
BatchOptions Class

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.microsoft.azure.eventhubs.BatchOptions

public final class BatchOptions

BatchOptions is used to create EventDataBatches.

If you're creating EventDataBatches with EventHubClient, then you can set a partitionKey and maxMessageSize using the .with() method. Alternatively, if you'd like the default settings, simply construct BatchOptions with the void constructor. Default settings: - partitionKey is null - maxMessageSize is the maximum allowed size

If you're creating EventDataBatches with PartitionSender, then you can only set a maxMessageSize using the .with() method. Alternatively, if you'd like the default settings, simply construct BatchOptions with the void constructor. Default settings: - maxMessageSize is the maximum allowed size - Note: if you set a partition key, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.

To construct either type of batch, create a BatchOptions object and pass it into the appropriate createBatch method. If using PartitionSender, then use (createBatch(BatchOptions options). If using EventHubClient, then use createBatch(BatchOptions options).

// Note: For all examples, 'client' is an instance of EventHubClient. The usage is the same for PartitionSender,
     however, you can NOT set a partition key when using PartitionSender

     // Create EventDataBatch with defaults
     EventDataBatch edb1 = client.createBatch();

     // Create EventDataBatch with custom partitionKey
     BatchOptions options = new BatchOptions().with( options -> options.partitionKey = "foo");
     EventDataBatch edb2 = client.createBatch(options);

     // Create EventDataBatch with custom partitionKey and maxMessageSize
     BatchOptions options = new BatchOptions().with ( options -> {
         options.partitionKey = "foo";
         options.maxMessageSize = 100 * 1024;
     EventDataBatch edb3 = client.createBatch(options);

Field Summary

Modifier and Type Field and Description
Integer maxMessageSize

The maximum size in bytes of EventDataBatch being constructed.

String partitionKey

The partitionKey to use for all EventDatas sent in the current EventDataBatch.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
BatchOptions with(Consumer<BatchOptions> builderFunction)

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object

Field Details


public Integer maxMessageSize

The maximum size in bytes of EventDataBatch being constructed. This value cannot exceed the maximum size supported by Event Hubs service. tryAdd(EventData eventData) API will use this value as the upper limit.


public String partitionKey

The partitionKey to use for all EventDatas sent in the current EventDataBatch. Setting a PartitionKey will deliver the EventData to a specific Event Hubs partition.

Constructor Details


public BatchOptions()

Method Details


public BatchOptions with(Consumer builderFunction)



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