Entity Documentation - minecraft:behavior.drink_potion

minecraft:behavior.drink_potion compels an entity to drink a potion as a reaction to an event or when set conditions are met.


Name Default Value Type Description
potions not set List A list of potions that this entity can drink.
priority not set Integer The higher the priority, the sooner this behavior will be executed as a goal.
speed_modifier 0.0 Decimal The movement speed modifier to apply to the entity while it is drinking a potion. A value of 0 represents no change in speed.

Potion Parameters

Each potion entry has the following parameters:

Name Default Value Type Description
chance 1.0 Decimal The percent chance (from 0.0 to 1.0) of this potion being selected when searching for a potion to use.
filters not set Minecraft Filter The filters to use when determining if this potion can be selected.
id -1 Integer The registry ID of the potion to use

Vanilla entities examples


"minecraft:behavior.drink_potion": {
        "priority": 1,
        "speed_modifier": -0.2,
        "potions": [
            "id": 7, // Short invisibility
            "chance": 1.0,
            "filters": {
              "all_of": [
                  "any_of": [
                    { "test": "hourly_clock_time", "operator": ">=", "value": 18000 },
                    { "test": "hourly_clock_time", "operator": "<", "value": 12000 }
                { "test": "is_visible", "subject": "self", "value": true },
                  "any_of": [
                    { "test": "is_avoiding_mobs", "subject": "self", "value": true },
                      "all_of": [
                        { "test": "has_component", "subject": "self", "value": "minecraft:angry" },
                        { "test": "is_family", "subject": "target", "operator": "!=", "value": "player" }
            "id": 8, // Long invisibility
            "chance": 1.0,
            "filters": {
              "all_of": [
                { "test": "hourly_clock_time", "operator": ">=", "value": 12000 },
                { "test": "hourly_clock_time", "operator": "<", "value": 18000 },
                { "test": "is_visible", "subject": "self", "value": true },
                  "any_of": [
                    { "test": "is_avoiding_mobs", "subject": "self", "value": true },
                    { "test": "has_component", "subject": "self", "value": "minecraft:angry" }

Vanilla entities using minecraft:behavior.drink_potion