
Settle open transactions - vendor (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Click General ledger > Journals > General journal. Click Lines. Enter a payment line for a vendor and then click Functions > Settlement.


Click Accounts payable > Journals > Payments > Payment journal. Click Lines. Enter a payment line and then click Functions > Settlement.


Click Accounts payable > Journals > Invoices > Invoice journal. Click Lines. Enter a payment line and then click Functions > Settlement.


Click Accounts payable > Journals > Promissory notes > Draw promissory note journal. Click Lines. Enter a payment line and then click Functions > Settlement.


Click Accounts payable > Journals > Promissory notes > Redraw promissory note journal. Click Lines. Enter a payment line and then click Functions > Settlement.


Click Accounts payable > Common > Vendors > All vendors. On the Action Pane, on the Invoice tab, click Settle open transactions.


Click Procurement and sourcing > Common > Vendors > All vendors. On the Action Pane, on the Invoice tab, click Settle open transactions.


Click Accounts payable > Common > Purchase orders > All purchase orders. On the Action Pane, on the Invoice tab, click Open transactions.


Click Procurement and sourcing > Common > Purchase orders > All purchase orders. On the Action Pane, on the Invoice tab, click Open transactions.

Use this form to view open vendor transactions and mark them for settlement. For example, you can settle payments with invoices. You can also use this form to settle a credit note with a vendor invoice. You might do this if you have already received an invoice and the items are returned. You could enter a credit note in the Purchase order form, and then settle it with the invoice. This helps make sure that you do not accidentally pay the invoice, and that the invoice amount is settled when the credit note is posted.


An icon in the Is marked field indicates that a transaction is already marked for settlement.

Discount amounts per line and the total discount amount for the vendor or invoice are displayed in both the payment currency and the currency of the legal entity that is associated with the vendor account.

If you open this form from a remittance journal, you must mark transaction lines until the invoice is fully settled. The balance must be zero.

Open transactions for the legal entity that are included in an organizational hierarchy for centralized payments, and that are associated with the selected vendor (the selected vendor, a vendor in another legal entity that is mapped to the same address book ID, or a vendor in an organizational hierarchy) are included in the form. For more information, see Set up centralized vendor payments.

If you are settling intercompany transactions but the legal entities are not included in an organizational hierarchy for centralized payments, this form displays transactions that are associated with the legal entity of the payment vendor. For example, if you are working in the DAT legal entity and you create a payment for a vendor account in the EXT legal entity, this form displays invoices from the EXT legal entity.

Tasks that use this form

Settle transactions with payments

Specify the cross rate

Reorganize transactions

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





View information about open vendor transactions and mark the transactions for settlement. Also view discount amounts for each transaction line, and the total discount amount granted by the vendor to this point.


View additional information about the open vendor transaction that is selected.


View details about the payment, promissory note, and amount for the open vendor transaction that is selected.


View the details if the transaction has been partially settled.


View or revise the name or mailing address for the location where payments are sent. This is the mailing address that is printed on remittances and checks.

Cash discount

View the discount date and amount, and the total transaction amount, if the transaction includes a cash discount.

Financial dimensions

View information about financial dimensions, such as the default dimensions and where the dimensions are used in account structures and advanced rule structures.

Withholding tax

View or change withholding tax information for the selected transaction.


This tab is available only if the vendor is set up to use withholding tax. For more information, see (Global, AUS, ITA) Set up withholding tax for a vendor.





Settle the marked transactions. When transactions are updated as settled, you can view and reverse the settlements in the Closed transaction editing form. For more information, see About cross-company payment settlements.


This control is available only when you open the form from the All vendors list page or the Vendors form.

Transaction reorganizing

Reorganize an open transaction. You can split a transaction into new transactions with new due dates, or you can select multiple open transactions and reorganize them into a single open transaction.


View information about the voucher, history, or specifications for the selected transaction.


This control is available only when you open the form from the All vendors list page or the Vendors form.

