
Terminology (Windows CE 5.0)

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Some of the terminology in Microsoft® Windows® CE 5.0 differs from terminology in previous versions of Windows CE.

The following list provides definitions for terms that are new and widely used in Windows CE 5.0:

  • Catalog item
    Any item that you can select from the Catalog.
  • design template
    A pre-defined selection of operating system (OS) components that Microsoft provides for a category of target devices. A design template is a starting point. When saved or modified, the design template becomes an OS design.
  • OS design
    A selection of Catalog items that defines the characteristics of an OS. You can begin an OS design with or without a design template. An OS design corresponds to a set of Sysgen variables.
  • run-time image
    Software to deploy on a target device, or the same software running on a target device. A run-time image contains the OS and associated software.

The following list provides definitions for other terms that are widely used in Windows CE 5.0:

  • board support package (BSP)
    Software that is specific to a hardware board. This software typically includes the boot loader, OEM adaptation layer (OAL), and board-specific device drivers.
  • Catalog
    A container of individually selectable units of Windows CE functionality.
  • component
    The smallest unit of functionality that you can add to an OS design.
  • configuration
    A selection of Catalog items and a selection of build options.
  • hardware platform
    A hardware architecture for running a Windows CE OS and associated software.
  • module
    An EXE or a DLL that is a part of a Windows CE OS.
  • project
    A tracking mechanism for a collection of files that you can use to build functionality into a Windows CE OS.
  • target device, Windows CE–based device
    An instance of a hardware architecture or an instance of a combined hardware and software architecture.
  • workspace
    A container for all files related to an OS design.

The following list provides definitions for terms that are sparingly used in Windows CE 5.0:

  • feature
    A comprehensive technology that Microsoft presents as a single entity.
  • platform
    A hardware and software architecture, on a target device, that results from downloading a run-time image to the target device.

The following list shows terms that are not used in Windows CE 5.0 but that were used in earlier versions of Windows CE:

  • anchored feature, unanchored feature
    Windows CE 5.0 refers to Catalog items that you select and Catalog items selected by a design template as user-specified Catalog items.
  • build release directory
    Windows CE 5.0 uses the term release directory. Previous releases of Windows CE use the terms build release directory and release directory synonymously.
  • custom configuration, platform configuration
    Windows CE 5.0 refers to a selection of Catalog items as an OS design, and refers to a selection of Catalog items and build options as a configuration.
  • development platform
    Windows CE 5.0 refers to a hardware architecture as a hardware platform, and refers to an instance of a hardware architecture as a target device.
  • OS image
    Windows CE 5.0 refers to a selection of Catalog items as an OS design, and refers to software to deploy or software already deployed on a target device as a run-time image.

See Also

Welcome to Windows CE 5.0 | Run-Time Image Development Process

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