
HierarchicalDataSourceView.Select メソッド



 abstract System::Web::UI::IHierarchicalEnumerable ^ Select();
public abstract System.Web.UI.IHierarchicalEnumerable Select ();
abstract member Select : unit -> System.Web.UI.IHierarchicalEnumerable
Public MustOverride Function Select () As IHierarchicalEnumerable



データ項目の IHierarchicalEnumerable コレクション。

次のコード例では、クラスから派生したクラス内のメソッドを Select オーバーライドして、ファイル システムから HierarchicalDataSourceView 階層データ FileSystemInfo を取得する方法を示します。 セキュリティ上の理由から、ファイル システム情報は、データ ソース管理が localhost、認証済みのシナリオで使用されている場合にのみ表示され、データ ソース管理を使用するWeb Forms ページが存在する仮想ディレクトリでのみ開始されます。 それ以外の viewPath 場合は、ビュー オブジェクトのコンストラクターに渡されるパラメーターを使用して、現在のファイル システム パスに基づいてビューを作成できます。 このコード例は、HierarchicalDataSourceControl クラスのために提供されている大規模な例の一部です。

public class FileSystemDataSourceView : HierarchicalDataSourceView
    private string _viewPath;

    public FileSystemDataSourceView(string viewPath)
        HttpRequest currentRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request;
        if (viewPath == "")
            _viewPath = currentRequest.MapPath(currentRequest.ApplicationPath);
            _viewPath = Path.Combine(

    // Starting with the rootNode, recursively build a list of
    // FileSystemInfo nodes, create FileSystemHierarchyData
    // objects, add them all to the FileSystemHierarchicalEnumerable,
    // and return the list.
    public override IHierarchicalEnumerable Select()
        HttpRequest currentRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request;

        // SECURITY: There are many security issues that can be raised
        // SECURITY: by exposing the file system structure of a Web server
        // SECURITY: to an anonymous user in a limited trust scenario such as
        // SECURITY: a Web page served on an intranet or the Internet.
        // SECURITY: For this reason, the FileSystemDataSource only
        // SECURITY: shows data when the HttpRequest is received
        // SECURITY: from a local Web server. In addition, the data source
        // SECURITY: does not display data to anonymous users.
        if (currentRequest.IsAuthenticated &&
            (currentRequest.UserHostAddress == "" ||
             currentRequest.UserHostAddress == "::1"))
            DirectoryInfo rootDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(_viewPath);
            if (!rootDirectory.Exists)
                return null;

            FileSystemHierarchicalEnumerable fshe =
                new FileSystemHierarchicalEnumerable();

            foreach (FileSystemInfo fsi
                in rootDirectory.GetFileSystemInfos())
                fshe.Add(new FileSystemHierarchyData(fsi));
            return fshe;
            throw new NotSupportedException(
                "The FileSystemDataSource only " +
                "presents data in an authenticated, localhost context.");
Public Class FileSystemDataSourceView
    Inherits HierarchicalDataSourceView

    Private _viewPath As String

    Public Sub New(ByVal viewPath As String)
        Dim currentRequest As HttpRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request
        If viewPath = "" Then
            _viewPath = currentRequest.MapPath(currentRequest.ApplicationPath)
            _viewPath = Path.Combine(currentRequest.MapPath(currentRequest.ApplicationPath), viewPath)
        End If
    End Sub

    ' Starting with the rootNode, recursively build a list of
    ' FileSystemInfo nodes, create FileSystemHierarchyData
    ' objects, add them all to the FileSystemHierarchicalEnumerable,
    ' and return the list.
    Public Overrides Function [Select]() As IHierarchicalEnumerable
        Dim currentRequest As HttpRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request

        ' SECURITY: There are many security issues that can be raised
        ' SECURITY: by exposing the file system structure of a Web server
        ' SECURITY: to an anonymous user in a limited trust scenario such as
        ' SECURITY: a Web page served on an intranet or the Internet.
        ' SECURITY: For this reason, the FileSystemDataSource only
        ' SECURITY: shows data when the HttpRequest is received
        ' SECURITY: from a local Web server. In addition, the data source
        ' SECURITY: does not display data to anonymous users.
        If currentRequest.IsAuthenticated AndAlso _
            (currentRequest.UserHostAddress = "" OrElse _
             currentRequest.UserHostAddress = "::1") Then

            Dim rootDirectory As New DirectoryInfo(_viewPath)

            Dim fshe As New FileSystemHierarchicalEnumerable()

            Dim fsi As FileSystemInfo
            For Each fsi In rootDirectory.GetFileSystemInfos()
                fshe.Add(New FileSystemHierarchyData(fsi))
            Next fsi
            Return fshe
            Throw New NotSupportedException( _
                "The FileSystemDataSource only " + _
                "presents data in an authenticated, localhost context.")
        End If
    End Function 'Select
End Class


このメソッドは SelectIHierarchicalEnumerable 現在のビューのデータ項目のコレクションを返します。 メソッドを GetEnumerator 呼び出してオブジェクトを IEnumerator 取得し、データ項目のコレクションを反復処理できます。