Mark payment

Designate the selected payment as the primary payment.


This control is available only when you open the form from the All vendors list page or the Vendors form.


View any payment holds that are associated with this vendor invoice.

For more information, see (FRA) Vendor invoice payment hold history (form) (Public sector).


This control is available only if all three of the following conditions are met:

  • The Public Sector configuration key is selected.

  • The French regulatory configuration subkey is selected.

  • The Use French public sector accounting rules check box in the Budget parameters form is selected.

In versions of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 prior to cumulative update 7, only the Public Sector configuration key must be selected, but the primary address of the legal entity must be in France.




Marked total

The balance of the transactions that are marked to be settled, minus the discount amount, in the currency of the legal entity that is associated with the vendor account.

Marked total in %1

The remaining amount to be settled, minus the discount amount, in the currency of the vendor, payment, or journal transaction.


The name of the field includes the currency code.

Vendor balance

The vendor balance in the currency of the legal entity that is associated with the vendor account.


This control is available only when you open the form from the All vendors list page or the Vendors form.


The amount that was transferred from the voucher or payment, in the currency of the legal entity that is associated with the vendor account.


This field is available only when you open the form from a Journal voucher form.

Transferred in %1

The payment amount that was transferred from the voucher, in the currency of the vendor, primary payment, or journal transaction.


This field is available only when you open the form from a Journal voucher form. The name of the field includes the currency code.

Estimated cash discount

The expected total discount amount in the accounting currency of the legal entity that is associated with the vendor account. If the Full settlement check box is selected for any of the marked lines, the estimated cash discount includes the full settlement discount amount.


(AUT, CHE, DEU) Full settlement functionality is available only if the Full settlement configuration key is selected, the primary address of the legal entity is in Austria, Germany, or Switzerland, and you open the form from a payment journal.

Estimated cash discount in %1

The expected total discount amount in the currency of the vendor, primary payment, or journal transaction.


The name of the field includes the currency code. If you open this form from the All vendors list page, the currency is taken from the vendor account. If you open this form from the All vendors list page and a primary payment is selected, the currency is taken from the payment. If you open the form from a journal form, the currency is taken from the journal transaction.

Settlement posting date

Select how to determine the settlement posting date, if the settlement of a transaction causes an exchange difference.

  • Latest date – Use the date of the most recent transaction involved in the settlement.

  • Today's date – Use today's date.

  • Selected date – Use the date that you specify. The date must be the same as, or later than, the date of the most recent transaction involved in the settlement. If you select this option, specify the posting date for the selected transactions.


This control is available only when you open the form from the All vendors list page or the Vendors form.

Date to use for calculating discounts

Select how to determine whether a discount should be calculated:

  • Transaction date – Use the transaction date of the payment or credit note.

  • Selected date – Use the date that you specify. If you select this option, specify the discount date for the selected transactions.


This control is available only when you open the form from a list page or a form that opens when you double-click a record on a list page.

Is marked

If an icon is shown, the transaction is marked for settlement.


This control is available only when you open the form from the All vendors list page or the Vendors form.

Primary payment

If an icon is shown, the transaction is the primary payment for an invoice.


This control is available only when you open the form from the All vendors list page or the Vendors form.


Select this check box to mark the transaction for settlement.

Full settlement

Select this check box to settle the invoice with this payment, even if the balance is not zero. The amount shown in the Marked total field for the invoice will be cleared when you close the form.

An icon is displayed instead of the check box if full settlement is not available for the selected invoice. This can occur if you are using centralized payments and the legal entity of the invoice does not have its primary address in Austria, Germany, or Switzerland.


(AUT, CHE, DEU) This field is available only if the Full settlement configuration key is selected, the primary address of the legal entity is in Austria, Germany, or Switzerland, and you open the form from a payment journal.

Use cash discount

View or select an option to use the cash discount after the discount date. You can see the amount minus the cash discount in the Amount to settle field. The options are as follows:

  • Normal – The cash discount is used only if the invoice is settled by the date that is defined for the cash discount.

