
(CHN) Chinese vouchers (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

Click General ledger > Journals > Chinese vouchers.

Use this form to create Chinese vouchers, enter voucher details, and post and print the vouchers for payment transactions. For more information, see (CHN) About Chinese vouchers. This form is available only when you select the Chinese voucher system check box in the General ledger parameters form.

Task that uses this form

(CHN) Create, approve, and post a general journal

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





Validate the general journal. By validating, you verify that the journal lines that are selected are ready for posting.


Open a menu that contains the following items:

  • Post – Post the selected lines. If you receive an error message, no lines are posted.

  • Post and transfer – Post the selected lines that do not have errors, and transfer the lines that have errors to a new journal.


Open a menu that contains the following items:

  • Report as ready – Indicate that the selected journal is ready for approval.

  • Approve – Approve the selected journal.

  • Reject – Reject the selected journal.


This button is available only if the Active check box is selected in the Journal names form for the journal name that is used by the selected journal.


Print the Journal, Voucher, Balances, Cash report, and Posted transactions by journal reports that are relevant for the selected journal lines.

Header view

View header and header-related information for the journal voucher on the FastTabs.

Line view

View the header and line information together. You can expand the lines and line details tabs to see more information about the journal voucher lines.

Add address

Open the Address form, where you can add an address.

Other address

Open a form where you can select a different address.





Select one of the filter settings:

  • All – All transactions are displayed.

  • Open – Transactions that are not posted are displayed.

  • Posted – Posted transactions are displayed.

The default selection is Open.


Enter or select the name of the journal. The list contains only journal names of the relevant journal type. You can create and define journal names in the Journal names form.

Show user-created only

Select this check box to display only journals that you create. You might want to do this if you can post only to journals that you create. For more information, see 転記制限 (フォーム).

Journal batch number

The number of the current journal, which is assigned by following the voucher series that was set up in the Number sequences area of the General ledger parameters form.

Approval status

The approval status of the journal. For example, an Open status indicates that the journal is pending validation and approval. For more information, see (CHN) Approve a journal.


A selected check box indicates that the journal is posted.

In use

A selected check box indicates that the journal is currently in use.

General journal header

This tab is displayed only in the line view of the form.




The name for the journal. This name appears when you select a journal for posting.


Enter a description for the journal. The description from the Journal names form is the default value. You can modify this description.

Journal batch number

The ledger journal batch number.

Journal type

The journal type that was specified in the Journal names form. You cannot change this value.

Posting layer

The type of transactions that can be posted in this journal. The transaction type for the journal is copied from the Posting layer field in the Journal names form. The posting layer can be Current, Operations, or Tax. For more information, see 転記階層.

Detail level

Select one of the following options to indicate the summation level for the journal that you are posting:

  • Details – Select to post every instance of an account number on the journal lines as a separate account transaction.

  • Summary – Select to combine the journal lines into one transaction during posting if vouchers have the same date, account number, dimension, and currency code values, and if the Payment reference field is blank.

General journal lines

This grid is displayed only in the line view of the form.



Financial dimensions

Open a menu with options to open a form where you can select financial dimensions for the main account, the offset account, or, if it is necessary, a payment fee account.

Sales tax

Open the Sales tax transactions form, where you can view the calculated sales tax amounts for the selected transaction.

Period journal

Open a menu that contains the following items:

  • Retrieve journal – Retrieve journal voucher lines from period journals.

  • Save journal – Save the journal voucher lines that are in this journal as a period journal.


Open a menu that contains the following items:

  • Settlement – Edit and mark open transactions for settlement.

  • Breakdown of voucher – Split the posting and sales tax calculation of the selected vendor invoice line.

  • Deposit slip – Create a deposit slip when the journal has been posted.

  • Journal descriptions – Create default descriptions for the journal.

  • Delete the journal transactions – Delete all lines in the journal.

  • Load ledger transactions – Transfer selected ledger transactions into the current journal.

  • Select bridged transactions – View and manage the journal transactions that are posted to a bridging account.

  • Import account statement (transactions) – Select the method of import to import transactions.

  • Import account statement (totals) – Select the method of import to import totals.

  • Ledger accruals – Generate ledger accrual transactions from the setup of accrual schemes.

  • Select voucher template – Select a voucher template, and copy the information to the journal.

  • Save voucher template – Save the selected voucher as a template.

  • Transfer budget – Open the Create budget transfer form, where you can transfer a budget amount from one financial dimension value to another.

Fixed assets

Open a menu with the following items, which you can use to create various kinds of journal lines that have a status of Open for the following fixed asset transactions:

  • Retrieve fixed asset transactions – Create journal lines for fixed asset transactions.

  • Acquisition proposal – Create journal lines for a fixed asset or fixed asset group.

