
Sales Line Table

The program allows you to keep track of all your sales from the time quotes are created to the time the final order is shipped. You can set up invoices, and the inventory can be automatically updated in connection with the sale.

All the tables are related, and information in the fields is copied from one place in the program to another, so you need to enter information only once. In addition, you can change information on each header or line if you need to.

The sales header forms the basis for transactions involving sales and their registration. Whether you are creating a quote, a blanket order, an invoice, an order or a credit memo, you use the same sales header with the same information, although it will be displayed in different windows.

All the documents related to Sales & Receivables (Quotes, Blanket Orders, Orders, Invoices, Credit Memos, Posted Shipments, Posted Invoices and Posted Credit Memos) are composed of a sales header and a number of sales lines.

The sales header contains all the relevant information about the sell-to and bill-to customers, such as name, address, document number and date. It has four FastTabs: General, Invoicing, Shipping and Foreign Trade. These FastTabs contain information about the sell-to customer, bill-to customer, shipments and currency. The program retrieves most of this information automatically from the Customer table.

Sales lines contain information (such as item number, quantity and price) about the items you have on inventory. Amounts on the sales lines are in the source currency unless the field name indicates that the amount is in LCY. The source currency is the currency represented by the currency code on the sales header.

To create a new order, fill in the sales header and then set up the lines. The program will automatically copy any relevant information from the header to the sales lines.

After you have filled in the sales header and associated sales lines on a quote or blanket order, you can create an order by clicking Actions, Make Order.

After you have filled in the sales header and associated sales lines on an order, invoice or credit memo, you must post to create a shipment, invoice or credit memo.

