
CharUnicodeInfo.GetDecimalDigitValue メソッド


数値の Unicode 文字の 10 進値を取得します。



指定した数字の 10 進値を取得します。

GetDecimalDigitValue(String, Int32)

指定した文字列の指定したインデックス位置にある数字の 10 進値を取得します。



指定した数字の 10 進値を取得します。

 static int GetDecimalDigitValue(char ch);
public static int GetDecimalDigitValue (char ch);
static member GetDecimalDigitValue : char -> int
Public Shared Function GetDecimalDigitValue (ch As Char) As Integer



10 進値を取得する対象の Unicode 文字。


指定した数字の 10 進値。

- または -

指定した文字が 10 進数でない場合は -1。


using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void PrintProperties( Char c );
int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "                                        c  Num   Dig   Dec   UnicodeCategory" );
   Console::Write( "U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A            " );
   PrintProperties( L'a' );
   Console::Write( "U+0393 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA      " );
   PrintProperties( L'\u0393' );
   Console::Write( "U+0039 DIGIT NINE                      " );
   PrintProperties( L'9' );
   Console::Write( "U+00B2 SUPERSCRIPT TWO                 " );
   PrintProperties( L'\u00B2' );
   Console::Write( "U+00BC VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER     " );
   PrintProperties( L'\u00BC' );
   Console::Write( "U+0BEF TAMIL DIGIT NINE                " );
   PrintProperties( L'\u0BEF' );
   Console::Write( "U+0BF0 TAMIL NUMBER TEN                " );
   PrintProperties( L'\u0BF0' );
   Console::Write( "U+0F33 TIBETAN DIGIT HALF ZERO         " );
   PrintProperties( L'\u0F33' );
   Console::Write( "U+2788 CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT NINE   " );
   PrintProperties( L'\u2788' );

void PrintProperties( Char c )
   Console::Write( " {0,-3}", c );
   Console::Write( " {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo::GetNumericValue( c ) );
   Console::Write( " {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo::GetDigitValue( c ) );
   Console::Write( " {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo::GetDecimalDigitValue( c ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0}", CharUnicodeInfo::GetUnicodeCategory( c ) );

This code produces the following output.  Some characters might not display at the console.

                                        c  Num   Dig   Dec   UnicodeCategory
U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A             a   -1    -1    -1   LowercaseLetter
U+0393 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA       Γ   -1    -1    -1   UppercaseLetter
U+0039 DIGIT NINE                       9   9     9     9    DecimalDigitNumber
U+00B2 SUPERSCRIPT TWO                  ²   2     2     -1   OtherNumber
U+00BC VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER      ¼   0.25  -1    -1   OtherNumber
U+0BEF TAMIL DIGIT NINE                 ௯   9     9     9    DecimalDigitNumber
U+0BF0 TAMIL NUMBER TEN                 ௰   10    -1    -1   OtherNumber
U+0F33 TIBETAN DIGIT HALF ZERO          ༳   -0.5  -1    -1   OtherNumber
U+2788 CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT NINE    ➈   9     9     -1   OtherNumber

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCharUnicodeInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      Console.WriteLine( "                                        c  Num   Dig   Dec   UnicodeCategory" );

      Console.Write( "U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A            " );
      PrintProperties( 'a' );

      Console.Write( "U+0393 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA      " );
      PrintProperties( '\u0393' );

      Console.Write( "U+0039 DIGIT NINE                      " );
      PrintProperties( '9' );

      Console.Write( "U+00B2 SUPERSCRIPT TWO                 " );
      PrintProperties( '\u00B2' );

      Console.Write( "U+00BC VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER     " );
      PrintProperties( '\u00BC' );

      Console.Write( "U+0BEF TAMIL DIGIT NINE                " );
      PrintProperties( '\u0BEF' );

      Console.Write( "U+0BF0 TAMIL NUMBER TEN                " );
      PrintProperties( '\u0BF0' );

      Console.Write( "U+0F33 TIBETAN DIGIT HALF ZERO         " );
      PrintProperties( '\u0F33' );

      Console.Write( "U+2788 CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT NINE   " );
      PrintProperties( '\u2788' );

   public static void PrintProperties( char c )  {
      Console.Write( " {0,-3}", c );
      Console.Write( " {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetNumericValue( c ) );
      Console.Write( " {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetDigitValue( c ) );
      Console.Write( " {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetDecimalDigitValue( c ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "{0}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory( c ) );

This code produces the following output.  Some characters might not display at the console.