  • Always – The last available cash discount is used if the invoice is settled after the cash discount date. If the invoice is settled by the date that is defined for the cash discount, the cash discount amount is the same as if you select Normal.

  • Never – No cash discount is applied, even if the invoice is settled on or before the discount date.

This field works with the Calculate cash discounts for partial payments and Calculate cash discounts for credit notes fields in the Accounts payable parameters form. If you select Normal in this field, the parameter fields apply to the settlement. If you select Always, the cash discount is always taken. If you select Never, the cash discount is never taken.


The voucher number for the transaction.


The vendor account that is associated with the transaction.

Company accounts

The legal entity that is associated with the vendor account for the transaction.


The posting date that is used in the ledger for the transaction. Typically, this is the date on the invoice from the vendor.

Due date

The date that payment is due.

Invoice payment hold

Select this check box to put the vendor invoice payment on hold.

For more information, see (FRA) Place or release vendor invoice payment holds (Public sector).


This control is available only if all three of the following conditions are met:

  • The Public Sector configuration key is selected.

  • The French regulatory configuration subkey is selected.

  • The Use French public sector accounting rules check box in the Budget parameters form is selected.

In versions of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 prior to cumulative update 7, only the Public Sector configuration key must be selected, but the primary address of the legal entity must be in France.

Reason code

If you selected the Invoice payment hold check box, select the code for the reason that the invoice payment was put on hold.

Reason codes are set up in the Reasons form. For more information, see Reasons (form).


This control is available only if all three of the following conditions are met:

  • The Public Sector configuration key is selected.

  • The French regulatory configuration subkey is selected.

  • The Use French public sector accounting rules check box in the Budget parameters form is selected.

In versions of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 prior to cumulative update 7, only the Public Sector configuration key must be selected, but the primary address of the legal entity must be in France.

Reason comment

A brief description of the reason code, if one was selected.

This is the default comment that was entered when the reason code was created in a reasons form. For more information, see Reasons (form).


This control is available only if all three of the following conditions are met:

  • The Public Sector configuration key is selected.

  • The French regulatory configuration subkey is selected.

  • The Use French public sector accounting rules check box in the Budget parameters form is selected.

In versions of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 prior to cumulative update 7, only the Public Sector configuration key must be selected, but the primary address of the legal entity must be in France.


The invoice number that the transaction is attached to.

Note ID

The unique identifier for the promissory note. The identifier is used when promissory notes are created.


This field is available only if you opened the form from a redraw promissory note journal, remittance journal, or settle promissory note journal.

Sequence number

Displays 1 for the first draw promissory note cycle and 2 for the first redraw promissory note cycle.

If you open this form from a journal and the Note ID field is blank, 0 is displayed in this field.


This field is available only if you opened the form from a redraw promissory note journal, remittance journal, or settle promissory note journal.


The status of the promissory note.

  • None – No promissory note has been drawn.

  • Drawn – A promissory note that is automatically drawn or an invoice that uses a promissory note method of payment has been posted in a draw promissory note journal.

  • Remitted – The promissory note document has been posted in a remittance journal.

  • Redrawn – A promissory note that was not honored by the bank has been redrawn in a redraw promissory note journal.

  • Honored – The promissory note has been settled. The settlement might occur before you receive confirmation from the bank.

  • Invoiced – An invoice that uses a promissory note method of payment has been posted.

  • Invoice remitted – The promissory note for an invoice that uses a promissory note method of payment has been drawn and posted.


This field is available only if you opened the form from a redraw promissory note journal, remittance journal, or settle promissory note journal.

Remittance number

A unique identifier for the bank remittance file.


This field is available only if you opened the form from a redraw promissory note journal, remittance journal, or settle promissory note journal.


The transaction amount in the transaction currency.


The currency code for the transaction.

