

This function registers an interrupt service routine (ISR) with the kernel specifying a particular hardware interrupt indicated by its interrupt request line (IRQ) value.

  BOOL HookInterrupt (
int hwIntNumber,
FARPROC pfnHandler ); 


  • hwIntNumber
    The hardware interrupt line. Note that this value indicates the actual hardware IRQ value and not the logical interrupt identifier.
  • pfnHandler
    Pointer to the ISR that is to handle interrupts for the specified IRQ.

Return Values

TRUE indicates success; FALSE indicates failure.


This function is only called by the OEM in the OAL. OEMInit is typically used to initialize all ISRs.


Runs on Versions Defined in Include Link to
Windows CE OS 2.10 and later Nkintr.h    

See Also

OEMInit, UnhookInterrupt