                                        c  Num   Dig   Dec   UnicodeCategory
U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A             a   -1    -1    -1   LowercaseLetter
U+0393 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA       Γ   -1    -1    -1   UppercaseLetter
U+0039 DIGIT NINE                       9   9     9     9    DecimalDigitNumber
U+00B2 SUPERSCRIPT TWO                  ²   2     2     -1   OtherNumber
U+00BC VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER      ¼   0.25  -1    -1   OtherNumber
U+0BEF TAMIL DIGIT NINE                 ௯   9     9     9    DecimalDigitNumber
U+0BF0 TAMIL NUMBER TEN                 ௰   10    -1    -1   OtherNumber
U+0F33 TIBETAN DIGIT HALF ZERO          ༳   -0.5  -1    -1   OtherNumber
U+2788 CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT NINE    ➈   9     9     -1   OtherNumber

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCharUnicodeInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      Console.WriteLine("                                        c  Num   Dig   Dec   UnicodeCategory")

      Console.Write("U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A            ")

      Console.Write("U+0393 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA      ")

      Console.Write("U+0039 DIGIT NINE                      ")

      Console.Write("U+00B2 SUPERSCRIPT TWO                 ")

      Console.Write("U+00BC VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER     ")

      Console.Write("U+0BEF TAMIL DIGIT NINE                ")

      Console.Write("U+0BF0 TAMIL NUMBER TEN                ")

      Console.Write("U+0F33 TIBETAN DIGIT HALF ZERO         ")

      Console.Write("U+2788 CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT NINE   ")

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintProperties(c As Char)
      Console.Write(" {0,-3}", c)
      Console.Write(" {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetNumericValue(c))
      Console.Write(" {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetDigitValue(c))
      Console.Write(" {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetDecimalDigitValue(c))
      Console.WriteLine("{0}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(c))
   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.  Some characters might not display at the console.
'                                        c  Num   Dig   Dec   UnicodeCategory
'U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A             a   -1    -1    -1   LowercaseLetter
'U+0393 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA       Γ   -1    -1    -1   UppercaseLetter
'U+0039 DIGIT NINE                       9   9     9     9    DecimalDigitNumber
'U+00B2 SUPERSCRIPT TWO                  ²   2     2     -1   OtherNumber
'U+00BC VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER      ¼   0.25  -1    -1   OtherNumber
'U+0BEF TAMIL DIGIT NINE                 ௯   9     9     9    DecimalDigitNumber
'U+0BF0 TAMIL NUMBER TEN                 ௰   10    -1    -1   OtherNumber
'U+0F33 TIBETAN DIGIT HALF ZERO          ༳   -0.5  -1    -1   OtherNumber
'U+2788 CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT NINE    ➈   9     9     -1   OtherNumber


このメソッドは、10 進数を表す文字を等価の整数値に変換します。 10 進数は、0 から 9 までの 10 進数 (底 10) の番号付けシステムの 10 桁の数字のいずれかを表すことができるカテゴリ内の文字 DecimalDigitNumber です。 これには、U+0030 (DIGIT ZERO) から U+0039 (DIGIT NINE)、U+0660 (アラビア語-インド数字ゼロ) から U+0669 (アラビア語-INDIC) までの文字が含まれます 桁 9)、U+07C0 (NKO DIGIT ZERO) から U+07C9 (NKO DIGIT NINE)、U+1040 (ミャンマー数字ゼロ) ~ U+1049 (ミャンマー桁 9)。

Unicode 文字の詳細については、「 Unicode 標準」を参照してください。


GetDecimalDigitValue(String, Int32)


指定した文字列の指定したインデックス位置にある数字の 10 進値を取得します。

 static int GetDecimalDigitValue(System::String ^ s, int index);
public static int GetDecimalDigitValue (string s, int index);
static member GetDecimalDigitValue : string * int -> int
Public Shared Function GetDecimalDigitValue (s As String, index As Integer) As Integer



10 進値を取得する対象の Unicode 文字を含む String


10 進値を取得する対象の Unicode 文字のインデックス。


指定した文字列の指定したインデックス位置にある数字の 10 進値。

- または -

指定した文字列の指定したインデックス位置にある文字が 10 進数でない場合は -1。



indexs の有効なインデックスの範囲外です。


using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
int main()

   // The String to get information for.
   String^ s = "a9\u0393\u00B2\u00BC\u0BEF\u0BF0\u2788";
   Console::WriteLine( "String: {0}", s );

   // Print the values for each of the characters in the string.
   Console::WriteLine( "index c  Num   Dig   Dec   UnicodeCategory" );
   for ( int i = 0; i < s->Length; i++ )
      Console::Write( "{0,-5} {1,-3}", i, s[ i ] );
      Console::Write( " {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo::GetNumericValue( s, i ) );
      Console::Write( " {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo::GetDigitValue( s, i ) );
      Console::Write( " {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo::GetDecimalDigitValue( s, i ) );
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}", CharUnicodeInfo::GetUnicodeCategory( s, i ) );


This code produces the following output.  Some characters might not display at the console.

