
CharUnicodeInfo.GetNumericValue メソッド


Unicode 文字に関連付けられている数値を取得します。




GetNumericValue(String, Int32)





 static double GetNumericValue(char ch);
public static double GetNumericValue (char ch);
static member GetNumericValue : char -> double
Public Shared Function GetNumericValue (ch As Char) As Double



数値を取得する対象の Unicode 文字。



- または -

指定した文字が数字でない場合は -1。


using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
void PrintProperties( Char c );
int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "                                        c  Num   Dig   Dec   UnicodeCategory" );
   Console::Write( "U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A            " );
   PrintProperties( L'a' );
   Console::Write( "U+0393 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA      " );
   PrintProperties( L'\u0393' );
   Console::Write( "U+0039 DIGIT NINE                      " );
   PrintProperties( L'9' );
   Console::Write( "U+00B2 SUPERSCRIPT TWO                 " );
   PrintProperties( L'\u00B2' );
   Console::Write( "U+00BC VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER     " );
   PrintProperties( L'\u00BC' );
   Console::Write( "U+0BEF TAMIL DIGIT NINE                " );
   PrintProperties( L'\u0BEF' );
   Console::Write( "U+0BF0 TAMIL NUMBER TEN                " );
   PrintProperties( L'\u0BF0' );
   Console::Write( "U+0F33 TIBETAN DIGIT HALF ZERO         " );
   PrintProperties( L'\u0F33' );
   Console::Write( "U+2788 CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT NINE   " );
   PrintProperties( L'\u2788' );

void PrintProperties( Char c )
   Console::Write( " {0,-3}", c );
   Console::Write( " {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo::GetNumericValue( c ) );
   Console::Write( " {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo::GetDigitValue( c ) );
   Console::Write( " {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo::GetDecimalDigitValue( c ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0}", CharUnicodeInfo::GetUnicodeCategory( c ) );

This code produces the following output.  Some characters might not display at the console.

                                        c  Num   Dig   Dec   UnicodeCategory
U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A             a   -1    -1    -1   LowercaseLetter
U+0393 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA       Γ   -1    -1    -1   UppercaseLetter
U+0039 DIGIT NINE                       9   9     9     9    DecimalDigitNumber
U+00B2 SUPERSCRIPT TWO                  ²   2     2     -1   OtherNumber
U+00BC VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER      ¼   0.25  -1    -1   OtherNumber
U+0BEF TAMIL DIGIT NINE                 ௯   9     9     9    DecimalDigitNumber
U+0BF0 TAMIL NUMBER TEN                 ௰   10    -1    -1   OtherNumber
U+0F33 TIBETAN DIGIT HALF ZERO          ༳   -0.5  -1    -1   OtherNumber
U+2788 CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT NINE    ➈   9     9     -1   OtherNumber

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCharUnicodeInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      Console.WriteLine( "                                        c  Num   Dig   Dec   UnicodeCategory" );

      Console.Write( "U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A            " );
      PrintProperties( 'a' );

      Console.Write( "U+0393 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA      " );
      PrintProperties( '\u0393' );

      Console.Write( "U+0039 DIGIT NINE                      " );
      PrintProperties( '9' );

      Console.Write( "U+00B2 SUPERSCRIPT TWO                 " );
      PrintProperties( '\u00B2' );

      Console.Write( "U+00BC VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER     " );
      PrintProperties( '\u00BC' );

      Console.Write( "U+0BEF TAMIL DIGIT NINE                " );
      PrintProperties( '\u0BEF' );

      Console.Write( "U+0BF0 TAMIL NUMBER TEN                " );
      PrintProperties( '\u0BF0' );

      Console.Write( "U+0F33 TIBETAN DIGIT HALF ZERO         " );
      PrintProperties( '\u0F33' );

      Console.Write( "U+2788 CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT NINE   " );
      PrintProperties( '\u2788' );

   public static void PrintProperties( char c )  {
      Console.Write( " {0,-3}", c );
      Console.Write( " {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetNumericValue( c ) );
      Console.Write( " {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetDigitValue( c ) );
      Console.Write( " {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetDecimalDigitValue( c ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "{0}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory( c ) );

This code produces the following output.  Some characters might not display at the console.

