
QueryProperties members

Represents the properties for a search query.

The QueryProperties type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method QueryProperties Initializes a new instance of the QueryProperties class.



  Name Description
Public property AlertInfo Obsolete. Gets or sets information about an alert.
Public property AuthenticationType Gets or sets the authentication type for the query.
Public property BlockDedupeMode 0: None, 1:SubstrateOnly, 2:All, 3:RemoveBlockIfTopResultIdDupe
Public property BypassResultTypes
Public property ClientType Name of a client which issued query.
Public property CorrelationId Gets or sets the identifier (ID) for a Unified Logging Service (ULS) entry.
Public property Culture Gets or sets the locale for the query.
Public property DesiredSnippetLength
Public property EnableInterleaving True if the ResultTables in the ResultTableCollection produced by executing this query should be interleaved. False otherwise. The default value is true.
Public property EnableNicknames Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the exact terms in the search query are used to find matches, or if nicknames are used as well.
Public property EnableOrderingHitHighlightedProperty Enable sort order for Hithighlighted property values
Public property EnablePhonetic Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the phonetic forms of the query terms are used to find matches.
Public property EnableQueryRules True if Query Rules are turned on for this query. False otherwise. The default value is true.
Public property EnableResultBlocksOnAllPages
Public property EnableResultBlocksOnRefinement
Public property EnableStemming Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether stemming is enabled.
Public property FarmId
Public property GenerateBlockRankLog Defaults to false
Public property Hint Gets or sets the suggested query processor behavior for the query.
Public property HitHighlightedMultivaluePropertyLimit Number of values to return
Public property HitHighlightedProperties Gets the list of hit-highlighted properties.
Public property Id A client generated identifier for the query. SearchExecutor.ExecuteQueries expect this property to be given a value and for ids of all Queries passed in a call to it to be different.
Public property IgnoreAllNoiseQuery Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the search query should execute if the query text contains only noise words.
Public property ImpressionID ID of the page impression.
Public property IntentQueryId
Public property IsUserAdmin True if query user is an administrator
Public property Item
Public property KeywordInclusion Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the query returns results that contain all or any of the specified search terms.
Public property Locale
Public property MaxRowLimit Maximum value for row limit
Public property MaxSnippetLength
Public property MaxTimeout Maximum value for query timeout
Public property MergeWithDefaultPartition Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the default search partition should be queried.
Public property OriginalQueryText
Public property PagingCookie Gets or sets a client-side state cookie that tracks the number of query results filtered out by security trimming.
Public property PartitionId Specifies the unique identifier (ID) of the index partition to use for this search query.
Public property PersonalizationData Gets or sets the unique identifier (ID) for the current user who submitted the search query.
Public property Priority
Public property ProcessBestBets The identifier of the the source to be used to run the query.
Public property ProcessPersonalFavorites True if personal favorites need to be returned.
Public property PropertiesContractVersion
Public property QueryTag Any custom tags to be used to identify the query. Multiple tags are separated by semicolons.
Public property QueryTemplate
Public property QueryTemplateParameters
Public property QueryText Gets or sets the text for the search query.
Public property RankingModelId Gets or sets the ranking model identifier (ID).
Public property ResultsProvider Gets or sets the search provider for the query.
Public property ResultsUrl Results page url of the query
Public property ResultTypes Gets or sets a value that specifies the search result type.
Public property RowLimit Gets or sets the maximum number of rows returned in the search results.
Public property RowsPerPage Gets or sets the number of search results to return per page.
Public property ShowPeopleNameSuggestions Whether to show name suggestions
Public property Sid Gets or sets the query’s security identifier (SID).
Public property SiteId Gets or sets the identifier (ID) for the site associated with the query.
Public property SourceId The identifier of the the source to be used to run the query.
Public property StartRow Gets or sets first row included in the search results.
Public property SummaryLength Gets or sets the length of the search result summary.
Public property Timeout Gets or sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, before the query request times out.
Public property TimeZoneID Gets or sets the identifier for the search query time zone.
Public property TotalRowsExactMinimum Used by SearchPagingWebPart to determine the minimum value required for rendering page links.
Public property TrimDuplicates Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether duplicate items should be removed from the search results.
Public property UILanguage
Public property UrlZone Gets the originating URL zone for the query request.
Public property WcfTimeout Gets or sets the amount of time before the query’s WCF operations time out.
Public property WebId
Public property WebTemplate Maximum value for query timeout



  Name Description
Public method Clone
Public method ContainsKey
Protected method EnsureInitialized()
Protected method EnsureInitialized(Boolean)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetEnumerator
Public method GetFormattedString
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Initialize
Protected method InternalClone
Public method IsSupported
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString Returns an XML-formatted representation of the object instance. (Overrides Object.ToString().)
Public method TryGetValue
Protected method ValidatePropertiesAfterDeserialization



  Name Description
Protected field _deserializing


Explicit interface implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IEnumerable.GetEnumerator
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IReadOnlyPropertyCollection.Item


See also


QueryProperties class

Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Query namespace