Cross rate

The direct exchange rate between the payment and the invoice, if they are in different currencies and if a primary payment is selected.

Amount to settle

The amount of the settlement in the accounting currency.

For a partial payment, this amount should be the amount after the discount has been taken. For more information, see About partial vendor payments.

Amount to settle in %1

The amount of the settlement in the currency of the vendor, primary payment, or journal transaction.


The name of the field includes the currency code. This field is available only when you open the form from a Journal voucher form.

Vendor hold

The type of hold that applies to the vendor account:

  • No – The vendor has no holds. All types of transactions are permitted.

  • Invoice – No invoices can be posted for this vendor.

  • Payment – No payments can be posted for this vendor.

  • All – All transactions for this vendor are on hold.

Vendor hold release date

The date when the vendor hold ends. If the vendor hold does not have a release date, the hold lasts indefinitely.

Invoice payment release date

The date when the invoice payment is no longer on hold and is available to be generated. If the invoice does not have a payment release date, the payment can be generated at any time.

Payment group code

The payment group that this invoice belongs to.

This field is available only if the Activate invoice payment groups check box is selected in the Accounts payable parameters form.

Cash discount date

The date by which an invoice must be settled to obtain a cash discount. The cash discount is posted automatically to the ledger account that is specified for the cash discount.

Cash discount amount

The amount of the cash discount that is included in the vendor transaction when the invoice is posted.

Discount amount in %1

The amount of the cash discount in the currency of the payment.


The name of the field includes the currency code for the payment. This field is available only when you open the form from a payment Journal voucher form.

Cash discount taken

The total discount amount that has been taken for prior payments or credit notes.

Cash discount taken in %1

The total discount amount that has been taken for prior payments or credit notes, in the currency of the payment.


The name of the field includes the currency code for the payment. This field is available only when you open the form from a payment Journal voucher form.

Cash discount amount to take

The discount amount to take for the payment or credit note that is being settled with the selected invoice.

You can change the value in this field in the following situations:

  • The transaction is marked and the form is opened from a payment Journal voucher form.

  • The transaction is marked and Selected date is selected in the Date to use for calculating discounts field.

For more information, see About partial vendor payments.

If the Full settlement check box is selected for any of the marked lines, the default entry includes the full settlement discount amount.


(AUT, CHE, DEU) Full settlement functionality is available only if the Full settlement configuration key is selected, the primary address of the legal entity is in Austria, Germany, or Switzerland, and you open the form from a payment journal.

Cash discount amount to take in %1

The discount amount to take for the payment or credit note that is being settled with the selected invoice, in the currency of the payment.


The name of the field includes the currency code for the payment. This field is available only when you open the form from a payment Journal voucher form.

If the Full settlement check box is selected for any of the marked lines, the default entry includes the full settlement discount amount.


(AUT, CHE, DEU) Full settlement functionality is available only if the Full settlement configuration key is selected, the primary address of the legal entity is in Austria, Germany, or Switzerland, and you open the form from a payment journal.

Full settlement cash discount

The full settlement discount amount for the payment or credit note that is being settled with the selected invoice. This amount is calculated automatically based on the line that has the Full settlement check box marked, minus the amounts in the Cash discount amount and Cash discount taken fields.


(AUT, CHE, DEU) This field is available only if the Full settlement configuration key is selected, the primary address of the legal entity is in Austria, Germany, or Switzerland, and you open the form from a payment journal.

Full settlement cash discount in %1

The full settlement discount amount for the payment or credit note that is being settled with the selected invoice, in the currency of the payment. This amount is calculated automatically based on the line that has the Full settlement check box marked, minus the amounts in the Discount amount in %1 and Cash discount taken in %1 fields.


(AUT, CHE, DEU) This field is available only if the Full settlement configuration key is selected, the primary address of the legal entity is in Austria, Germany, or Switzerland, and you open the form from a payment journal.


The description for the current transaction. The description can be inserted automatically when invoices are posted, or you can enter it manually.

