obbligatorio? |
false |
Posizione? |
named |
Valore predefinito |
none |
Accetta input da pipeline? |
false |
Accetta caratteri jolly? |
false |
Indicates that the trigger runs on each occurrence of the date and time that you specify. If you do not specify this parameter, the trigger runs only once.
Alias |
none |
Obbligatorio? |
false |
Posizione? |
named |
Valore predefinito |
none |
Accetta input da pipeline? |
false |
Accetta caratteri jolly? |
false |
Questo cmdlet supporta i parametri comuni: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer e -OutVariable. Per altre informazioni, vedere about_CommonParameters (
Il tipo di input è il tipo degli oggetti che è possibile reindirizzare al cmdlet.
Il tipo di output corrisponde al tipo di oggetti generati dal cmdlet.
Example 1: Add a Trace Filter by using a date-time trigger
This example adds a Trace Filter to a Trace Session at 3am on January 31, 2013. The first command uses the New-PefTraceSession cmdlet to create a PEF Trace Session object and store it in the $TraceSession01 variable.
The second command uses the Get-Date cmdlet to create a DateTime object, and then stores in in the $TriggerTime variable. For more information, type Get-Help Get-Date
. You can specify a future time, but no more than 25 days in the future.
The third command uses the New-PefDateTimeTrigger cmdlet to create a trigger with the DateTime value that is stored in the $TriggerTime variable. The command stores the trigger in the $Trigger02 variable.
The fourth command uses the Set-PefTraceFilter to specify a Trace Filter with the string value "icmp" for the Trace Session stored in the $TraceSession01 variable. This command also specifies the trigger stored in the $Trigger02 variable, which adds the specified Trace Filter to the Trace Session at 3am on January 31, 2013.
The fifth command uses the Add-PefMessageSource cmdlet to specify a provider for the Trace Session object stored in the $TraceSession01 variable.
The final command uses the Start-PefTraceSession cmdlet to start the Trace Session stored in the $TraceSession01 variable.
PS C:\> $TraceSession01 = New-PefTraceSession -Mode Circular
PS C:\> $TriggerTime = Get-Date -Year 2013 -Month 1 -Day 31 -Hour 3 -Minute 0 -Second 0
PS C:\> $Trigger02 = New-PefDateTimeTrigger -DateTime $TriggerTime
PS C:\> Set-PefTraceFilter -PEFSession $TraceSession01 -Filter "icmp" -Trigger $Trigger02
PS C:\> Add-PefMessageSource –Source "Microsoft-Pef-WFP-MessageProvider"
PS C:\> Start-PefTraceSession –PEFSession $TraceSession01