List of Fields in the Table

Field Location
Per Contract Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
AED(GSI) Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Tax Base Amount Field, Sales Line Table Sales Tax
TCS Type Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
Total TDS/TCS Incl. SHE CESS Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
Service Tax eCess Amount Field, Sales Line Table Service Tax
Service Tax Group Field, Sales Line Table Service Tax
eCess Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Amount Including Tax Field, Sales Line Table Sales Tax
Inv Discount Fixed Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Temp TDS/TCS Base Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
Excise Base Variable Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Tax % Field, Sales Line Table Sales Tax
Amt. Incl. Service Tax (Intm) Field, Sales Line Table Service Tax
Bal. TDS/TCS Including SHECESS Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
Tax Amount Field, Sales Line Table Sales Tax
Custom eCess Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Service Tax SHE Cess Amount Field, Sales Line Table Service Tax
State Field, Sales Line Table Sales Tax
SHE Cess % on TDS/TCS Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
Include in VAT Transac. Rep. Field, Sales Line Table Italian Local Functionality Tables, Reports, Batch Jobs, and Windows
BCD Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Form No. Field, Sales Line Table Sales Tax
TDS/TCS % Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
Prepmt. CM Refers to Period Field, Sales Line Table Italian Local Functionality Tables, Reports, Batch Jobs, and Windows
VAT Type Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
Amount Added to Excise Base Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Excise Base Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Form Code Field, Sales Line Table Sales Tax
Amount Including Excise Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Free Supply Field, Sales Line Table Sales Tax
CVD Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Total UPIT Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
TCS Nature of Collection Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
Amount Added to Tax Base Field, Sales Line Table Sales Tax
eCESS on TDS/TCS Amount Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
ADET Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Service Tax Amount Field, Sales Line Table Service Tax
Capital Item Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Assessee Code Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
Concessional Code Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
CIF Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
SHE Cess Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Service Tax Base Field, Sales Line Table Service Tax
UPIT Rounding Inserted Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Service Tax Registration No. Field, Sales Line Table Service Tax
Standard Deduction Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Reverse Charge Field, Sales Line Table United Kingdom Local Functionality
Inv Discount Variable Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Process Carried Out Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
Surcharge Base Amount Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
TDS/TCS Amount Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
Abatement % Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Deductible % Field, Sales Line Table Italian Local Functionality Tables, Reports, Batch Jobs, and Windows
Claim Deferred Excise Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Surcharge Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Excise Effective Rate Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Reverse Charge Item Field, Sales Line Table United Kingdom Local Functionality
CESS Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Tot. Serv Tax Amount (Intm) Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
BED Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
SHE Cess on TDS/TCS Amount Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
eCESS % on TDS/TCS Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
Unit Price Incl. of Tax Field, Sales Line Table Excise
TDS/TCS Base Amount Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
Item Charge Entry Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
Custom SHECess Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
EC % Field, Sales Line Table Spain Local Functionality
Service Tariff No. Field, Sales Line Table Italian Local Functionality Tables, Reports, Batch Jobs, and Windows
Prepayment Deductible % Field, Sales Line Table Italian Local Functionality Tables, Reports, Batch Jobs, and Windows
PIT Structure Field, Sales Line Table Excise
NCCD Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Tax Base Variable Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Standard Deduction % Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Excise Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
MRP Field, Sales Line Table Excise
EC Difference Field, Sales Line Table Spain Local Functionality
ADE Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
S. Tax Base Amount (Intm) Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
Amount To Customer UPIT Field, Sales Line Table Excise
SED Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
MRP Price Field, Sales Line Table Excise
ADC VAT Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
AED(TTA) Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Pmt. Disc. Given Amount Field, Sales Line Table Spain Local Functionality
Assessable Value Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Amount To Customer Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
Refers to Period Field, Sales Line Table Italian Local Functionality Tables, Reports, Batch Jobs, and Windows
Return Rcpt Line No. Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
Direct Debit To PLA / RG Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Prepayment EC % Field, Sales Line Table Spain Local Functionality
Excise Accounting Type Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Excise Bus. Posting Group Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Qty. to be Re-Dispatched Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
Excise Prod. Posting Group Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Source Document Type Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
Surcharge % Field, Sales Line Table Excise
SAED Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Excise Base Quantity Field, Sales Line Table Excise
S. Tax Amount (Intm) Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
Price Inclusive of Tax Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Charges To Customer Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
Identification Mark Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
Return Re-Dispatch Rcpt. No. Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
Supplementary Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
S. Tax eCess Amount (Intm) Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
S. Tax SHE Cess Amount (Intm) Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
Source Document No. Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
Re-Dispatch Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
BOM Item No. Field, Sales Line Table Service Management
Prepmt. Pmt. Disc. Amount Field, Sales Line Table Belgium Local Functionality
Pmt. Discount Amount Field, Sales Line Table Belgium Local Functionality
Periodic Starting Date Field, Sales Line Table Sweden Local Functionality
Auto. Acc. Group Field, Sales Line Table Sweden Local Functionality
Periodic Template Code Field, Sales Line Table Sweden Local Functionality
IC Partner Code Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Description 2 Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Product Group Code Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Line Amount Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Allow Invoice Disc. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Shortcut Dimension 1 Code Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Net Weight Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Outstanding Qty. (Base) Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Attached to Line No. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Planned Delivery Date Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Qty. Shipped Not Invd. (Base) Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Qty. Assigned Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Return Qty. Received (Base) Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Cross-Reference Type Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Tax Liable Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Unit Price Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Responsibility Center Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Unit Cost Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Customer Disc. Group Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Prepayment VAT Difference Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Prepayment Tax Group Code Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Document No. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Allow Item Charge Assignment Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Quantity Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Qty. to Asm. to Order (Base) Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Return Qty. Rcd. Not Invd. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Customer Price Group Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Shipment Date Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Sell-to Customer No. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Prepmt. Amount Inv. (LCY) Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Reserved Quantity Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Job Contract Entry No. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Gross Weight Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Tax Group Code Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Shipping Time Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Quantity Shipped Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
