
Platform Settings: General Tab (Windows CE 5.0)

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This tab includes the following items.

For more information on this dialog box, see Platform Settings Dialog Box.

  • Release directory
    Use to enter the location of %_FLATRELEASEDIR%, which is where the Make Image Binary Tool (Makeimg.exe) looks for files when it makes the new run-time image.

  • Build type
    Use to select a default configuration for your OS design.

    • A debug configuration contains full symbolic debugging information and is without optimization.
    • A release configuration is optimized for maximum speed and is built without full symbolic debugging information.

    By default, a debug configuration enables debugging and a release configuration disables debugging, but users can use the Enable Kernel Debugger check box on the Build Options tab to override the defaults.

  • Override
    Select if you want to use a %_WINCEROOT% other than the default Windows CE installation path.

  • Platform OS Build Tree (_WINCEROOT)
    Use to select or type the root directory where your OS design is located. This is available only if you selected Override.

  • File name for run-time image
    Use to select or type a default file name for the run-time image file.

See Also

Platform Settings | Modifying Platform Settings

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