
FreePropVariantArray (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function calls PropVariantClear on each of the PROPVARIANT structures in the rgvars array to make the value zero for each of the members of the array.

WINOLEAPI FreePropVariantArray(
  ULONG cVariants,


  • cVariants
    [in] Count of elements in the PROPVARIANT array (rgvars).
  • rgvars
    [in] Pointer to an initialized array of PROPVARIANT structures for which any deallocatable elements are to be freed. On exit, all zeroes are written to the PROPVARIANT structure (thus tagging them as VT_EMPTY).

Return Values

The following table shows the return values for this function.

Return Value Description
S_OK The variant types are recognized and all items that can be freed have been freed.
STG_E_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more PROPVARIANT structures has an unknown type.


FreePropVariantArray calls PropVariantClear on an array of PROPVARIANT structures to clear all the valid members. All valid PROPVARIANT structures are freed. If any of the PROPVARIANT structures contain illegal VT types, valid members are freed and the function returns STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER.

Passing NULL for rgvars is legal, and produces a return code of S_OK.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.0 and later.
Header: Oaidl.h.
Link Library: Oleaut32.lib.

See Also

Automation Functions | PropVariantClear | PROPVARIANT

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