

The OEM implements this function to initialize all hardware interfaces for the target device.

  void OEMInit (void);

Return Values



This function can register ISRs by calling the kernel function HookInterrupt.

The kernel calls OEMInit after it has performed minimal initialization. In this state, interrupts are disabled and the kernel is unable to handle exceptions. The only kernel service available to this function is HookInterrupt.

This routine can also set the following global variables:

  • fUseIterations
    You should set this flag to FALSE while using OEMEthGetSecs with Ethernet debugging running in interrupt-driven mode; otherwise, you should set it to TRUE.
  • MainMemoryEndAddress
    Indicates the end of dynamic RAM (DRAM). Note that this variable can only be set within OEMInit.
  • pQueryPerformanceCounter
    Points to the function QueryPerformanceCounter.
  • pQueryPerformanceFrequency
    Points to the function QueryPerformanceFrequency.
  • pReadRegistryFromOEM
    Points to the function ReadRegistryFromOEM.
  • pWriteRegistryToOEM
    Points to the function WriteRegistryToOEM.


Runs on Versions Defined in Include Link to
Windows CE OS 2.10 and later Nkintr.h    

See Also

HookInterrupt, InterruptInitialize, MainMemoryEndAddress, pQueryPerformanceCounter, pQueryPerformanceFrequency, pReadRegistryFromOEM, pWriteRegistryToOEM