
File Systems and Data Store Catalog Items (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the File Systems and Data Store Catalog items in Platform Builder.

Catalog item name Sysgen variable Description
Compression SYSGEN_NKCOMPR An application programming interface (API) that compresses the data in the RAM and ROM file systems, as well as the database volumes. For more information about this Catalog item, see File Compression.
Database Support SYSGEN_FSDBASE An API that provides built-in CEDB database support. For more information about this Catalog item, see CEDB Database Support.
Bit-based SYSGEN_FSREPLBIT A feature that helps identify what changes have occurred in a database or RAM file system on the device and therefore must be replicated on the desktop. This model relies on four bits per object to replicate the data. For more information about this Catalog item, see Bit-Based Replication.
Count-based SYSGEN_FSREPLCOUNT A feature that helps identify what changes have occurred in a database or RAM file system on the device and therefore must be replicated on the desktop. This model relies on a DWORD value that contains a counter identifying when a change occurred. For more information about this Catalog item, see Count-Based Replication.
RAM and ROM File System SYSGEN_FSRAMROM A file system driver capable of reading data from the ROM file system and the RAM file system in the object store. For more information about this Catalog item, see Selecting the Internal File System for your Target Device.
ROM-only File System SYSGEN_FSROMONLY A file system driver capable of reading data from the ROM file system. For more information about this Catalog item, see Selecting the Internal File System for your Target Device.
Hive-based Registry SYSGEN_FSREGHIVE A registry system that stores data inside files, or hives, which can be kept on any file system. For more information about this Catalog item, see Hive-Based Registry.
RAM-based Registry SYSGEN_FSREGRAM A system that stores all registry data within the object store. For more information about this Catalog item, see RAM-Based Registry.
Storage Manager SYSGEN_STOREMGR The Storage Manager is responsible for all external storage items, such as file systems, file system filters, and partitioning. For more information about this Catalog item, see Storage Manager.
Binary Rom Image File System SYSGEN_BINFS A Catalog item that is used to load a portion of an OS image from persistent media into RAM for execution. This Catalog item uses demand paging to load additional modules as needed. For more information about this Catalog item, see Binary Rom Image File System (BinFS).
CD/UDFS File System SYSGEN_UDFS A file system driver that supports both Compact Disc File System (CDFS) and Universal Disc File System (UDFS) and reads compact discs (CDs), digital video discs (DVDs), and CD-ROMs. For more information about this Catalog item, see CD/UDFS File System.
EDB Database Engine SYSGEN_EDB An API that provides enhanced database functionality, including support for transactions, access by multiple users, multiple sort orders, key properties and databases. For more information about this Catalog item, see EDB Database Support.
FAT File System SYSGEN_FATFS A file system driver that supports the file allocation table (FAT) file system. For more information about this Catalog item, see FAT File System.
Partition Driver SYSGEN_MSPART A driver that interprets the partitions on a storage device for the Partition Manager. For more information about this Catalog item, see Partition Driver.
Storage Manager Control Panel Applet SYSGEN_STOREMGR_CPL A control panel application that allows a user to manipulate storage devices. For more information about this Catalog item, see Storage Manager.
Transaction-safe FAT File System (TFAT) SYSGEN_TFAT A transaction-safe FAT file system that ensures the file allocation table is not corrupted during power cycles. For more information about this Catalog item, see Transaction-Safe FAT File System.
System Password SYSGEN_FSPASSWORD An API that provides support for authentication on a device to prevent unauthorized access. For more information about this Catalog item, see File System Password Reference.

The following table shows the File Systems and Data Store Sysgen variables that are not included in the Catalog.

SYSGEN variable Description
SYSGEN_FSDMGR Sets SYSGEN_STOREMGR = 1. For more information, see Storage Manager.
SYSGEN_OEMFS Sample persistent registry and password driver.
SYSGEN_FATUTIL_NOUI Builds the Fatutil.dll file for a device with no graphical user interface (GUI) components.

See Also

File Systems and Data Store

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