

This function initializes the Ethernet debug subsystem.

  BOOL EdbgInit(void);

Return Values

TRUE indicates success. FALSE indicates failure.


This function should be called by the HAL to initialize the EDBG subsystem. As part of the process of EdbgInit, the kernel calls OEMEthInit to perform hardware initialization on the target device. EdbgInit must be called before any other EDBG functions are called or before kernel services are redirected to Ethernet using the SetKernelCommDev function. EdbgInit may be called very early in system initialization---for example, from OEMInit. Typically, EdbgInit is called as part of the process of OEMInitDebugSerial or OEMInit. EdbgInit should also be called in the resume-from-suspend processing in OEMPowerOff.


Runs on Versions Defined in Include Link to
Windows CE OS 2.10 and later halether.h    

See Also

OEMEthInit, OEMInit, OEMInitDebugSerial, OEMPowerOff, SetKernelCommDev