Referencing the ADO Libraries In a Visual Basic 6 Application
To import the ADO libraries into a Microsoft Visual Basic 6 application, you must set a reference in the Visual Basic project.
Create a new or open an existing Visual Basic project.
Click the Project menu item and then select References... from the drop-down menu panel.
From Available References, check the box for Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects n.n Library, where n.n represents the latest version number. The Location field below should identify your choice as $installDir\msado15.dll, where $installDir represents the path of the directory in which the ADO library has been installed.
If you intend to use ADO MD, repeat step 3 to select Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (Multi-dimensional) n.n Library. The Location field should identify this choice as $installDir\msadomd.dll.
If you intend to use ADOX, repeat step 3 to select Microsoft ADO Ext. n.n for DDL and Security. The Location field should identify this choice as $installDir\msadox.dll.
Click OK to finish setting the references.
Installing ADO also copies the following type libraries of earlier versions:
msado27.tlb, ADO 2.7 Type Library
msado26.tlb, ADO 2.6 Type Library
msado25.tlb, ADO 2.5 Type Library
msado21.tlb, ADO 2.1 Type Library
msado20.tlb, ADO 2.0 Type Library
If your application must use any of these ADO libraries for reasons of backward compatibility, you need to import the appropriate version of the type library. To do this, follow the procedures in the previous section, replacing msado15.dll by msadoXX.tlb, where XX represents the version number you need to import.