  • Depreciation proposal – Create journal lines for the periodic depreciation of eligible fixed assets.

  • Consumption depreciation – Create depreciation lines for fixed asset value models.

  • Revenue recognition of reserves – Create journal lines for recognizing revenue and dissolving reserves that were created when fixed assets were sold for a profit.

  • Extraordinary depreciation proposal – Create extraordinary depreciation lines for fixed asset value models or depreciation books that have an extraordinary depreciation profile.


Make various inquiries that depend on the posting status of the selected invoice line:

  • Before you post the line, click Balance control to view the balances of each bank account.

  • Before you post the line, click Sales tax totals to view the calculated sales tax totals per sales tax code.

  • After you post the line, click Voucher to view the resulting transactions.

  • Click View marked transactions to view transactions that are marked for settlement.

  • Click Payment control to view the payment lines in the selected payment journal.

  • Click Budget check errors or warnings to open the Budget check errors or warnings form, where you can view the result of a budget check.



(Balance) Journal

The balance for the journal.

(Balance) Per voucher

The balance for the selected voucher.

(Total debit) Journal

The total debit amount for the journal.

(Total debit) Per voucher

The debit amount for the selected voucher.

(Total credit) Journal

The total credit amount for the journal.

(Total credit) Per voucher

The credit amount for the selected journal line.

(Budget check results) Per voucher

Budget checking is available when budget control is turned on and accounting journals are enabled for budget control. The icons that are displayed identify the result of budget checking. A red X indicates that the budget check failed, a yellow triangle indicates that the budget check passed with warnings, and a green check mark indicates that the budget check passed. For more information, see 予算管理について.


Enter the posting date. The system date, which is typically today's date, is suggested, but you can select another date. When the date on a line has been changed, this date is suggested when a new line is created.

Voucher type

Select the voucher type for the transaction.


The voucher type must be set up by using the Voucher type setup wizard.

Chinese voucher

The number sequence attached to the voucher type generates the Chinese voucher number.


Enter the number of documents that are attached to the current journal line. These attachments include external documents and notes.

Account type

If you select Ledger, Customer, or Vendor, the transaction is posted to the account that is entered in the Account field. For example, when you enter a vendor payment and select Vendor in this field, you can select a vendor account in the Account field. During posting, a transaction is also entered automatically in the vendor summary ledger account, which is defined by the posting profile that is selected for the vendor.

  • Project – Select to post to a specific project.

  • Bank – Select if the transaction is a bank account transaction and will be reconciled later with a bank statement.

  • Fixed assets – Select to post to a specific fixed asset.


Select the account number of the account type that is selected in the Account type field.


Enter or select a description that applies to the transaction.


Enter the credit amount for the journal line in the voucher transaction currency.


Enter the credit amount for the journal line in the voucher transaction currency.

Offset account type

Select the account type of the offset account.

Offset account

Enter the account for the current offset account type.

Use a deposit slip

Select this check box to indicate that the transaction payment will be deposited in a bank account by using a deposit slip. For more information, see 預金伝票の作成.

Reversing entry

Select this check box to indicate that the current voucher transaction is a reversing entry. If this check box is selected, a default reversing date is provided for the first entry in the voucher. For more information, see 逆仕訳入力の作成.

Reversing date

Enter or select a default posting date for the reversing transactions in the selected journals.

Line details

This tab is displayed only in the line view of the form.






The voucher number for the ledger transaction.

Chinese voucher

The Chinese voucher number for the ledger transaction.


The transaction date.


Select this check box if the journal line is a transaction that will be transferred to the closing sheet.

Company accounts

The company accounts to which the journal line will be posted.

Account type

Select the type of account to which the transaction will be posted. The options are Ledger, Customer, Vendor, Project, Fixed assets, and Bank.


Select the account number for current account type.


Select the text that describes the transaction.

Sales tax group

Select the sales tax code if the account number is a sales tax account.

Item sales tax group

The item sales tax group for the journal line.

Sales tax code

Select the sales tax code for the sales tax group.

Sales tax direction

Select this check box to control the sales tax direction for the current journal line in the current voucher number by the setup of the Sales tax direction field in the Main accounts - chart of accounts: %1 form.

Sales tax amount

The calculated sales tax amount in the transaction currency.

Actual sales tax amount

The actual or updated sales tax amount for the journal line.

Reason code

Select the reason for the transaction. For more information, see 財務理由コードについて.

Reason comment

A brief description of the reason code, if one was selected. This is the default comment that was entered when the reason code was created in a reasons form.

Offset company accounts

If you are using intercompany accounting, enter the three-character code that defines the legal entity in which the journal line transaction will be offset.

Offset account type

Select the offset account type.

Offset account

Select the account number for the selected offset account type.