                                        c  Num   Dig   Dec   UnicodeCategory
U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A             a   -1    -1    -1   LowercaseLetter
U+0393 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA       Γ   -1    -1    -1   UppercaseLetter
U+0039 DIGIT NINE                       9   9     9     9    DecimalDigitNumber
U+00B2 SUPERSCRIPT TWO                  ²   2     2     -1   OtherNumber
U+00BC VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER      ¼   0.25  -1    -1   OtherNumber
U+0BEF TAMIL DIGIT NINE                 ௯   9     9     9    DecimalDigitNumber
U+0BF0 TAMIL NUMBER TEN                 ௰   10    -1    -1   OtherNumber
U+0F33 TIBETAN DIGIT HALF ZERO          ༳   -0.5  -1    -1   OtherNumber
U+2788 CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT NINE    ➈   9     9     -1   OtherNumber

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCharUnicodeInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      Console.WriteLine("                                        c  Num   Dig   Dec   UnicodeCategory")

      Console.Write("U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A            ")

      Console.Write("U+0393 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA      ")

      Console.Write("U+0039 DIGIT NINE                      ")

      Console.Write("U+00B2 SUPERSCRIPT TWO                 ")

      Console.Write("U+00BC VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER     ")

      Console.Write("U+0BEF TAMIL DIGIT NINE                ")

      Console.Write("U+0BF0 TAMIL NUMBER TEN                ")

      Console.Write("U+0F33 TIBETAN DIGIT HALF ZERO         ")

      Console.Write("U+2788 CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT NINE   ")

   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintProperties(c As Char)
      Console.Write(" {0,-3}", c)
      Console.Write(" {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetNumericValue(c))
      Console.Write(" {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetDigitValue(c))
      Console.Write(" {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetDecimalDigitValue(c))
      Console.WriteLine("{0}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(c))
   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.  Some characters might not display at the console.
'                                        c  Num   Dig   Dec   UnicodeCategory
'U+0061 LATIN SMALL LETTER A             a   -1    -1    -1   LowercaseLetter
'U+0393 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA       Γ   -1    -1    -1   UppercaseLetter
'U+0039 DIGIT NINE                       9   9     9     9    DecimalDigitNumber
'U+00B2 SUPERSCRIPT TWO                  ²   2     2     -1   OtherNumber
'U+00BC VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER      ¼   0.25  -1    -1   OtherNumber
'U+0BEF TAMIL DIGIT NINE                 ௯   9     9     9    DecimalDigitNumber
'U+0BF0 TAMIL NUMBER TEN                 ௰   10    -1    -1   OtherNumber
'U+0F33 TIBETAN DIGIT HALF ZERO          ༳   -0.5  -1    -1   OtherNumber
'U+2788 CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT NINE    ➈   9     9     -1   OtherNumber


数値は、分数、下付き文字、上付き文字、ローマ数字、通貨分子、円記号付き数字、スクリプト固有の数字を含む数字にのみ適用される Unicode 文字プロパティです。 Unicode 文字の詳細については、 Unicode 標準に関するページを参照してください。

メソッドは GetNumericValue(Char) 、 が ch 1 つの言語文字に対応することを前提とし、その文字を 10 進数に変換できるかどうかを確認します。 ただし、Unicode 標準の一部の数値は、サロゲート ペアを形成する 2 つの Char オブジェクトで表されます。 たとえば、エーゲ海番号システムは、コード ポイント U+10107 から U+10133 で構成されます。 次の例では、 メソッドを ConvertFromUtf32 使用して、エーゲ海番号 1 を表す文字列をインスタンス化します。 この例の出力に示すように、この文字の GetNumericValue(Char) 上位サロゲートまたは低サロゲートのいずれかが渡された場合、メソッドは -1 を返します。

int utf32 = 0x10107;       // AEGEAN NUMBER ONE
string surrogate = Char.ConvertFromUtf32(utf32);
foreach (var ch in surrogate)
   Console.WriteLine($"U+{(ushort)ch:X4}: {System.Globalization.CharUnicodeInfo.GetNumericValue(ch)}    ");

// The example displays the following output:
//       U+D800: -1
//       U+DD07: -1
Dim utf32 As Integer = &h10107       ' AEGEAN NUMBER ONE
Dim surrogate As String = Char.ConvertFromUtf32(utf32)
For Each ch In surrogate
   Console.WriteLine("U+{0:X4}: {1}    ", Convert.ToUInt16(ch), 
' The example displays the following output:
'       U+D800: -1
'       U+DD07: -1


GetNumericValue(String, Int32)



 static double GetNumericValue(System::String ^ s, int index);
public static double GetNumericValue (string s, int index);
static member GetNumericValue : string * int -> double
Public Shared Function GetNumericValue (s As String, index As Integer) As Double



