
Intrastat (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Click Organization administration > Periodic > Foreign trade > Intrastat.

Use this form to generate and report information about trade among European Union (EU) countries/regions. For statistical purposes, you do this monthly. Intrastat transactions contain information about the volume and amount of item movements from one country/region to another.


You can create transactions in the form manually and edit each transferred field. For information about Intrastat reporting, see your local Intrastat requirements.

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





View a list of Intrastat transactions.


View additional details for the selected Intrastat transaction.





Open a form where you can transfer transactions from the packing slip journal and the invoice journal into the form for reporting. In the query form, you can filter records that are included in the transfer. In the Foreign trade parameters form, you can set up conditions for the transfer.


The name of this button includes the country code for the country/region where the legal entity is located. This button is displayed only if the primary address of the legal entity is in an EU country/region.


Delete the selected Intrastat transactions when they have been reported and accepted by the authorities. If you accept the default query, all transactions in the form are deleted.


Open a form where you can validate transactions. In the query form, you can select parameters for the validation. The result is shown in the Infolog.

You can set up which fields should be validated by using the Check setup FastTab in the Intrastat area of the Foreign trade parameters form.

Error text

Display the errors for the line. The error icon is shown in the rightmost field of the line.


Open a menu that contains the following items:

  • Diskette – Generate an Intrastat declaration. The name of this control includes the country code for the legal entity’s primary address.

  • List – Print the Intrastat list. The name of this control includes the country code for the legal entity’s primary address.

  • Form – Print the Intrastat form. The name of this control includes the country code for the legal entity’s primary address.


Open a menu that contains the following items:

  • Minimum limit – Enter a specific commodity code for the selected transaction if the specified fields are under a threshold. The commodity code and threshold fields are defined in the Intrastat area of the Foreign trade parameters form.

  • Compress – Compress Intrastat transactions before printing. You can set up conditions for the compression in the Foreign trade parameters form.

  • Regenerate sequence numbers – Regenerate sequence numbers if editing has created gaps in the sequence numbers for the shipment batch. A shipment batch is the set of Intrastat transactions that is created with each transfer.

Intrastat archive

Open the Intrastat archive form, where you can get an overview of Belgian Intrastat ASCII files.


(BEL) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in Belgium.





The date for the inventory transaction.


Specify the direction of the transaction.

  • To declare your acquisitions or arrivals from member states, click Arrivals (import).

  • To declare your supplies or dispatches to member states, click Dispatches (export).


Select this check box to indicate that the transaction is a correction. It is then possible to report corrections to Intrastat transactions that have already been reported.

Item number

The item number for the transaction, if applicable.


The category for the transaction.


The item commodity code. For transaction lines for products, this is specified in the Released product details form. For transaction lines that are identified by a description, the commodity code is specified on the transaction line item.


Select the Nomenclature Générale des Produits (NGP) code.


(FRA) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in France.


The total net weight for the item in the transaction. For transaction lines for products, this value is calculated during the update of the journals. The calculation is based on the net weight that is indicated in the Released product details form. For transaction lines that are identified by a description, the unit weight is specified on the transaction line item.


The transaction amount, in the accounting currency. The amount is calculated by using the current exchange rate. The transaction value is based on the net amount on the order line.

Is valid

If this check box is selected, the transaction contains values in the fields that are selected on the Check setup FastTab in the Intrastat area of the Foreign trade parameters form.

Amount in transaction currency

The transaction amount in the transaction currency.


(ITA) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in Italy.

Shipment batch

The shipment batch number in Intrastat. The number is automatically generated from the number sequence that is defined in the Foreign trade parameters form.

Sequence number

The sequence number for the item transaction in the shipment batch. This is used, for example, when a sales order contains many items. When you manually create or edit transactions, avoid introducing gaps in the number sequence. If gaps are unintentionally created, use the Update > Regenerate sequence numbers option to correct them.


Select whether to identify the account number as a customer account or a vendor account during the transfer.

Account number

The customer or vendor account number.


The invoice number, if any, from which the current line originates.

Invoice date

The vendor invoice or customer invoice date.


(ITA) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in Italy.

Identification of the packing slip or product receipt

The packing slip or product receipt, if any, from which the current line originates.

Tax exempt number

The tax exempt number for extracting statistics.


If selected, the transaction line results from the Intrastat compression process. To compress Intrastat transactions, click Update > Compress.


The quantity of consignments.


The item net weight per unit, in kilograms. For transaction lines for products, the net weight is specified in the Released product details form. For transaction lines that are identified by a description, the unit weight is specified on the transaction line item.


The number of units in the transaction.


The weight for the transaction line, in kilograms.


The unique identifier of the country/region for the destination.


The state where the item originates from or is delivered to.


Specify the region for the delivery. In the United States, this is the county.

Country/region of origin

The unique identifier of the country/region of origin. For transaction lines for products, this is specified in the Released product details form. For transaction lines that are identified by a description, the country/region of origin is specified on the transaction line item.

State of origin

The state of origin for the current item. For transaction lines for products, this is specified in the Released product details form. For transaction lines that are identified by a description, the state of origin is specified on the transaction line item.

County of origin

The county of origin of the item or service. This is specified in the Released products form.


(ITA) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in Italy.

Charges percentage

The charges, as a percentage, on the net amount of the transaction.

Charges amount

The charges, as an amount, based on the net amount of the transaction multiplied by the charges percentage.

Statistical value

By default, this field displays the value from the Amount field. You can change this value to exclude any excise taxes. This field is available only when you select the Statistical value check box in the Foreign trade parameters form.


(FIN) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in Finland.

Transaction code

The transaction code for the Intrastat transaction.


The transportation method for the transaction.


The port where the delivery was loaded.

Statistics procedure

The code for the statistical procedure that is used with the transaction.

Direction code

The supplemental code for the direction.

Tariff number

This information must be included when generating a disk file.


This information must be included when generating a disk file.


If this check box is selected, the delivery was transported by container.

Delivery terms

The delivery terms for the transaction.

Mode of delivery

The mode of transport that is used to deliver the order.


(ITA) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in Italy.

Method of payment

The method of payment for the transaction.


(ITA) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in Italy.

Additional units

For some tariff numbers, several additional units must be reported. You do this by completing this field before reporting.


The month of the year.


(ITA) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in Italy.


The quarter used when completing official reports.


(ITA) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in Italy.

Correction year

The calendar year.


(ITA) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in Italy.

Original Intrastat record

The record number of the original Intrastat report for this transaction.


(ITA) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in Italy.

Customs code

The customs code for the corrective records.


(ITA) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in Italy.

Statement number

The statement number of the Intrastat report.


(ITA) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in Italy.

See also

About Intrastat

(FIN) Make diskette for Intrastat in Finnish layout (class form)

(FRA) Generate and export the DEB report in SAISUNIC 330 or INTRACOM format

(ITA) Generate, print, and export the Intrastat report

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).