String: a9Γ²¼௯௰➈
index c  Num   Dig   Dec   UnicodeCategory
0     a   -1    -1    -1   LowercaseLetter
1     9   9     9     9    DecimalDigitNumber
2     Γ   -1    -1    -1   UppercaseLetter
3     ²   2     2     -1   OtherNumber
4     ¼   0.25  -1    -1   OtherNumber
5     ௯   9     9     9    DecimalDigitNumber
6     ௰   10    -1    -1   OtherNumber
7     ➈   9     9     -1   OtherNumber

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCharUnicodeInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // The String to get information for.
      String s = "a9\u0393\u00B2\u00BC\u0BEF\u0BF0\u2788";
      Console.WriteLine( "String: {0}", s );

      // Print the values for each of the characters in the string.
      Console.WriteLine( "index c  Num   Dig   Dec   UnicodeCategory" );
      for ( int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++ )  {
         Console.Write( "{0,-5} {1,-3}", i, s[i] );
         Console.Write( " {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetNumericValue( s, i ) );
         Console.Write( " {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetDigitValue( s, i ) );
         Console.Write( " {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetDecimalDigitValue( s, i ) );
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory( s, i ) );

This code produces the following output.  Some characters might not display at the console.

String: a9Γ²¼௯௰➈
index c  Num   Dig   Dec   UnicodeCategory
0     a   -1    -1    -1   LowercaseLetter
1     9   9     9     9    DecimalDigitNumber
2     Γ   -1    -1    -1   UppercaseLetter
3     ²   2     2     -1   OtherNumber
4     ¼   0.25  -1    -1   OtherNumber
5     ௯   9     9     9    DecimalDigitNumber
6     ௰   10    -1    -1   OtherNumber
7     ➈   9     9     -1   OtherNumber

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCharUnicodeInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' The String to get information for.
      Dim s As [String] = "a9\u0393\u00B2\u00BC\u0BEF\u0BF0\u2788"
      Console.WriteLine("String: {0}", s)

      ' Print the values for each of the characters in the string.
      Console.WriteLine("index c  Num   Dig   Dec   UnicodeCategory")
      Dim i As Integer
      For i = 0 To s.Length - 1
         Console.Write("{0,-5} {1,-3}", i, s(i))
         Console.Write(" {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetNumericValue(s, i))
         Console.Write(" {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetDigitValue(s, i))
         Console.Write(" {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetDecimalDigitValue(s, i))
         Console.WriteLine("{0}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(s, i))
      Next i

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.  Some characters might not display at the console.
'String: a9Γ²¼௯௰➈
'index c  Num   Dig   Dec   UnicodeCategory
'0     a   -1    -1    -1   LowercaseLetter
'1     9   9     9     9    DecimalDigitNumber
'2     Γ   -1    -1    -1   UppercaseLetter
'3     ²   2     2     -1   OtherNumber
'4     ¼   0.25  -1    -1   OtherNumber
'5     ௯   9     9     9    DecimalDigitNumber
'6     ௰   10    -1    -1   OtherNumber
'7     ➈   9     9     -1   OtherNumber


このメソッドは、10 進数を表す文字を等価の整数値に変換します。 10 進数は、0 から 9 までの 10 進数 (底 10) の番号付けシステムの 10 桁の数字のいずれかを表すことができるカテゴリ内の文字 DecimalDigitNumber です。 これには、U+0030 (DIGIT ZERO) から U+0039 (DIGIT NINE)、U+0660 (アラビア語-インド数字ゼロ) から U+0669 (アラビア語-INDIC) までの文字が含まれます 桁 9)、U+07C0 (NKO DIGIT ZERO) から U+07C9 (NKO DIGIT NINE)、U+1040 (ミャンマー数字ゼロ) ~ U+1049 (ミャンマー桁 9)。

Unicode 文字の詳細については、「 Unicode 標準」を参照してください。
