
PollingStrategy<T,U> Interface

Type Parameters


the TypeReference of the response type from a polling call, or BinaryData if raw response body should be kept


the TypeReference of the final result object to deserialize into, or BinaryData if raw response body should be kept

public interface PollingStrategy<T,U>

Represents a known strategy for polling a long-running operation in Azure.

The methods in the polling strategy will be invoked from the PollerFlux<T,U>. The order of the invocations is:

  1. canPoll(Response<?> initialResponse) - exits if returns false
  2. onInitialResponse(Response<?> response, PollingContext<T> pollingContext, TypeReference<T> pollResponseType) - immediately after canPoll(Response<?> initialResponse) returns true
  3. poll(PollingContext<T> pollingContext, TypeReference<T> pollResponseType) - invoked after each polling interval, if the last polling response indicates an "In Progress" status. Returns a PollResponse<T> with the latest status
  4. getResult(PollingContext<T> pollingContext, TypeReference<U> resultType) - invoked when the last polling response indicates a "Successfully Completed" status. Returns the final result of the given type

If the user decides to cancel the AsyncPollResponse<T,U> or SyncPoller<T,U>, the cancel(PollingContext<T> pollingContext, PollResponse<T> initialResponse) method will be invoked. If the strategy doesn't support cancellation, an error will be returned.

Users are not expected to provide their own implementation of this interface. Built-in polling strategies in this library and other client libraries are often sufficient for handling polling in most long-running operations in Azure. When there are special scenarios, built-in polling strategies can be inherited and select methods can be overridden to accomplish the polling requirements, without writing an entire polling strategy from scratch.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract Mono<Boolean> canPoll(Response<?> initialResponse)

Checks if this strategy is able to handle polling for this long-running operation based on the information in the initial response.

default Mono<T> cancel(PollingContext<T> pollingContext, PollResponse<T> initialResponse)

Cancels the long-running operation if service supports cancellation.

abstract Mono<U> getResult(PollingContext<T> pollingContext, TypeReference<U> resultType)

Parses the response from the final GET call into the result type of the long-running operation.

abstract Mono<PollResponse<T>> onInitialResponse(Response<?> response, PollingContext<T> pollingContext, TypeReference<T> pollResponseType)

Parses the initial response into a LongRunningOperationStatus, and stores information useful for polling in the PollingContext<T>.

abstract Mono<PollResponse<T>> poll(PollingContext<T> pollingContext, TypeReference<T> pollResponseType)

Parses the response from the polling URL into a PollResponse<T>, and stores information useful for further polling and final response in the PollingContext<T>.

Method Details


public abstract Mono canPoll(Response initialResponse)

Checks if this strategy is able to handle polling for this long-running operation based on the information in the initial response.


initialResponse - the response from the initial method call to activate the long-running operation


true if this polling strategy can handle the initial response, false if not


public default Mono cancel(PollingContext pollingContext, PollResponse initialResponse)

Cancels the long-running operation if service supports cancellation. If service does not support cancellation then the implementer should return Mono.error with an error message indicating absence of cancellation. Implementing this method is optional - by default, cancellation will not be supported unless overridden.


pollingContext - the PollingContext<T> for the current polling operation, or null if the polling has started in a SyncPoller<T,U>
initialResponse - the response from the initial operation


a publisher emitting the cancellation response content


public abstract Mono getResult(PollingContext pollingContext, TypeReference resultType)

Parses the response from the final GET call into the result type of the long-running operation.


pollingContext - the PollingContext<T> for the current polling operation
resultType - the TypeReference<T> of the final result object to deserialize into, or BinaryData if raw response body should be kept.


a publisher emitting the final result


public abstract Mono> onInitialResponse(Response response, PollingContext pollingContext, TypeReference pollResponseType)

Parses the initial response into a LongRunningOperationStatus, and stores information useful for polling in the PollingContext<T>. If the result is anything other than IN_PROGRESS, the long-running operation will be terminated and none of the other methods will be invoked.


response - the response from the initial method call to activate the long-running operation
pollingContext - the PollingContext<T> for the current polling operation
pollResponseType - the TypeReference<T> of the response type from a polling call, or BinaryData if raw response body should be kept. This should match the generic parameter U.


a publisher emitting the poll response containing the status and the response content


public abstract Mono> poll(PollingContext pollingContext, TypeReference pollResponseType)

Parses the response from the polling URL into a PollResponse<T>, and stores information useful for further polling and final response in the PollingContext<T>. The result must have the LongRunningOperationStatus specified, and the entire polling response content as a BinaryData.


pollingContext - the PollingContext<T> for the current polling operation
pollResponseType - the TypeReference<T> of the response type from a polling call, or BinaryData if raw response body should be kept. This should match the generic parameter U.


a publisher emitting the poll response containing the status and the response content

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