

Sets the property that is specified by the parameter.


HRESULT SetProperty(  
// The property value:  
    uint dwProperty,    
// Not used:   
    IntPtr pvarIndex,    
// The value of the property:   
    out object pvarValue,    


The property value to set.

Not used.

The value of the property.

The values allowed for dwProperty are described in the following table.

Constant Value Meaning
SCRIPTPROP_INTEGERMODE 0x00003000 Forces the scripting engine to divide in integer mode instead of floating point mode. The default value is False.
SCRIPTPROP_STRINGCOMPAREINSTANCE 0x00003001 Allows the string compare function of the scripting engine to be replaced.
SCRIPTPROP_ABBREVIATE_GLOBALNAME_RESOLUTION 0x70000002 Informs the scripting engine that no other scripting engines exist to contribute to the global object.
SCRIPTPROP_INVOKEVERSIONING 0x00004000 Forces the JavaScript scripting engine to select a set of language features to be supported. The default set of language features supported by the JavaScript scripting engine is equivalent to the language feature set that appeared in version 5.7 of the JavaScript scripting engine.

Return Value

Returns one of the following values:

Return Value Meaning
S_OK Success.
E_INVALIDARG An argument is not valid.
E_UNEXPECTED The call was not expected (for example, the scripting engine has not yet been loaded or initialized).


To enable or disable integer division, invoke SetProperty and convert a Boolean to an Object. By default, the property value is False. If you set it to True, division operations will return only integers.

To enable or disable custom string comparison, invoke SetProperty and pass in an Object value. The object that you pass in must implement the interface IActiveScriptStringCompare Interface. The StrComp method of the IActiveScriptStringCompare Interface interface is called every time that a string compare function is executed.

To select the set of language features to be supported when the JavaScript scripting engine is initialized, invoke SetProperty and pass a value that corresponds to the language feature set to be enabled for SCRIPTPROP_INVOKEVERSIONING. If this property is set to 1 (SCRIPTLANGUAGEVERSION_5_7), the available language features are the same as those that appeared in version 5.7 of the JavaScript scripting engine. If it is set to 2 (SCRIPTLANGUAGEVERSION_5_8), the available language features are those that appeared in version 5.7 in addition to new features that were added in version 5.8. By default, this property is set to 0 (SCRIPTLANGUAGEVERSION_DEFAULT), which is equivalent to the language feature set that appeared in version 5.7, unless the host supports a different default behavior. For example, Internet Explorer 8 opts into the JavaScript language features that are supported by the version 5.8 JavaScript scripting engine by default when the default document mode for Internet Explorer 8 is "Internet Explorer 8 Standards" mode. Switching the Internet Explorer 8 document mode to Internet Explorer 7 Standards or Quirks mode resets the JavaScript scripting engine to support only the language feature set that existed in the version 5.7 JavaScript scripting engine.


SCRIPTPROP_INVOKEVERSIONING should be set only when the JavaScript scripting engine is being initialized.


The following example shows how to force the scripting engine to use integer division and how to allow overloading of the compare function.

BMLScriptEngine bmlScriptEngine = new BMLScriptEngine();  
IActiveScriptProperty scriptProperties = bmlScriptEngine as   
// Force the scripting engine to use integer division.  
Boolean enableIntegerDivision = true;  
Object vtIntegerDivInstance = (Object)enableIntegerDivision;  
    System.IntPtr.Zero, ref vtIntegerDivInstance);  
// Allow overloading of the compare function.  
BMLScriptStringCompare bmlScriptStringCompareInstance = new   
Object vtStrCmpInstance = (Object)bmlScriptStringCompareInstance;  
    System.IntPtr.Zero, ref vtStrCmpInstance);  

See also

Defining Document Compatibility
Version Information