数値を取得する対象の Unicode 文字を含む String


数値を取得する対象の Unicode 文字のインデックス。



- または -

指定した文字列の指定したインデックス位置にある文字が数字でない場合は -1。



indexs の有効なインデックスの範囲外です。


using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
int main()

   // The String to get information for.
   String^ s = "a9\u0393\u00B2\u00BC\u0BEF\u0BF0\u2788";
   Console::WriteLine( "String: {0}", s );

   // Print the values for each of the characters in the string.
   Console::WriteLine( "index c  Num   Dig   Dec   UnicodeCategory" );
   for ( int i = 0; i < s->Length; i++ )
      Console::Write( "{0,-5} {1,-3}", i, s[ i ] );
      Console::Write( " {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo::GetNumericValue( s, i ) );
      Console::Write( " {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo::GetDigitValue( s, i ) );
      Console::Write( " {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo::GetDecimalDigitValue( s, i ) );
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}", CharUnicodeInfo::GetUnicodeCategory( s, i ) );


This code produces the following output.  Some characters might not display at the console.

String: a9Γ²¼௯௰➈
index c  Num   Dig   Dec   UnicodeCategory
0     a   -1    -1    -1   LowercaseLetter
1     9   9     9     9    DecimalDigitNumber
2     Γ   -1    -1    -1   UppercaseLetter
3     ²   2     2     -1   OtherNumber
4     ¼   0.25  -1    -1   OtherNumber
5     ௯   9     9     9    DecimalDigitNumber
6     ௰   10    -1    -1   OtherNumber
7     ➈   9     9     -1   OtherNumber

using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesCharUnicodeInfo  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // The String to get information for.
      String s = "a9\u0393\u00B2\u00BC\u0BEF\u0BF0\u2788";
      Console.WriteLine( "String: {0}", s );

      // Print the values for each of the characters in the string.
      Console.WriteLine( "index c  Num   Dig   Dec   UnicodeCategory" );
      for ( int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++ )  {
         Console.Write( "{0,-5} {1,-3}", i, s[i] );
         Console.Write( " {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetNumericValue( s, i ) );
         Console.Write( " {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetDigitValue( s, i ) );
         Console.Write( " {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetDecimalDigitValue( s, i ) );
         Console.WriteLine( "{0}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory( s, i ) );

This code produces the following output.  Some characters might not display at the console.

String: a9Γ²¼௯௰➈
index c  Num   Dig   Dec   UnicodeCategory
0     a   -1    -1    -1   LowercaseLetter
1     9   9     9     9    DecimalDigitNumber
2     Γ   -1    -1    -1   UppercaseLetter
3     ²   2     2     -1   OtherNumber
4     ¼   0.25  -1    -1   OtherNumber
5     ௯   9     9     9    DecimalDigitNumber
6     ௰   10    -1    -1   OtherNumber
7     ➈   9     9     -1   OtherNumber

Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCharUnicodeInfo

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' The String to get information for.
      Dim s As [String] = "a9\u0393\u00B2\u00BC\u0BEF\u0BF0\u2788"
      Console.WriteLine("String: {0}", s)

      ' Print the values for each of the characters in the string.
      Console.WriteLine("index c  Num   Dig   Dec   UnicodeCategory")
      Dim i As Integer
      For i = 0 To s.Length - 1
         Console.Write("{0,-5} {1,-3}", i, s(i))
         Console.Write(" {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetNumericValue(s, i))
         Console.Write(" {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetDigitValue(s, i))
         Console.Write(" {0,-5}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetDecimalDigitValue(s, i))
         Console.WriteLine("{0}", CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(s, i))
      Next i

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.  Some characters might not display at the console.
'String: a9Γ²¼௯௰➈
'index c  Num   Dig   Dec   UnicodeCategory
'0     a   -1    -1    -1   LowercaseLetter
'1     9   9     9     9    DecimalDigitNumber
'2     Γ   -1    -1    -1   UppercaseLetter
'3     ²   2     2     -1   OtherNumber
'4     ¼   0.25  -1    -1   OtherNumber
'5     ௯   9     9     9    DecimalDigitNumber
'6     ௰   10    -1    -1   OtherNumber
'7     ➈   9     9     -1   OtherNumber


数値は、分数、下付き文字、上付き文字、ローマ数字、通貨分子、円記号付き数字、スクリプト固有の数字を含む数字にのみ適用される Unicode 文字プロパティです。 Unicode 文字の詳細については、 Unicode 標準に関するページを参照してください。

