
Wii AILive SDK Demo

I'm probably behind the times on this, but I just saw this video for developing on the Wii using this particular SDK. Speculation says this is going to be one of the more common implementations of the Wiimote, and here's my problem with it...

When I think about the selling feature for the Wii, I envision interacting with 3d objects using the remote as I would expect. If I wanted to swing a sword, I would flail the remote around wildly in the privacy of my own home and the sword would track my motions 1:1 with the movements of the wiimote. The reality of the situation is there will be a series of pre-set moves (vertical slash, horizontal slash, strong slash, etc) that basically map gestures to button presses.

Basically, this isn't what I thought the Wii's "revolutionary" control scheme was going to be like. It comes off as gimmicky (although I thought this about the DS), but despite people seeing that video, comments seem generally positive. However, I think a lot of people are going to be disappointed with the actual implementation of the control scheme used by the Wii. I think this article is the first of many Wii control complaints to come.

That said, I'm avoiding preorder lines and watching the Wii from a distance before making a final yay-or-nay decision.

What are your thoughts? Is this how you envisioned the Wii working?