このスクリプトは、システム テーブルとレプリケーションのストアド プロシージャを使用して、ディストリビュータおよびパブリッシャのオブジェクトについての一般的な質問に回答します。このスクリプトはそのまま使用することもできますし、スクリプトをカスタマイズする雛形として使用することもできます。ユーザーの環境でこのスクリプトを実行するためには、以下の 2 つの修正を行う必要があります。
use AdventureWorks の行を、使用するパブリケーション データベース名に変更します。
exec sp_helparticle @publication='<PublicationName>' 行のコメント (--) を削除して、<PublicationName> をパブリケーション名に置き換えます。
--********** Execute at the Distributor in the master database **********--
use master
--Is the current server a Distributor?
--Is the distribution database installed?
--Are there other Publishers using this Distributor?
exec sp_get_distributor
--Is the current server a Distributor?
select is_distributor from sys.servers where name='repl_distributor' and data_source=@@servername
--Which databases on the Distributor are distribution databases?
select name from sys.databases where is_distributor = 1
--What are the Distributor and distribution database properties?
exec sp_helpdistributor
exec sp_helpdistributiondb
exec sp_helpdistpublisher
--********** Execute at the Publisher in the master database **********--
--Which databases are published for replication and what type of replication?
exec sp_helpreplicationdboption
--Which databases are published using snapshot replication or transactional replication?
select name as tran_published_db from sys.databases where is_published = 1
--Which databases are published using merge replication?
select name as merge_published_db from sys.databases where is_merge_published = 1
--What are the properties for Subscribers that subscribe to publications at this Publisher?
exec sp_helpsubscriberinfo
--********** Execute at the Publisher in the publication database **********--
use AdventureWorks
--What are the snapshot and transactional publications in this database?
exec sp_helppublication
--What are the articles in snapshot and transactional publications in this database?
--REMOVE COMMENTS FROM NEXT LINE AND REPLACE <PublicationName> with the name of a publication
--exec sp_helparticle @publication='<PublicationName>'
--What are the merge publications in this database?
exec sp_helpmergepublication
--What are the articles in merge publications in this database?
exec sp_helpmergearticle -- to return information on articles for a single publication, specify @publication='<PublicationName>'
--Which objects in the database are published?
select name as published_object, schema_id, is_published as is_tran_published, is_merge_published, is_schema_published
from sys.tables where is_published = 1 or is_merge_published = 1 or is_schema_published = 1
select name as published_object, schema_id, 0, 0, is_schema_published
from sys.procedures where is_schema_published = 1
select name as published_object, schema_id, 0, 0, is_schema_published
from sys.views where is_schema_published = 1
--Which columns are published in snapshot or transactional publications in this database?
select object_name(object_id) as tran_published_table, name as published_column from sys.columns where is_replicated = 1
--Which columns are published in merge publications in this database?
select object_name(object_id) as merge_published_table, name as published_column from sys.columns where is_merge_published = 1