VAT Calculation Type Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Qty. to Invoice (Base) Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Exit Point Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Nonstock Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Outstanding Quantity Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Shipping Agent Service Code Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Description Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Depr. until FA Posting Date Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Drop Shipment Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Line Discount % Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Cross-Reference Type No. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Prepmt. VAT Amount Inv. (LCY) Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Prepayment Tax Liable Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Posting Group Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Item Category Code Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Shortcut Dimension 2 Code Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Prepmt. Amt. Incl. VAT Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Gen. Prod. Posting Group Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Unit Volume Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Area Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Return Qty. to Receive (Base) Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Qty. to Invoice Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
VAT % Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Appl.-to Item Entry Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Gen. Bus. Posting Group Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
IC Partner Ref. Type Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Profit % Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Return Qty. Received Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Prepmt Amt to Deduct Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Bin Code Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Line No. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Document Type Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Purch. Order Line No. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Prepayment Tax Area Code Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Dimension Set ID Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Tax Area Code Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Prepayment Amount Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Return Receipt Line No. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Prepmt Amt Deducted Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Use Duplication List Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Completely Shipped Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
VAT Base Amount Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
System-Created Entry Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Transport Method Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
VAT Prod. Posting Group Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Originally Ordered No. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Qty. to Assemble to Order Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Inv. Disc. Amount to Invoice Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Return Receipt No. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Planned Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Prepayment VAT Identifier Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Work Type Code Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Originally Ordered Var. Code Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Amount Including VAT Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Prepmt. Amount Inv. Incl. VAT Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Transaction Specification Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Return Rcd. Not Invd. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Blanket Order No. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Job No. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Substitution Available Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Return Rcd. Not Invd. (LCY) Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Transaction Type Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Location Code Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
VAT Bus. Posting Group Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Unit Cost (LCY) Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Qty. per Unit of Measure Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Requested Delivery Date Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Prepmt. VAT Base Amt. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Quantity Invoiced Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Duplicate in Depreciation Book Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Out-of-Stock Substitution Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Type Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Prepmt VAT Diff. to Deduct Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Prepmt VAT Diff. Deducted Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Return Qty. to Receive Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Shipping Agent Code Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Appl.-from Item Entry Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Qty. Shipped (Base) Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Special Order Purch. Line No. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Shipment Line No. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Bill-to Customer No. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Outstanding Amount (LCY) Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Prepmt. VAT Calc. Type Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
IC Partner Reference Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Purchasing Code Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Line Discount Amount Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
ATO Whse. Outstd. Qty. (Base) Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Shipped Not Invoiced Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Whse. Outstanding Qty. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
VAT Identifier Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Reserve Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
FA Posting Date Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Return Reason Code Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Reserved Qty. (Base) Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Special Order Purchase No. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Depreciation Book Code Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Prepayment VAT % Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Unit of Measure Code Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Shipment No. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Blanket Order Line No. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Shipped Not Invoiced (LCY) Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Quantity (Base) Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
ATO Whse. Outstanding Qty. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Cross-Reference No. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Unit of Measure (Cross Ref.) Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Ret. Qty. Rcd. Not Invd.(Base) Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Prepayment Line Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Qty. to Ship (Base) Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Prepmt. Line Amount Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Units per Parcel Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Outbound Whse. Handling Time Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Qty. to Assign Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Amount Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
No. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Outstanding Amount Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Prepayment % Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Qty. Invoiced (Base) Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Allow Line Disc. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Inv. Discount Amount Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Planned Shipment Date Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Whse. Outstanding Qty. (Base) Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Unit of Measure Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Variant Code Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Prepmt. Amt. Inv. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Qty. Shipped Not Invoiced Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Promised Delivery Date Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Currency Code Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Job Task No. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Purchase Order No. Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
VAT Difference Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Account Code Field, Sales Line Table Denmark Local Functionality
Per Contract Field, Sales Line Table India Income Tax
AED(GSI) Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Tax Base Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Sales Tax
TCS Type Field, Sales Line Table India Income Tax
Total TDS/TCS Incl. SHE CESS Field, Sales Line Table India Income Tax
Service Tax eCess Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Service Tax
eCess Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Service Tax Group Field, Sales Line Table India Service Tax
Inv Discount Fixed Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Amount Including Tax Field, Sales Line Table India Sales Tax
Temp TDS/TCS Base Field, Sales Line Table India Income Tax
Excise Base Variable Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Tax % Field, Sales Line Table India Sales Tax
Tax Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Sales Tax
Bal. TDS/TCS Including SHECESS Field, Sales Line Table India Income Tax
State Field, Sales Line Table India Sales Tax
Custom eCess Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Service Tax SHE Cess Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Service Tax
SHE Cess % on TDS/TCS Field, Sales Line Table India Income Tax
BCD Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Form No. Field, Sales Line Table India Sales Tax
TDS/TCS % Field, Sales Line Table India Income Tax
VAT Type Field, Sales Line Table India Income Tax
Amount Added to Excise Base Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Excise Base Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Form Code Field, Sales Line Table India Sales Tax
Free Supply Field, Sales Line Table India Sales Tax
Amount Including Excise Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