Offset-transaction text

If a description other than the description that is entered in the Description field should be used, select it here.


Enter the debit amount in the transaction currency.


Enter the credit amount in the transaction currency.


Select the currency that you are using if you are posting in a foreign currency.

Exchange rate

The currency exchange rate that applies to the transaction. It is the exchange rate between the transaction currency and the accounting currency. The currency rate is set up in the Currency exchange rates form.

Secondary exchange rate

The secondary exchange rate. For example, this might be the exchange rate for the reporting currency if your organization reports financial information in a currency other than the accounting currency.


Enter the number of units for the current transaction.

Reversing entry

Select this check box to reverse the transaction on a specified date for accruals. For more information, see 逆仕訳入力の作成.

Reversing date

Select the default date when the transaction should be reversed. This field is available only if the Reversing entry check box is selected.

Withholding tax group

Select an identification code for the withholding tax group. For more information, see 源泉徴収税の設定.

Release date

Enter a release date to put the transaction posting on hold. If you enter a date, the transaction will not be posted until the specified date. If you do not enter a date, the transaction is posted immediately.

Cross rate

The cross rate for the two exchange rates.

Calculation method

The basis for the calculation of the cross rate.


Posting profile

Select the posting profile for the transaction. The default entry is based on the setup for the selected account type. A posting profile must be specified with every update of, for example, a Vendor, Customer, or Fixed assets transaction.

Settlement type

The settlement type of the voucher. For more information, see 決済タイプについて.

Terms of payment

Select the terms of payment for the current transaction.


Select the invoice number that the transaction is attached to.

Due date

Select or enter a due date for the transaction.

Payment ID

Enter the payment identification code that is used when a payment is made. If a payment proposal is used, the payment ID from the invoice or credit note is the default value, but you can change the value.

Tax exempt number

Select the tax exempt number for the transaction.

Cash discount

Select the cash discount code that applies to the current transaction.

Cash discount date

Enter or select the date by which an invoice must be settled to obtain a cash discount. The cash discount is posted to the ledger account that is specified for the cash discount.

Cash discount amount

Enter the cash discount amount that is included in the transaction when the invoice is posted.


Enter the number or name of the document that is the basis of the transaction.

Document date

Enter or select a date for the document, such as a vendor invoice. The date determines the Due date and Cash discount date field values.

Approved by

Enter or select the worker who approved the transaction.


Select this check box if the transaction has been approved.

Invoice payment release date

Enter a release date to put the invoice payment on hold. If you enter a date, the payment will not be generated until that date. This field is available only if the invoice is approved.

To remove a payment hold, clear the entry in this field. Any user can clear the release date, regardless of which user entered it.

Release date comment

Enter a comment for the Invoice payment release date field.

List code

The list code for the selected invoice.


Method of payment

Enter a payment method that is used for the current transaction.

Payment specification

Select the payment specification, if any, for the current method of payment.

Prepayment journal voucher

Select this check box to indicate that the payment will be managed as a prepayment. For more information, see 前払と前払仕訳伝票について.


The balance for the transaction that is marked for settlement.

Cash discount amount

The cash discount amount that is included in the payment.

Bank transaction type

Select the bank transaction type that is used for the payment.

Payment reference

A reference to a specific payment.

Use a deposit slip

Select this check box to indicate that the payment will be made by a deposit slip.

Deposit slip

The deposit slip number for the payment, if the Use a deposit slip check box is selected.

Payment fee

Fee ID

The identification code of the payment fee.

Fee amount

The amount of the payment fee in the currency that is selected in the Currency field.


The currency code for the payment fee.

Sales tax group

Select a sales tax group for the payment fee.

Item sales tax group

Select an item sales tax group for the payment fee.


Select the module type. The options are Customer and Vendor.

Account type

Select the type of account to which the transaction will be posted. The options are Ledger, Customer, Vendor, Project, Fixed assets, and Bank.


Select the account number for the current account type.

Fixed assets

Transaction type

Update the type of transaction for the fixed asset. The options are Acquisition, Acquisition adjustment, Depreciation, Depreciation adjustment, Revaluation, Write up adjustment, Write down adjustment, Disposal - sale, Disposal - scrap, Provision for reserve, Transfer from reserve, and Extraordinary depreciation. For more information, see 固定資産トランザクション タイプ.

Value model

Update the value model for the fixed asset.


Remittance location

Select the name for the location where remittances are sent.


The mailing address that is printed on remittances and checks.


Reported as ready by

The user who reported the journal as ready.

Approved by

The user who approved the journal.

Rejected by

The user who rejected the journal.

Posted on

The final posting date in the journal.

Foreign company accounts

The foreign company account, or legal entity, in which the voucher has also been posted.

