
Bookmark.ReadabilityStatistics Property


Gets a ReadabilityStatistics collection that represents the readability statistics for the Bookmark control.

 property Microsoft::Office::Interop::Word::ReadabilityStatistics ^ ReadabilityStatistics { Microsoft::Office::Interop::Word::ReadabilityStatistics ^ get(); };
public Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.ReadabilityStatistics ReadabilityStatistics { get; }
member this.ReadabilityStatistics : Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.ReadabilityStatistics
Public ReadOnly Property ReadabilityStatistics As ReadabilityStatistics

Property Value

A ReadabilityStatistics collection that represents the readability statistics for the Bookmark control.


The following code example adds a Bookmark control with text to the first paragraph and then uses the ReadabilityStatistics property of the bookmark to display the number of words the bookmark contains in a message box.

This example is for a document-level customization.

private void BookmarkReadabilityStatistics()
    Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.Bookmark bookmark1 =
    bookmark1.Text = "This is sample bookmark text.";
    object index = 1;
    MessageBox.Show("The number of words in bookmark1: " +
        bookmark1.ReadabilityStatistics.get_Item(ref index).Value.ToString());
Private Sub BookmarkReadabilityStatistics()

    Dim Bookmark1 As Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.Bookmark = _
        Me.Controls.AddBookmark(Me.Paragraphs(1).Range, "Bookmark1")

    Bookmark1.Text = "This is sample bookmark text."

    Dim Index As Object = 1
    MessageBox.Show("The number of words in bookmark1: " _
        & Bookmark1.ReadabilityStatistics.Item(Index).Value.ToString)

End Sub

Applies to