CVD Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Amount Added to Tax Base Field, Sales Line Table India Sales Tax
Total UPIT Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
TCS Nature of Collection Field, Sales Line Table India Income Tax
eCESS on TDS/TCS Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Income Tax
ADET Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Service Tax Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Service Tax
Capital Item Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Assessee Code Field, Sales Line Table India Income Tax
Concessional Code Field, Sales Line Table India Income Tax
CIF Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
SHE Cess Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
UPIT Rounding Inserted Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Service Tax Base Field, Sales Line Table India Service Tax
Service Tax Registration No. Field, Sales Line Table India Service Tax
Standard Deduction Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Inv Discount Variable Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Surcharge Base Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Income Tax
TDS/TCS Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Income Tax
Abatement % Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Claim Deferred Excise Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Surcharge Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
CESS Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
BED Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
SHE Cess on TDS/TCS Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Income Tax
eCESS % on TDS/TCS Field, Sales Line Table India Income Tax
Unit Price Incl. of Tax Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
TDS/TCS Base Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Income Tax
Custom SHECess Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
PIT Structure Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
NCCD Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Tax Base Variable Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Standard Deduction % Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Excise Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
MRP Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
ADE Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Amount To Customer UPIT Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
SED Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
MRP Price Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
ADC VAT Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
AED(TTA) Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Assessable Value Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Direct Debit To PLA / RG Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Excise Accounting Type Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Excise Bus. Posting Group Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Excise Prod. Posting Group Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Surcharge % Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
SAED Amount Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Excise Base Quantity Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Price Inclusive of Tax Field, Sales Line Table India Excise
Amount To Customer Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
Source Document Type Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
Charges To Customer Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
Identification Mark Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
Supplementary Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
Source Document No. Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
Qty. to Ship Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Package Tracking No. Field, Sales Line Table United States Local Functionality
Prepmt. VAT Amount Deducted Field, Sales Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
WHT Product Posting Group Field, Sales Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Prepmt. VAT Base Deducted Field, Sales Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
WHT Business Posting Group Field, Sales Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
WHT Absorb Base Field, Sales Line Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Quote Variant Field, Sales Line Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Subtotal Gross Field, Sales Line Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Subtotal Net Field, Sales Line Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Type Field, Sales Line Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Level Field, Sales Line Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Classification Field, Sales Line Table Switzerland Local Functionality
VAT Code Field, Sales Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Title No. Field, Sales Line Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Account Code Field, Sales Line Table Norway Local Functionality
Position Field, Sales Line Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Account Code Field, Sales Line Table Denmark Local Functionality
Per Contract Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
AED(GSI) Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Tax Base Amount Field, Sales Line Table Sales Tax
TCS Type Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
Total TDS/TCS Incl. SHE CESS Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
eCess Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Inv Discount Fixed Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Temp TDS/TCS Base Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
Amount Including Tax Field, Sales Line Table Sales Tax
Excise Base Variable Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Service Tax eCess Amount Field, Sales Line Table Service Tax
Tax Percentage Field, Sales Line Table Sales Tax
Bal. TDS/TCS Including SHECESS Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
Service Tax Group Field, Sales Line Table Service Tax
Tax Amount Field, Sales Line Table Sales Tax
Effective Rate Field, Sales Line Table Excise
SHE CESS Percentage ON TDS/TCS Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
State Field, Sales Line Table Sales Tax
BCD Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
TDS/TCS Percentage Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
Form No. Field, Sales Line Table Sales Tax
VAT Type Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
Amount Added To Excise Base Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Excise Base Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Service Tax SHE Cess Amount Field, Sales Line Table Service Tax
Form Code Field, Sales Line Table Sales Tax
Amount Including Excise Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Free Supply Field, Sales Line Table Sales Tax
CVD Field, Sales Line Table Excise
TCS Nature of Collection Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
Total UPIT Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Amount Added To Tax Base Field, Sales Line Table Sales Tax
eCESS On TDS/TCS Amount Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
ADET Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Capital Item Field, Sales Line Table Excise
TDS/TCS Assessee Code Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
Concessional Code Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
CIF Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
SHE Cess Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
UPITRounding Inserted Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Standard Deduction Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Service Tax Field, Sales Line Table Service Tax
Inv Discount Variable Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Surcharge Base Amount Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
Service Tax Base Field, Sales Line Table Service Tax
Service Tax Registration No. Field, Sales Line Table Service Tax
TDS/TCS Amount Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
Abatement Percentage Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Claim Deferred Excise Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Surcharge Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
CESS Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
BED Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
SHE CESS ON TDS/TCS Amount Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
eCESS Percentage on TDS/TCS Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
TDS/TCS Base Amount Field, Sales Line Table Income Tax
Unit Price Incl. Of Tax Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Custom SHE Cess Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
PIT Structure Field, Sales Line Table Excise
NCCD Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Tax Base Variable Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Standard Deduction Percentage Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Excise Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
MRP Field, Sales Line Table Excise
ADE Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Amount To Customer UPIT Field, Sales Line Table Excise
SED Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
MRP Price Field, Sales Line Table Excise
ADC VAT Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
AED(TTA) Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Assessable Value Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Direct Debit to PLA/RG Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Excise Accounting Type Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Excise Bus. Posting Group Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Excise Prod. Posting Group Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Surcharge Percentage Field, Sales Line Table Excise
SAED Amount Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Excise Base Quantity Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Price Inclusive Of Tax Field, Sales Line Table Excise
Amount To Customer Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
Source Document Type Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
Charges To Customer Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
Identification Mark Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
Supplementary Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
Source Document No. Field, Sales Line Table India Local Functionality
Special Order Field, Sales Line Table Sales and Receivables
Account Code Field, Sales Line Table Denmark Local Functionality
Account Code Field, Sales Line Table Denmark Local Functionality

See Also


Sales Order
Sales Invoice
Sales Quote
Blanket Sales Order
Sales Line
Sales Header
Sales Journal

Other Resources

Sell Goods
About Posting Sales