
FPCLinkTranslationPatterns collection

Applies to: desktop apps only

The FPCLinkTranslationPatterns collection holds a set of pattern matching expressions that are defined for link translation in a Web publishing rule.

Each element in the FPCLinkTranslationPatterns collection is a string of either the form A*B or the form A. In the former case, the search pattern is <!--A*B-->, and in the latter case, the search pattern is <!--A-->.

Forefront TMG uses pattern matching to ensure that the public names remain in links when a message is forwarded or a reply is sent. Replies and forwarded Microsoft Outlook Web Access messages contain the following line:

<!--CURRENT FILE=="IE5" "WIN32" replyforwardnote-->

Forefront TMG uses pattern matching to determine if a line like this is present. When such a line is identified, link translation is not performed so that internal recipients will receive URLs with internal names. When the predefined pattern matching expression <!--CURRENT FILE==*replyforwardnote--> is used, Forefront TMG searches for a string that starts with <!--CURRENT FILE== and ends with replyforwardnote--> and does not contain < or > in between.

The FPCLinkTranslationPatterns collection is accessed through the LinkTranslationPatterns property of an FPCWebPublishingProperties object.

Ff825124.bkbutton(en-us,VS.85).png Click here to see the Forefront TMG object hierarchy.


The FPCLinkTranslationPatterns collection has these types of members:

  • Methods
  • Properties


The FPCLinkTranslationPatterns collection has these methods.

Method Description

Adds a new pattern matching expression to the collection.


Retrieves the requested pattern matching expression from the collection.


Reads the values of all the properties of the collection and its elements from persistent storage, discarding any changes that were not saved.


Removes the specified pattern matching expression from the collection.


Removes all of the pattern matching expressions from the collection.


Writes the current values of all the properties of the collection and its elements to persistent storage.



The FPCLinkTranslationPatterns collection has these properties.

Property Access type Description



Gets an enumerator object for the collection.



Gets the number of pattern matching expressions in the collection.


Interfaces for C++ Programming

This collection implements the IFPCLinkTranslationPatterns interface.


Minimum supported client

Windows Vista, None supported

Minimum supported server

Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 with SP2 (64-bit only)


Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) 2010



See also

COM Objects



Build date: 7/12/2010