Alternative cash discount account

You can enter an alternative account for the cash discount that will override the default posting setup for the current line. For example, if a vendor lets you deduct a cash discount on payments made after the discount date, you can track this kind of cash discount deduction in a separate account.

Transaction type

The transaction type that is attached to the transaction when it is posted.


If this check box is selected, the current transaction is a reversing entry.

Posting profile

The posting profile that is used for the transaction.

Last foreign currency revaluation adjustment date

The date of the most recent foreign currency revaluation for the transaction.

Last foreign currency revaluation adjustment rate

The exchange rate that was used for the most recent foreign currency revaluation for the transaction.

Last foreign currency revaluation adjustment voucher

The voucher for the most recent foreign currency revaluation for the transaction.


If this check box is selected, the posted transaction has been approved.

Approved by

The user who approved the transaction.

Approved date

The date that the transaction was approved.


The number of the document, such as a check or promissory note, that the transaction is based on.

Document date

Enter or view the document date.

When you enter a vendor invoice, the date of the invoice is usually used as the posting date. If this is the case, both the due date and the cash discount date are calculated based on this date.

Tax invoice ID - purchase

Enter the tax invoice number for purchases.

Method of payment

The method of payment that was used for this transaction.

Payment specification

Enter a payment specification code, if one is required for the current method of payment.

Payment specification codes are used with automatic payment transfers and to select different levels of payment specifications. Payment specification codes are defined by banks. They must be included in each payment record in the payment transfer file to inform the bank of the level of payment specification for each payment.


You must contact your bank for information about how to use the various specification codes.

Payment reference

A reference to a specific payment.

Prepayment journal voucher

Select this control to specify that the payment is a prepayment that was made by using a prepayment journal voucher. For more information about prepayments and the prepayment journal vouchers, see About prepayments and prepayment journal vouchers.

Purpose text

The code that is used for reporting to the central bank.

Central bank purpose code

The description of the code that is displayed in the report to the central bank.

Original amount currency

The total amount of the original transaction in the transaction currency.

Original amount

The total transaction amount of the original transaction in the accounting currency.

Amount in transaction currency

The open amount of the transaction in the transaction currency.


The open amount of the transaction in the accounting currency.

Exchange rate adjustment amount

The amount of the foreign currency revaluation for the transaction.

Vendor bank account

The vendor bank account to disburse the payment to. You cannot change the account if an open transaction is fully paid.


This control is available only if the Public Sector configuration key is selected.

Settled amount in standard currency

The settled part of the amount in the accounting currency. This includes any foreign currency revaluations and penny differences.

Settled currency

The settled part of the amount in the currency that is displayed in the Currency field.

Last settlement voucher

The voucher number for the most recent settlement.

Last settlement voucher account number

The vendor account for the most recent settlement voucher.

Last settlement voucher company

The legal entity that is associated with the most recent settlement voucher.

Last settlement

The date of the most recent settlement.


If this check box is selected, the transaction can be settled automatically.

Settled federal 1099

The amount that has been paid for federal 1099 purposes.


(USA) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in the United States.

Settled state 1099

The amount that has been paid for state 1099 purposes.


(USA) This control is available only to legal entities whose primary address is in the United States.

Closed date

The date when the transaction was fully settled.


The new posting profile that is used when payment has been confirmed by the bank and the settlement can be considered closed.

Remittance location

Select the name for the location where remittances are sent.


The mailing address that is printed on remittances and checks.

Amount in transaction currency

The amount of the cash discount transaction in the transaction currency.

Financial dimensions

The financial dimensions that were set up in the Financial dimensions form.

Where the %1 dimension is used

The account structures and advanced rule structures that use the financial dimensions that you selected in the Financial dimensions or Default financial dimensions field group.


The name of the field depends on the selection in the Financial dimensions or Default financial dimensions field group.

See also

About cash discounts

About partial vendor payments

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).