位置indexにあるCharオブジェクトが有効なサロゲート ペアの最初の文字である場合、GetNumericValue(String, Int32)メソッドはサロゲート ペアが数字を形成するかどうかを判断し、存在する場合は数値を返します。 たとえば、エーゲ海番号システムは、コード ポイント U+10107 から U+10133 で構成されます。 次の例では、 メソッドを ConvertFromUtf32 使用して、各エーゲ海番号を表す文字列をインスタンス化します。 この例の出力に示すように、 GetNumericValue(String, Int32) エーゲ海数値の上位サロゲートが渡された場合、メソッドは正しい数値を返します。 ただし、低サロゲートが渡された場合、分離された低サロゲートのみが考慮され、-1 が返されます。

// Define a UTF32 value for each character in the
// Aegean numbering system.
for (int utf32 = 0x10107; utf32 <= 0x10133; utf32++) {
   string surrogate = Char.ConvertFromUtf32(utf32);
   for (int ctr = 0; ctr < surrogate.Length; ctr++)
      Console.Write("U+{0:X4} at position {1}: {2}     ",
                    Convert.ToUInt16(surrogate[ctr]), ctr,
                    System.Globalization.CharUnicodeInfo.GetNumericValue(surrogate, ctr));

// The example displays the following output:
//       U+D800 at position 0: 1     U+DD07 at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 2     U+DD08 at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 3     U+DD09 at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 4     U+DD0A at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 5     U+DD0B at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 6     U+DD0C at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 7     U+DD0D at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 8     U+DD0E at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 9     U+DD0F at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 10     U+DD10 at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 20     U+DD11 at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 30     U+DD12 at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 40     U+DD13 at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 50     U+DD14 at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 60     U+DD15 at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 70     U+DD16 at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 80     U+DD17 at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 90     U+DD18 at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 100     U+DD19 at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 200     U+DD1A at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 300     U+DD1B at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 400     U+DD1C at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 500     U+DD1D at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 600     U+DD1E at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 700     U+DD1F at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 800     U+DD20 at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 900     U+DD21 at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 1000     U+DD22 at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 2000     U+DD23 at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 3000     U+DD24 at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 4000     U+DD25 at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 5000     U+DD26 at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 6000     U+DD27 at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 7000     U+DD28 at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 8000     U+DD29 at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 9000     U+DD2A at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 10000     U+DD2B at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 20000     U+DD2C at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 30000     U+DD2D at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 40000     U+DD2E at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 50000     U+DD2F at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 60000     U+DD30 at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 70000     U+DD31 at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 80000     U+DD32 at position 1: -1
//       U+D800 at position 0: 90000     U+DD33 at position 1: -1
' Define a UTF32 value for each character in the 
' Aegean numbering system.
For utf32 As Integer = &h10107 To &h10133
   Dim surrogate As String = Char.ConvertFromUtf32(utf32)
   For ctr As Integer = 0 To surrogate.Length - 1
      Console.Write("U+{0:X4} at position {1}: {2}     ", 
                    Convert.ToUInt16(surrogate(ctr)), ctr,  
                    System.Globalization.CharUnicodeInfo.GetNumericValue(surrogate, ctr))
' The example displays the following output:
'       U+D800 at position 0: 1     U+DD07 at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 2     U+DD08 at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 3     U+DD09 at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 4     U+DD0A at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 5     U+DD0B at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 6     U+DD0C at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 7     U+DD0D at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 8     U+DD0E at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 9     U+DD0F at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 10     U+DD10 at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 20     U+DD11 at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 30     U+DD12 at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 40     U+DD13 at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 50     U+DD14 at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 60     U+DD15 at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 70     U+DD16 at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 80     U+DD17 at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 90     U+DD18 at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 100     U+DD19 at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 200     U+DD1A at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 300     U+DD1B at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 400     U+DD1C at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 500     U+DD1D at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 600     U+DD1E at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 700     U+DD1F at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 800     U+DD20 at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 900     U+DD21 at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 1000     U+DD22 at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 2000     U+DD23 at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 3000     U+DD24 at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 4000     U+DD25 at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 5000     U+DD26 at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 6000     U+DD27 at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 7000     U+DD28 at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 8000     U+DD29 at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 9000     U+DD2A at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 10000     U+DD2B at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 20000     U+DD2C at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 30000     U+DD2D at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 40000     U+DD2E at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 50000     U+DD2F at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 60000     U+DD30 at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 70000     U+DD31 at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 80000     U+DD32 at position 1: -1
'       U+D800 at position 0: 90000     U+DD33 at position 1: -1