Foreign voucher

The voucher number in the other legal entity.

Transferred on

The transfer date for the transaction.

Transferred by

The name of the user who transferred the voucher.

Transferred to journal

The number of the journal that the transaction was transferred to.

Errors detected

The error messages for the voucher and the actions that were taken.


This tab is displayed only in the header view of the form.



Journal batch number

The ledger journal batch number of the transaction.


The journal name for the transaction. This name appears when the user selects a journal for posting.

Journal type

The journal type that was specified in the Journal names form. You cannot change this value.


Enter a short description of the journal. The description from the Journal names form is the default value.

Posting layer

The code that was entered at posting for Current, Operations, or Tax transactions.

Detail level

Select one of the following options to indicate the summation detail for the journal that you are posting:

  • Details – Select to post every instance of an account number on the journal lines as a separate account transaction.

  • Summary – Select to combine the journal lines into one transaction during posting if vouchers have the same date, account number, dimension, and currency code values, and if the Payment reference field is blank.

Delete lines after posting

Select this check box to delete journal lines after posting is completed.

Lines limit

Specify the maximum number of lines that can be posted in journals. If the number of lines in a journal exceeds this number, the lines are distributed into several smaller journals before the journals are posted. The number that is listed in the Lines limit field in the Journal names form is the default value. For more information, see 行の制限.

Reversing entry

Select this check box to indicate that the current voucher is a reversing entry. If this check box is selected, a default reversing date is provided for the first entry in the voucher. For more information, see 逆仕訳入力の作成.

Reversing date

Enter or select a default posting date for the reversing transactions in the selected journal.


This tab is displayed only in the header view of the form.



Account type

Update the account type that the transaction is posted to. The options are Ledger, Customer, Vendor, Project, Fixed assets, and Bank.

Offset account

Select the account number for the current offset account type.


Enter the number of the external documents, such as vendor invoices, that generated the voucher. This number is copied to the journal lines, where it can be associated with a document date.

Number allocation at posting

Select this check box to display the voucher number allocation in journals at the time of posting.

Amounts include sales tax

Select this check box to indicate that the amount that is entered in the journal line includes sales tax.


Select a unique identification code for the transaction currency. This code is used in the Currency field on the journal lines. If this field is left blank, the default currency is used for the journal lines.

Forced rate

Select this check box to use an exchange rate other than the rate that would generally be used according to the posting date for the selected currency code.

Exchange rate

The currency exchange rate that applies to the transaction. It indicates the exchange rate between the transaction currency and the accounting currency. The currency rate is set up in the Currency exchange rates form

Secondary exchange rate

The secondary exchange rate. For example, this can be the exchange rate for the reporting currency if your organization reports financial information in a currency other than the accounting currency.


This tab is displayed only in the header view of the form.



In use

A selected check box indicates that the journal is currently being used.


Select this check box to indicate that the selected journal is not public. If you select this check box, the Private for user field is completed with your user ID.

Used by user

The name of the user who is currently using the journal.

Private for user

The name of the user who selected the Private check box.

Locked by system

A selected check box indicates that the journal has been locked, and you cannot post in the journal.

Private for user group

Select the user group that will have exclusive access to the journal. Only the users in this group can access the journal.

Financial dimension

This tab is displayed only in the header view of the form.




Select a dimension value for a cost center.


Select a dimension value for a department.


Select a dimension value for an expense purpose.


This tab is displayed only in the header view of the form.



Approval status

The approval status of the journal. For example, an Open status indicates that the journal is pending for validation and approval. For more information, see (CHN) Approve a journal.

Reported as ready by

If the journal has been reported as ready, the name of the user who reported it.

Approved by

If the journal has been approved, the name of the user who approved it.

Rejected by

If the journal has been rejected, the name of the user who rejected it.

Workflow approval status

The workflow status for the journal:

  • None – Workflow approval is not used for the journal.

  • Draft – The journal has not been submitted, or the workflow approval was canceled.

  • Submitted – The user who created the journal has submitted it for approval. The journal cannot be changed.

  • In review – The workflow approval element is started, the approver delegated the approval to another approver, or the workflow is restarted after a change is made.

  • Change requested – The approver rejected the journal, and a task is assigned to the user who created the journal or to another user. Only the user who the task is assigned to can change the journal.

  • Approved – All steps in the workflow approval element are completed, and the journal is approved.

Intercompany accounting

For intercompany accounting, the legal entity that created the journal.

Original journal No.

The original journal number.


A selected check box indicates that the journal has been posted.

Posted on

The date when the current journal is posted, if applicable.


The messages that are generated when the journal is validated. After the errors are corrected, and a new validation runs successfully, the messages are deleted.

See also

仕訳伝票-一般仕訳帳 (フォーム)

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).